That night, the entry of #明泰男友# was on the hot search, and countless people discussed it.

I don't know why, but the public is very interested in Ming Dai's boyfriend, and they have to discuss it every now and then.

Analyzing his identity, guessing his background and family background...the gossip is endless.

There are also quite a few who claim to be insiders, but in fact Ming Daihei's account popped up various revelations, and extremely demonized Ming Dai's boyfriend.

It wasn't until today's post came out that certain rumors were self-defeating, and the rampant Ming Dai sunspots finally stopped.

As for the others, they all feel very happy.

Who doesn't like big beautiful women with perfect male gods?

Shenyan should be with Shenyan!
So that some netizens couldn't help but start to imagine:
[If Mingdai's boyfriend is really as handsome as the legends say, it's hard to imagine what a beautiful child they could have! 】

[Can you dream of a baby?I make an appointment in advance! 】

[No way, Ming Dai is still in college, thinking about having a baby? 】

[Dating love is falling in love, if you like cubs, trouble yourself. 】

[Yes, what if we break up soon?According to you, this man is definitely from a wealthy family. Can his parents allow him to marry a female celebrity?Just for fun, don't take it seriously. 】

[Yo yo yo Some people are sour, right? 】

【It's as if you saw it with your own eyes, why, her parents called you personally to say that they don't like Ming Dai? 】

[Stop insulting your sister Dai!Be careful of being slapped in the face! 】

[Hehehe, in what era, female stars are still being belittled. Ming Dai has already invested in movies and started a company, and she has become a wealthy family by herself!Do you need to be anxious, Heizi? 】

[That is, even breaking up is her choice, even if I, Dai Dai, talk about ten or eight boyfriends, it is her freedom, so hold back! 】


There was a lot of noise on the Internet, and Gu Changming was also watching intently.

During this period of time, whenever he had anything to do, he would take his daimyo to visit Mingdai's square to see what passers-by thought of her.

Every time he sees someone full of praise for Ming Dai, wishing to praise her like a flower, Gu Changming can't help being proud, and even the guilt in his heart will be diluted.

have a look!This is his sister Gu Changming!How excellent!

——Of course, when thinking like this in his heart, Gu Changming must have forgotten how he belittled Ming Dai before.

'It's up to you, you want to be my sister, Gu Changming?Does it match? '

The contempt and sarcasm towards Ming Dai's overreaching, and the pride and joy on his face at this moment...

It's the most ridiculous comparison.

But Gu Changming himself didn't think so, he was in a good mood, and a smile naturally appeared on his mouth.

Such an expression, in the eyes of Gu Qi who just came back from the banquet, was extremely dazzling.

Gu Qi is always very concerned about his image and does not allow others to see him in the slightest embarrassment.

But today, I don't know if it's the effect of alcohol, or the depression caused by the company's troubles recently, or the bad relationship with my son during this period, so I see him unhappy...

Anger is burning!

He reached out to tear off the tie, and because of too much force, he even tore off a few buttons of his shirt.

Gu Qi didn't care, he slammed his tie on the ground, and sneered at Gu Changming who was on the sofa.

"Is this your attitude towards work during this time?"

The tone is full of doubts and sarcasm from a high-ranking person, as well as the strength of trying to use the father's power to overwhelm the son!

But Gu Changming is not the Gu Changming he used to be, so naturally he won't follow his example.

Gu Changming put the phone on the table coldly, put one hand in his pocket and stood up, and had no intention of helping Gu Qi who was standing staggeringly and might fall at any time.

"Do you need me to call auntie to take you back to your room?"


Gu Qi was furious!Eyes are red!

That body also shakes more violently, and may fall down at any time!
Gu Changming still didn't intend to come over to support him, with that cold-eyed attitude, even if Gu Qi fell to the ground and suffered a concussion, he might not even raise his eyebrows.

... This is the relationship between Gu's father and son in recent days.

Since the last quarrel, they didn't get along like father and son, more like enemies, and they were always on the same page.

"Don't do things that lose your grace."

Gu Changming turned his face away in disgust, as if he felt that Gu Qi's current appearance made him ashamed.

How could this not offend Gu Qi, who usually cares most about face and respect from others?
Supporting his drunken body, Gu Qi still had the strength to stride towards Gu Changming, and raised his palm high towards him!The gesture is about to be fanned!

But how could Gu Changming be easily manipulated?
He's not stupid, standing there waiting to be beaten.

Although it's not enough to make a move on Gu Qi, but if you turn your body slightly to avoid the slap, and watch Gu Qi fall headfirst on the sofa in an ugly mess... then it's okay.

"Gu Changming, you..."

Gu Qi's forehead hit the solid wood of the armrest of the sofa, and the corner of his forehead quickly became red and swollen.

He still didn't want to give up, he insisted on getting up and beating Gu Changming again!
"What are you doing! Are you crazy!!"

Wein, who hurried down from the second floor in pajamas, screamed and threw himself between the father and son, blocking their conflict.

Then, he yelled at the dark corridor:
"What are you looking at! If you dare to spread the word, just wait for the court summons!"

The messy footsteps of two or three people came from the other side of the corridor, and the sound gradually faded away.

Seeing this, Wei Yin's violently heaving chest gradually calmed down.

The faint joy on Gu Changming's face slowly disappeared with Wein's steady breathing.

Gu Changming was a little surprised and moved when he saw Wein rushing forward to stop his conflict with Gu Qi.

Thinking of Wei Yin who abandoned her children without hesitation in her previous life, she would rather be wronged by her rich brother to please her and continue to live her rich life than stay with her poor husband and son to suffer...

Although Gu Changming felt that he understood, he even felt that he would do the same thing in other ways.


It's not that he didn't have extravagant hopes, Wein still has family affection for his children deep in his heart.

So when he saw her anxiously rushing into the middle of the two to stop him, Gu Changming couldn't help being shaken.

...and then he was slapped in the face the next second.

It turned out that the reason why Wein rushed forward in such a hurry was not that he cared about the fight between father and son at all.

According to her personality, she would stand at most two meters away, a place that would not be affected by the fight, and she would coldly and disgustfully reprimand her not to be embarrassing, and then she would walk away, unwilling to meddle.

However, she rushed out now, just to listen to the servant in the corner.

The one with the best face, she would never allow her family's scandal to be seen by a few servants, and she would lose face.

That's why she was so impatient.

So after she dealt with it, she resumed her noble and arrogant posture.

"What are you father and son doing? Upbringing?"

Wein said with a cold face and contempt.

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