Chapter 609 He Jingqing

Leaving with Yang Liuwei and his wife.

Hindfoot and Mu sat leisurely in the places they vacated.

Father and Jing Qing's cold eyes fell on him, but He Mu didn't seem to feel anything, and went straight to chatting with Lu Yuan, who was opposite him, about the recent research projects of the Academy of Sciences.

Lu Yuan, who has been immersed in the experiment all year round, has a slower perception of external emotions than He Yang, and has never noticed the changing atmosphere in the main room since He Mu came in, let alone why his eldest brother and sister-in-law suddenly ran away. Look at the kitchen.

He thought that his eldest brother and sister-in-law were really there to watch the progress of lunch, and he secretly sighed that his eldest brother and sister-in-law are really enthusiastic, and then started a heated discussion with He Mu.

When it comes to his major, Lu Yuan, who was originally a little restrained and silent, suddenly became eloquent and eloquent, with a little demeanor of his wife and Xi.

He chatted with He Mu as if no one else was around, because it involved a lot of professional knowledge, it was difficult for others to intervene, so that the only voices left in the room were two people.

Seeing this, Guo Xiling was angry and funny at the same time.

As a mother who single-handedly raised her youngest son, how could she not see that He Mu did it on purpose?
It was probably because He Mu found out about that incident, which made him very unhappy, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

So, without even saying hello after entering the room, he sat down on his own and talked to his brother-in-law.

Looking at the expressions of her husband and Jing Qing, they were already livid with choking, speechless.

He Jingqing, who has always said the same thing, has never been deflated except for their youngest son He Mu?

That is to say, He Mu can do it.

It was really his old father's nemesis.

In the main room at this time, there was a weird mix of quietness and excitement.

In addition to the lively conversation between He Mu and Lu Yuan, it seemed that a clear line had been drawn, and there was no sound.

Until Yang Liuwei and his wife came back to remind everyone that dinner is ready.

Changing from the main room to the restaurant, He Mu didn't say a word with his father and Jing Qing from the beginning to the end.

When he was seated in the restaurant, He Jingqing couldn't bear it anymore.

He took the initiative to call out: "The third child."

He Mu's expression was indifferent, and he couldn't see the slightest difference: "I'm here."

He Jingqing took a deep look at his youngest son, as if deliberately provoking the topic: "Last night, your uncle called me."

There was an instant silence at the table.

He Mu didn't seem to care about the topic his father wanted to bring up, and replied casually: "Really?"

There was no intention of continuing the topic at all.

He Jingqing's face darkened slightly.

But just at this time, the servants at home presented the dishes one after another.

With others around, He Jingqing couldn't say much, leaning against the back of the chair and holding back.

This also directly led to the depressing atmosphere in the restaurant. The three children sat at the end of the table, not even daring to breathe loudly. They curled up on the chairs like little quails, wishing they could curl themselves into a ball.

He Yang and Xi are more or less afraid of the majesty of the old father.

Only He Mu.

Only He Mu.

His eyebrows were still calm and calm, and he was interested in asking the servant aunt if the steamed turbot that was just served was made by the new chef.

Hejia didn't have the habit of asking servants to serve dishes. When the dishes were served, the servants stepped back, and only Hejia's family was left in the restaurant.

So He Jingqing doesn't have to worry too much.

He didn't even lift his chopsticks, and asked first: "Third son, I heard that Pei Yi'an returned to China, and the reception banquet will be held at your uncle's place?"

The Pei family has a good relationship with the He family, and Pei Yi'an can be regarded as the younger generation that He Jingqing grew up with.

He Mu: "Yes."

He Jingqing slowly stared at his youngest son: "Your uncle called and said that he happened to meet you, and there was another person."

He Mu lightly hummed: "I, do you still have Dai Dai? That's a coincidence."

The three children at the corner of the dining table gasped, their spirits shook, and they couldn't help wanting to eat melons.

Compared with them at a young age, their parents are much calmer.

However, he was a little too shocked by He Mu's attitude to speak.

He Jingqing's voice was tense: "So, you have nothing else to say?"

He Mu really thought about it for a moment.

Then: "If there is a chance, I will bring Dai Dai back to see you."

This sentence completely angered He Jingqing.

He slapped the table hard, as if even the ground shook three times with this momentum!
Except for He Mu and Guo Xiling, the mother and son who did not change their faces, the rest of the He family were more or less afraid.

Especially those three children, just now they were jumping up and down wanting to eat melons, but now they are shrinking back to quail again.

He Mu glanced at them: "Father is so angry, be careful not to frighten the child."

Children: No, uncle, please ignore!

He Jingqing was not easily taken out of the rhythm. When the old lion stared at the person closely, he was still full of oppression:
"He Mu, there must be a limit to absurdity."

He Mu lightly sighed.

He raised his eyelids indifferently, and met He Jingqing's imposing manner, without even trembling his eyelashes.

"So, father has nothing else to say?"

He actually threw back the question with Jingqing.

He Jingqing's breathing became heavy, probably because He Mu was really angry.

At this time, Guo Xiling, who had been keeping quiet all this time, stood up:

"Okay, let's have a good meal. What are you father and son making trouble here? The children are all watching! Also, the food is going to be cold, everyone should use their chopsticks first."

Said, first picked up a chopsticks.

The dining table, whose atmosphere was frozen to near freezing point, restarted the air flow.

Everyone picked up the chopsticks one after another. Although they ate with fear, they really started to eat.

He Mu ate some breakfast with Ming Dai again, and he wasn't hungry at the moment, so he took the chopsticks and randomly picked a few interesting dishes to taste.

Everyone has different thoughts about a meal.

After dinner, he and Jing Qing simply changed to the tea room, deliberately leaving the three children aside.

The children who were left behind were relieved and regretted that they could not eat melons.

"You said, if I go home and ask my dad about my uncle, will I be beaten?"

"Will do."

"Then you ask, Dad won't beat you."

The twin sister rolled her eyes at her brother.

The younger sister next to her will be even more excited:
"Is my uncle falling in love? Daidai... who is Daidai?"

"I seem to have heard."

"what? What?"

The elder sister glanced at her younger sister, always feeling that this kind of gossip should not be told to a pure and innocent junior high school girl.

The younger sister understood the older sister's eyes: "Sister, what age is it? Our classmates have broken up in three pairs this year! I'm not a kid who doesn't know anything!"

My sister was so helpless that she couldn't speak.

After a while, my sister still said: "I heard that my uncle's girlfriend is a star!"

My sister opened her eyes wide: "What?"

The elder brother said steadily: "Grandpa will not agree."

(End of this chapter)

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