Chapter 622 Different
When the subordinate reported this data, Su Fangyun really smiled.

"What did I say? Sincerity is the greatest nirvana!"

The subordinates agreed again and again, but they were still puzzled.

To be honest, few people in the entertainment industry deal with love scandals like Ming Dai.

This move is too dangerous, it is very likely to cause negative reactions, provoke ridicule from the public, affect Ming Dai's commercial value, and finally lead to a series of reactions such as the termination of the brand contract and the shelving of new films...etc.

But Ming Dai took a different approach, but she got the best result!It's even much, much better than the plans they had rehearsed!
"Because she is Ming Dai. Even though she is only 19 years old, her works have already laid a solid foundation for her. Even if the audience is disgusted with this scandal, Ming Dai can still rely on her strength to come out again and again. .So, look at your boss squarely and don't use conventional thinking to try to figure her out? Understand?"

What Su Fangyun and Feng Xiaoyu said, but the subordinates kept nodding their heads.

There is no doubt that Mingdai's height in their hearts has reached another level!
"Okay." Su Fangyun clapped his hands and focused everyone's attention, "Listen everyone, although the current public opinion is mainly positive feedback, it does not mean that our work is over, and we will communicate with the brand and film crew next. , and continue to observe the trend of public opinion... These things can't be left behind, and you can continue to work overtime at night. However, the overtime pay is three times today!"

A group of conscientious migrant workers originally heard the words "continue to work overtime", and they wailed quietly in their hearts.

Then, Su Fangyun said that overtime wages would be tripled.

Everyone cheers!

"Thank you, Mr. Su!"

I love working overtime!

Let me continue to work overtime!

Su Fangyun raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, you guys are busy, I have something else to deal with."

Su Fangyun was about to stand up and leave the conference room when the subordinates behind her stopped her.

"By the way, Mr. Su, do you want to continue to investigate the behind-the-scenes instigators?"

Su Fangyun's expression paused.

"Not yet."

Back in the office, Su Fangyun immediately called Ming Dai to inform her of the follow-up of the incident.

Although Mingdai can also see online comments and feedback, relatively speaking, it is definitely not as comprehensive as the professionals on Su Fangyun's side.

Su Fangyun was about to share the good news with Ming Dai, and by the way, he planned to ask about the behind-the-scenes instigation... huh?The phone is busy?
The person who is calling Ming Dai is Gu Qi.

And this is already the fifth call Gu Qi has made to her.

Of course, Gu Qi's own mobile phone number has already been blocked by Ming Dai.

But it doesn't matter, Gu Qi casually borrows an assistant secretary's mobile phone, and he can still call Ming Dai, anyway, he has Ming Dai's number here.

When the first phone call was made, Gu Qi opened his mouth and asked angrily, "Why did you make such a big scandal?" Before he finished speaking, Ming Dai hung up the phone without saying a word.

Gu Qi was so angry that he called the phone again, only to find that he was on the phone.

How could he not know that it was Ming Dai who blocked the number?
It's okay, he will call again on another mobile phone!
... Changed five times in a row, each time Ming Dai refused to answer first, and then blocked, probably because she treated all unfamiliar numbers equally, and did not give Gu Qi a chance to play.

Gu Qi's anger seemed to be stuck in his throat, it couldn't go up and down, tormenting him very much.

Gu Qi was so angry that he threw the phone out on the spot!
The study door was pushed open.

Gu Changming walked in.

The thrown cell phone flew past his ears, smashed into the corridor, and fell apart.

Gu Changming glanced back, the servant outside the door pounced on his mobile phone distressedly, but Gu Changming didn't care, and closed the door behind his back.


The cry was very indifferent, without the slightest admiration and respect from before.

However, Gu Qi, who was angry, couldn't notice these details. He was so angry with Ming Dai that he fired at his son at the same time:

"Look! This is the person you've tried so hard to get! She doesn't even answer the phone! How could such a ruthless thing be the blood of my Gu family? I don't recognize it! I definitely won't recognize it!"

Gu Changming sneered.

I thought, ruthless and ungrateful... Isn't that the label of the Gu family?
What's more, how can Ming Dai be truly ruthless?

Look in the mirror and see yourself as father.

However, Gu Changming has no intention of breaking up with Gu Qi for the time being.

He absent-mindedly comforted her: "Calm down, my sister must be in a state of desperation, we should think about how to help her."

Gu Qi didn't believe it at all: "I think she is very powerful! Where does she need our help?"

Gu Changming: "Then we should do nothing and continue to be strangers to her?"

Gu Qi glanced at his son, suppressed his anger, and snorted coldly.

"Then what are we going to do? You said let me think rationally about what this incident brought to our Gu family. I thought about it. That's why I went to that shit party with you yesterday. I leaned over to re-establish with her." Relationship. But what about her? When she saw us, she said she didn't know each other! It really is cold-blooded and ruthless! I don't think she can even compare to Gu Lingsi!"

Gu Changming sneered in his heart.

Baba leans over?Oh, isn't it condescending?
Thinking about it, Gu Changming was also very annoyed. He specially invited Gu Qi to increase his leverage for "returning to the family".

The results of it?When Gu Qi saw Ming Dai, he was as arrogant as looking at people with his chin, every word and every word was full of contempt and scrutiny towards Ming Dai.

Don't mean that Dai is going to turn his back on him, it's just that he really wanted to break up with Gu Qi at that time!

...No, no.

The Gu family has not been completely in his hands, and the company's crisis has not passed, Gu Qi is still useful.

——Gu Changming's thoughts changed.

And Gu Qi continued to scold Ming Dai, saying that she was greedy for vanity, fame and fortune to become a star in the entertainment industry, and that she didn't learn how to make boyfriends at a young age...

"Spread the news! Let my Gu family save face! She, a 19-year-old girl, actually found a 50-[-]-year-old man!"

Gu Qi roared loudly.

That is to say, the sound insulation of this study is good enough.

Gu Changming curled his lips when he heard that.

Isn't the future husband you Gu Qi found for Gu Lingsi earlier also an old man in his 50s or [-]s?
What did you say about the visitor?Oh, a man's career is the most important thing, age is second.

Now changing to Ming Dai is another theory?

And it was fake news!

Gu Changming's voice was cold: "Dai Dai has come out to respond and sent a photo of her boyfriend, a young man."

Just don't know the identity.Gu Changming frowned.

Gu Qi choked.

Instead, he continued to growl: "What's wrong with being young? What good can she find with that vision!"

(End of this chapter)

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