She froze.

Others also froze.

He probably thought the atmosphere was weird, so he added: "I want to know how boring my class is, so that you can sit in the classroom and fall asleep quickly in just 10 minutes." '

The surprise on her face turned into embarrassment, and her snow-white cheeks flushed.

The others followed suit, laughing and joking that Dai didn't understand Professor Zhou's class because she had a high school education.

She was a young actor with no background at the time, even if the script she got was a female number two with a very poor design, it was still the opportunity that others dreamed of, so she had to agree with it with a silly smile.

Only he frowned, feeling stuffy and unspeakably uncomfortable.

But he has no position to speak for her.

However, thanks to that time, he had her phone number, and besides acting as a consultant to guide the crew, he communicated with her a lot.

At the beginning, she was quite reserved, like a little beast wary of the outside world, occasionally she poked her head out to look around, and immediately retracted when she felt something was wrong.

Fortunately, he happened to be a very patient person. He could talk to her as soon as he could, and it didn't matter if he couldn't. He followed her rhythm completely.

Slowly, she will take the initiative to send him messages.

Sometimes it is complaining about the food: "The sweet and sour pork ribs in your school cafeteria are so unpalatable!" '

He replied: "The food in the second canteen has always been bad. '

Sometimes it is complaining that the weather is too cold: 'Why do you need to shoot summer scenes in autumn?Want me to wear a suspender skirt?So cold, so cold! '

He replied: 'I have warm stickers in the second drawer on the right side of my office. '

Sometimes I just feel bored and want to send a message to him to kill time: "The male and female protagonists have been NG18 times, when will it be my turn?" '

He replied: "There are two swans flying in the school lake, do you want to see them?" '

After a long time, the dull he realized——

At that time, he should like her very, very much.

Otherwise, I would be so busy with the project, I would spend all my food and lodging in the laboratory, and I would squeeze all my free time to chat with her and spend a lot of boring time with her.

Colleagues in the laboratory saw it and laughed and joked: 'Yo, are you sending messages to your girlfriend? '

He was taken aback for a moment before explaining slowly: "It's just a friend." '

But two days later, when he went to other places with his colleagues to attend a seminar, passing by a cashmere store, and looking at the beautiful white gloves in the window, he couldn't help but think that cashmere gloves should be very suitable for her in such a cold weather.

Then buy the gloves and give them to him when we get back to school.

Colleagues have joked that he has blossomed cycad trees and that the gods have touched the hearts of the mortals.

He didn't retort.

Because, not long after, before Ming Dai's filming from autumn to winter was about to wrap up, they got together.

It was he who confessed first, and when the first snow fell in winter, he asked in a strange way:
'Do you want to watch the snow together next year? '

It was a very cryptic confession, but she understood it. Wearing the white gloves he gave her, she held her face like a kitten.

'OK. '

The relationship between the two was kept secret at the beginning, and even the closest people didn't know about it.

Instead, he saw a young boy at school chasing her closely, running around with roses in his hands all day long, looking very obtrusive.

She carefully explained that he was obviously stuffy and feeling very uncomfortable, but he wanted to calmly say that it was okay, he knew there was nothing wrong with them.

Of course, other than that, the two of them had a very happy time together, which can be described as gluey and like paint.

When he first tasted love, he was out of control like a thunderbolt, and he always missed her.

In the laboratory, my mind will be distracted frequently. Before I turn on the computer and prepare to write a paper, I have to think about whether I should call her first.

Both of them are busy with work, and as an actress and star, she often runs announcements, flying all over the world.

It's good that the time is short, but as time goes by, he starts to care about her more and more, allowing her to become more and more important in his life, until it becomes unbalanced.

It wasn't until his grandfather asked him if something had happened recently, and why the experiment was progressing so slowly, that he suddenly realized that he had been so addicted to love that he had disturbed his reason.

He began to adjust the rhythm.

Start by reducing the number of calls with Ming Dai, then stop thinking about her, and after that, subconsciously ignore her related news, so that she didn't even know that she was injured when she fell off a horse while filming.

She seemed to have called tentatively and said that she was in the hospital and asked if he wanted to come over.

'are you sick? ’ His self-control was fruitful, and his questions of concern were relentless.

Instead, her voice became extra cautious: 'Are you busy? '

He said: 'Well, lately it's been a critical period for experimental progress. '

'Well, I won't bother you anymore. '

She really didn't bother her after that, and he didn't accidentally hear about it until he was discharged from the hospital.

He was a little annoyed, but she smiled and comforted him and said it was okay, and only had a dinner appointment with him happily.

'Sorry, I'm in the lab tonight. '

'Ah, that's it, then I'll eat alone.It's all right, your work is important!You are a great scientist in the future, and the supreme mission of saving mankind is entrusted to you! '

He couldn't help laughing at her witty remark.

Shortly thereafter, he went back to intense work again.

Because of the long separation and estrangement from him, the relationship between the two became weaker after that.

His mind was full of experimental data, and occasionally inspiration came, and he wanted to be excited to find someone to discuss a few words, but she couldn't understand a word, and looked at him blankly.

Unable to communicate and resonate on common topics, he rarely mentioned work matters to her.

Unknowingly, there were fewer topics that the two could communicate with.

Later, he became used to Mingdai giving in for him.

Because she was too focused on doing the experiment, she forgot to sleep and eat, let her pigeons, and let her wait for four or five hours, which is nothing more than a common thing.

Occasionally, he would feel bored when he heard her chatting about the trivial matters of the crew, and he would only think about the latest papers in the industry that he read in the morning.

At that time, he didn't think there was a problem with his behavior at all.

But he forgot that Ming Dai's free time was also a time he managed to squeeze out by turning down countless announcements and opportunities.

It's just that Ming Dai is good at patience, no matter how difficult and steep the reality is, she can find interesting places to enjoy herself.

Just like a child who has never tasted sweetness, she can be very happy just by giving one candy.

But he didn't even want to give this candy.

Thinking about it later, he was really terrible at that time. The smooth experience since he was a child made him arrogant and arrogant, but these were hidden by the educated exterior, pretending to be gentle and humble.

The same is true for Ming Dai.

He always has a top-down arrogance, feels that Ming Dai cannot communicate with him, so he cuts off all opportunities for in-depth communication with Ming Dai.

One day, he paid a heavy price for this arrogance.

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