The Dahe family can continue to pass on for many years, and the family style has always been rigorous.

He Hui's parents can be said to have contributed a lot to raising such an unreliable temperament of the second generation ancestor.

Of course, there are other reasons behind this, that is, He Hui, like He Mu, is the old man of his parents.

Why do people around me always like to compare He Hui with He Mu these years?

It is because both of them are old men, their ages are not much different, and He Hui's father is still the younger brother of He Mu's father and Jing Qing.

So they were naturally placed in a similar environment. Everyone looked at He Mushishi's excellence and perfection, and wondered why He Hui couldn't?
When others said this a lot, He Hui's mentality was naturally out of balance, and he completely hated He Mu.

On the contrary, his parents feel guilty about this and treat He Hui more and more, but they may also have similar complaints in their hearts, wondering why they were not the ones who gave birth to He Mu.

Under such a contradictory parental mentality, He Hui Neng grew up healthy and has ghosts. He has been sensitive and sharp since he was a child. He has to be strong in everything, but he has limited talent and often makes jokes.

Don't look at the people around shouting He Shao one by one, in fact they laughed at him behind his back a lot, and He Hui himself knew it.

That's why he concentrated all his grievances and spearheads on He Mu and made such a fuss.

And He Hui's parents, who had heard the whole story, couldn't say anything to complain about He Mu.

Hehui's mother blamed softly: "Xiaohui is the same, he can solve his own family affairs, how can he make a fuss in front of the media?"

He Hui's father sighed a long time: "Brother must have known about this, I haven't figured out how to explain it to him yet."

Hehui's mother glanced at her terrified husband, not surprised.

Eldest brother and Jing Qing have accumulated prestige in the He family for a long time, younger brothers like my own husband, who grew up under the elder brother's hands, are in awe of the elder brother almost to the bone marrow, and when they think of confronting the elder brother because of this matter, their legs tremble.

He Hui's mother had no choice but to persuade: "Talk to Lao Jiu about this matter first, as long as he decides to let He Hui go, Big Brother will be able to explain it to him."

Hehui's father found a clue in a panic: "You're right!" After a pause, he was a little awkward when he took out his phone, "But...forget about Xiaohui being beaten? Xiaohui is still lying in the hospital Now, the doctor said it was a concussion, and with the injury on the face, it will probably take a few months to heal!"

He Hui's mother rolled her eyes.

Distressed, but she is more aware of the follow-up troubles.

"Otherwise? You want to settle accounts with your nephew? The question is, do you dare? That's fine, that's fine, Xiao Hui has been a little too noisy recently, and it doesn't matter if he's in the hospital, stop and stop, lest he go out and cause trouble for me."

"...You are right."

He Hui's father was not only afraid of his elder brother, but also his little nephew.

Settle accounts with Mu?In any case, I dare not.

Unable to help sighing again, He Hui's father finally took out his cell phone and called He Mu.

He thought that since his second uncle called himself, He Mu would have to save some face no matter what.

Unexpectedly, He Mu didn't answer the phone at all, it was his secretary He Ce who answered the phone!
He Ce's attitude was respectful, but when He Hui's father asked about He Mu, he kept his mouth shut. He only said that Mr. He had something to deal with and that he didn't have his phone with him now.

He Hui's father can be regarded as a party figure outside, how could he be stumped by a small secretary?It caught fire immediately.

But He Ce, who has been by He Mu's side for so many years, will not be easily frightened. A few soft-tops pushed He Hui's father back, and soon hung up the phone.

He Hui's father was so angry that he felt aggrieved, so in the end he could only tremblingly call his elder brother, begging him to come forward to deal with this matter.

It's a bit late, and Jing Qing didn't sleep, obviously he was waiting for this call.

"Come home now."

"Why doesn't Secretary He come in?"

Ming Dai passed He Mu's side and saw He Ce standing beside the car in the yard with a polite smile, she was a little curious.

He Mu put his arm around her shoulder: "There is something he needs to deal with."

Immediately afterwards, Ming Dai heard He Ce pick up the phone, not knowing what to say.

Is it her illusion?Why do you feel that the phone held by He Ce looks like He Mu's?

Well, it’s okay, most mobile phones are similar these days.

Ming Dai didn't think much, and entered the room with He Mu.

The door was closed, and there were only two people in the small world of the villa.

In fact, from yesterday's fashion event to today's exposure of the relationship... the whole process is only a short day, but to Ming Dai, it feels like a long, long time has passed, as long as a century.

Mingdai was held in Hemu's arms, feeling his palm gently stroking the hair, from the root to the end, a slight itchy scalp, but she couldn't help but squint comfortably. Eye.

"What a magnificent day."

Ming Dai's voice is full of sleepiness.

He Mu's hand stroking Ming Dai's hair paused:

Ming Dai smiled and shook her head.

"It actually feels quite relaxing, like a stone has been lifted from my shoulders."

Concealing or not concealing this relationship will bring pressure to Ming Dai.

It can only be said that there is no absolute best of both worlds.

Moreover, Ming Dai also considered another problem.

She raised her thick eyelashes, and the stars in her eyes were shattered, showing worry:

"The news is so big, your parents should know about it, right?"

No matter how blurred He Mu's figure was in the photos sent out for the publicity of their relationship, people who knew him would definitely recognize him, not to mention He Mu's biological parents.

She has met Mu's mother, she is an elegant lady, she seems to have a good impression of her, but Ming Dai dare not say that she has 100% confidence.

As for He Mu's father...Ming Dai heard Xia Ling mention a few words, and she was more cautious than mentioning He Mu, and Ming Dai was probably not a kind and good-tempered person, so Ming Dai inevitably felt pressured about it.

As she said that, Ming Dai couldn't help feeling a little guilty:
"I'm sorry, it's because my career brings too much attention that it hurts you."

Although she told Mu that the person behind this matter should be targeting him, Ming Dai still feels that her celebrity status is indispensable for this publicity.

He Mu slightly lowered his body and asked with a smile:

"Then will you give up this career for me?"

"of course not!"

Ming Dai answered almost reflexively.

After she finished speaking, she was a little embarrassing again. She felt that what she said was too straightforward, and she didn't even have time to worry about it. She should be more tactful.

She quietly observed He Mu's expression to see if he would be angry.

Unexpectedly, He Mu smiled more warmly, and his brows and eyes softened.

"I know too, you won't."

The tone is very firm.

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