Chapter 624

The feasting dance floor was originally filled with loud and loud music.

So when He Hui said this, he deliberately turned up the volume presumptuously, thinking that he could take the opportunity to vent without being heard by anyone.

But, it just happened to be such a coincidence.

At the same time he stood up and shouted those words, the music on the dance floor stopped, the dark hall on the first floor lit up, and everyone fell silent...

Therefore, that roar of venting became especially clear.

In this clubhouse where the second and third generations gather, the word "He Mu" can be regarded as well-known.

Immediately, someone on the first and second floors searched for who dared to call out that awesome name in front of the public.

Still full name!

They probed around randomly, and soon noticed a person walking unhurriedly in the aisle at the door.

That man was truly imposing.

There is no imposing manner created by crowds of dozens of people. Behind him is only an assistant or secretary dressed in a typical elite in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses.

After all, his own existence is already eye-catching enough, with a myriad of sceneries as he walks, his own radiant aura attracts everyone's attention, and he involuntarily retreats and gets out of the way, letting the crowded dance floor separate a spacious path for him.

But the man was not surprised, his eyebrows and eyes were calm, and he was always quiet.

Only the cold arrogance standing on the clouds and looking down on the world makes people feel far away and dare not approach.

"Call me?"

Word by word, the words are not heavy but clear.

But there was an inexplicable depressing momentum, and the mountains and seas roared towards the booth in the middle.

He Hui looked at the person, his blood became cold and frozen, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"He, and Mu?"

He Hui's voice broke due to surprise and nervousness.

But he quickly realized something was wrong, nervously wiped the sweat on his pants, and stammered:

"No, no, I mean... Lao Jiu, why are you here? Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha."

He Mu is the third child among his own siblings, and the ninth child among his peers in the Dahe family.

When he was young, he was often called "He Jiu" by his relatives and friends.

Until later, he became famous and ascended to a position that many people dare not look up to, so the name "He Jiu" was rarely called, and only some close brothers and sisters of his family dared to call it that way.

He Hui is also one of the small group of people who can be called "He Jiu".

before today.

Now, in the tense atmosphere that might burst at any moment, Hehui's dry smile really didn't do anything to ease the atmosphere.

Look at the two friends who were traveling with him, they were so frightened that they were about to faint, they couldn't stand or sit, they just wanted to find a crack in the ground and escape from this embarrassing and frightening situation.

As for the young girls who accompanied them, they didn't know He Mu's identity, and they couldn't help but think that He Hui and Shao, who usually wish to walk sideways in the clubhouse, would have people who were in awe and fear. Excited and curious in his heart, he kept looking at Kazuki in the direction of Kazuki.

It wasn't just these girls who looked at them, those who were dancing on the dance floor, drinking and chatting in the booths, talking in the second floor boxes... Countless eyes fell on He Mu, making him seem like a member of the club tonight. sole focus.

But He Mu didn't care about all of this.

His eyes, like the moon and the breeze, fell on He Hui lightly.

The sight that rarely looks into people's eyes is looking at He Hui seriously, calmly and sharply, as if trying to sweep away every inch of his flesh and blood, see through his muddy and incompetent appearance, and see through his jealousy To the maddened dark heart.

It is a terrible thing to be observed wholeheartedly by Hemu. At the age of 16, Hemu has already been able to invisibly grasp the mentality and emotions of the people around him while talking and laughing, and guide things in the direction he wants.

Up to now, even if dealing with those old foxes who have been up and down for decades, He Mu will not get discouraged, but often makes them deflated.

It is definitely not a good experience for this attention to fall on He Hui.

On the contrary, for the first time, Hehui felt a sense of collapse as if all his thoughts had been seen through.

There is no privacy, no secrets, even the little dark thoughts in the corners are captured, spread out, and left to be judged by the public.

He Hui couldn't take it anymore.

"Old Ninth... Ninth Brother..."

He called out lazily, hoping that He and Mu would let him go in their friendship.

He Mu looked at him calmly.

"That thing, you did it."

With a calm and unwavering tone, He Muzao had already confirmed the fact.

He Hui also knew that the matter had been revealed, and under He Mu Fengrui's horrific scrutiny, he had already given up all sophistry and knelt down towards He Mu with a plop, kneeling firmly and unambiguously, and also kneeling around People were startled.

He Hui completely lost his usual gentle and youthful demeanor, and begged He Mu for mercy, crying bitterly:
"Ninth brother, you let me go, this time I'm really obsessed! I'm just upset that you rejected my cooperation request before, but I definitely don't mean to hurt you! You are a big shot, and my methods are against you. It can't cause any harm, so I just want to disgust you..."

He didn't hide anything at all, and He Hui made his vicious psychology very clear.

Anyway, he couldn't hide it from He Mu, so it's better to be honest, maybe he can ask for leniency.

Of course, it is impossible not to justify. Survival is a human instinct, let alone a weak person like He Hui:
"I really don't have any bad intentions! You can tell when you look at it. Even your front face is not exposed, and no one will know that it is yours! This matter only affects that woman, and it will definitely not have any harm to you. Too much impact! So I beg your ninth brother, just let me go this time..."

Hemu lowered his head and stared at Hehui's bug-like body.

He cried sincerely, in despair and pain, but Kazuki didn't feel it at all.

And He Ce, who was standing behind He Mu, sighed silently——

When He Ce heard He Hui yell "Only that woman is affected", he knew it was over and He Hui would not have any room for turning around.

Having been by He Mu's side for these years, He Ce thought he knew Mr. He well enough, but after Miss Mingdai appeared, he realized that those so-called understandings were not understandings at all.

Miss Ming Dai, an existence that is enough to make all the principles of Mr. He regress.

How dare He Hui describe Miss Ming Dai as an insignificant woman...

Isn't this courting death?
Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Mr. He behaved very calmly.

He Ce, who was actually the closest, found that Mr. He was on the verge of rage.

(End of this chapter)

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