This waited until ten o'clock in the evening.

After He Mu had dinner with Ming Dai, they nestled on the sofa and watched TV for a while.

When the clock on the wall pointed to ten, Ming Dai finally felt sleepy and couldn't help yawning.

Only then did He Mu stand up and say that he wanted to leave.

"Don't sit still?"

Ming Dai, who was slumped on the sofa like a boneless one, quickly turned over and sat up when she heard these words, her drowsiness was also swept away, and she looked forward to He Mu and couldn't bear him to leave.

He Mu almost couldn't help but agree.

But he remembered that there were still people waiting in the old house.

"I have something to attend to."

He Mu spoke vaguely.

Ming Dai was very surprised, she thought He Mu was fine...

So he quickly got up to see him off, and said as he walked, "Then why didn't you say it earlier? I'm just watching TV here, and it's nothing serious. You should go to your own business."

He Mu didn't say that the busyness was related to the two of them, so he smiled and said nothing.

Ming Dai thought she understood: "Ah, is it a transnational meeting, and the other party is from a foreign time?"

He Mu nodded: "That's right."

Ming Dai was very happy when she guessed right, she walked He Mu all the way to the door, watched him get in the car and leave before entering the house.

As for He Mu who waved goodbye to Ming Dai in the car window, when the car drove out and Ming Dai disappeared, the smile on his face also disappeared.

"Go to the old house." He ordered.

The driver responded in a low voice.

He Ce, the co-pilot, handed over his mobile phone at the right time.

"Twelve calls from the old house."

He Mu picked up the phone, just to read the message Ming Dai sent him, it has nothing to do with the people in the old house.

He casually asked, "Where's father?"

He Ce replied cautiously: "Only the one before dinner."

He and Mu eye tail slightly twitched, not surprised by his father's demeanor.

It was nearly midnight when we arrived at the old house of Hejia.

A thick and dark color enveloped the mansion built by the mountain. Until the arrival of He Mu, the lights started to be lit all the way from the foot of the mountain, starting along the gate, and the lights continued to rise. In an instant, the dark house was also brightly lit and radiant.

Stepping on the light that greeted him along the way, He Mu came to the main room unimpeded under the guidance of the servant.

Although it was late at night, there were quite a few people sitting in the hall.

On the single sofa, father and Jing Qing were reading a book with glasses on, their postures were relaxed and relaxed, as if they were at home on weekdays, and they didn't intend to put on a fight to interrogate anyone at all.

His mother, Guo Xiling, was not there, so he asked the servant on the way with Mu Lai, and learned that the mother who loves health preservation had already gone back to her room to rest, and no one could break the rule that she fell asleep no later than ten o'clock.

Besides, He Hui's parents and two elder brothers are all there, only He Hui is still lying on the hospital bed.

He Hui is old, but before him, He Hui's parents, He Mu's second uncle, already had two sons.

They all grew up according to the normal upbringing rules of the juniors of the He family. They are younger than Brother He Mu and He Yang, but they are still in their early forties. They have achieved good results and are top experts in their respective fields.

Compared with He Hui, these two couldn't be more normal. Seeing He Mu enter the door, the first reaction was to stand up and greet him with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Lao Jiu, He Hui really caused you trouble this time."

"That's right, He Hui deserved to be in the hospital, he's just too reckless, he should have cleaned up a long time ago!"

It can be seen that He Hui's two elder brothers are actually quite resentful towards this younger brother.

Not all brothers and sisters are obliged to raise their little brothers and sisters as children.

Especially after witnessing the unconditional partiality and spoiling of parents, compared with my own growth experience, there is no regret and jealousy, so how can I like that younger brother and sister?

This is the case with Hehui's two elder brothers. They have long been disgusted with their parents' excessive indulgence to Hehui. Over the years, Hehui has caused many incidents, and their parents have settled them with the power of the family.

But the two elder brothers felt that it was not a long-term solution, and kept persuading their parents to restrain He Hui, but their parents did not listen.

This is a good time, it's all on my brother's head!shame!

Therefore, the two elder brothers He Hui also apologized to He Mu from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, they have always had a good relationship with He Mu all these years, and they admire him as a man, and they are completely on He Mu's side. They don't think there is any problem with He Mu beating He Hui, they just applaud and shout "Beat him well!" alright.

Over there, He Hui's father looked at the eldest son and the second son with a bit of complaint.

Although he didn't expect the two sons to intercede with their younger brother, isn't it a bit too much to agree with Affirmation and Mu's behavior?
It's a pity that the lingering dissatisfaction in the hearts of Hehui's father and Uncle Mu disappeared in an instant the moment they met Shanghe Mu's gaze, and he just nodded apologetically.

He Mu smiled and didn't answer this question.

"The second uncle and the second aunt are here." Nodding, he greeted He Jingqing, "Father, I'm back."

Only then did He Jingqing slowly raise his head from the pages of the book: "You are late, it is not usually late."

I sat in this old house with my second uncle's family for almost five or six hours, and I didn't even know how many cups of tea I drank!
But Kanhe Mu didn't show the slightest bit of guilt: "I have something important to deal with."

He and his second aunt nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, Lao Jiu is busy with work on weekdays. With such a huge business, where can he come when he says it? On the contrary, we are bothering you. Brother, don't blame Lao Jiu."

After holding back with my second uncle for a long time, I finally said: "That's right."

He Jingqing smiled, not revealing his son's fault.

important matter?Is it important to stay with that little girl to cook and watch TV?

Thinking in this way, He Jingqing's gaze and He Mu's gaze also become slightly complicated, it is the forgetting and regret as the expectant, and the gratification and caressing as the pure father.

"Okay." He Jingqing closed the pages of the book, "Since this is the case, your uncles and nephews should discuss this matter carefully and how to solve it."

He Mu raised his eyebrows slightly.

He and the second uncle blurted out: "Brother, don't you want to say something?"

He Jingqing looked at his younger brother with a half-smile: "What do you want me to say?"

Of course, He and Second Uncle wanted to make peace with Jing Qing, and it was best to make this a big deal and a small one.

But when he met the elder brother's gaze, that bit of courage disappeared, and he didn't dare to say anything in the end.

He Jingqing took advantage of the situation and leaned back, leisurely like an outsider.

He Mu glanced at him.

"Second Uncle, He Hui's temper should be tempered. This time, he offended his own family. If he offended outsiders, it would not be such a simple matter."

He Mu's slow and orderly words carry a lot of weight in He Ershu's family.

He Ershu murmured to himself: Who can offend the He family...

The two sons over there have already betrayed first: "Lao Jiu is right!"

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