As the younger sister who grew up with Gu Changming, Gu Lingsi knew very well that on the surface, Gu Changming was gentle and humble, but in fact, the blood of the Gu family and Gu Qi flowed in his body!The most indifferent and selfish!
When he starts his hands, he is called a cold-blooded and ruthless person. He likes to give people a little hope first, and then push people into despair!

When Gu Lingsi saw him deal with others like this before, he would boast with a smile, "Brother is really amazing", and feel proud and pity for those people in his heart.

But now the person being dealt with became her.

Suffering, pain, despair, collapse...

Gu Lingsi even thought about it, just die!
After going up and down on the rooftop several times, Gu Lingsi didn't have the courage after all.

She made an effort, went to see Gu Changming to beg for mercy, and begged Wein to look back on their mother-daughter relationship... She even ran to see Gu Qi!Promise to be willing to marry!
Unfortunately, all efforts were in vain.

Gu Changming was ruthless, but Wei Yin was unmoved. Even Gu Qi told her that now that her reputation had rotted and she became a street mouse in the upper class, no one would marry her.

In the end, the only person Gu Lingsi could turn to was Liu Zhengqing.

Fortunately, Liu Zhengqing remained infatuated with her. When he learned that she didn't even have a place to live, even though pocket money was severely controlled, he still borrowed a sum of money from a classmate to Gu Lingsi so that she could rent the house.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Gu Lingsi was thinking urgently about how to get out of this predicament every day. In order not to sit and eat at home, she started to go out to work.

Because she was suspended from college and only had a high school diploma, all she could find was some part-time jobs and temporary jobs, and the money she got was very little. It was a far cry from the days not long ago when she could easily make a lot of money by making a video.

But Gu Lingsi had no choice. In order to survive, she could only grit her teeth and do jobs that she had never looked down upon before.

Because of her good looks, she was able to find a part-time job in a western restaurant, which was able to support her current living expenses and future rent, and her life was barely on track from chaos.

But at this time, the worst came.

"Alimony? Hahaha, it's really shameless. Could it be that I sneaked to their Gu's family back then? Could it be that Wein wasn't the one who hugged the wrong person?"

Gu Lingsi, who was caught off guard by the lawyer's letter, laughed so hard that tears almost came out.

She has given up all hope now, and calls Wein by his first name.

Taking care of the hypocrisy of the family makes me even more disgusted.

Now she doesn't even hate Ming Dai very much, she only hates the cruel and ruthless Gu family!
"What the can I let me go!"

Gu Lingsi roared hysterically, regretting for the umpteenth time!

The originally delicate and beautiful face was ferocious and vicious because of resentment, and something dark was drilling out of her soul!


A picture flashed before his eyes.

It's the picture of her also crashing out of control, stepping on the accelerator hard, and slamming into the person not far away!
The hard head of the car hit the fragile human body, and the opponent flew up, and the dim headlights illuminated the opponent's face...Kang...Kang Ren...

'Who told you to threaten me... who asked you to threaten me...'

Who is repeating this sentence like a demon?


It turned out to be herself.

Gu Lingsi's eyes gradually changed.

More memories came flooding in.

The original expression of resentment was gradually cleaned up, and replaced by calm and numbness.

Sitting in the living room with poor lighting, she looked at the sky divided into pieces by the anti-theft windows, but she didn't feel that such an atmosphere was depressing at all, on the contrary, she enjoyed it immensely.

Gu Lingsi took a deep breath:
"It's free air, that's great."

"What? People go to the empty building?"

When Gu Changming received the call, he felt very surprised, and asked if the other party continued to follow Gu Lingsi's trail.

The answer was "can't find anyone".

"I still don't believe that a big living person just disappeared out of thin air, so hurry up and find me! The commission is doubled!"

The other party's voice immediately became light and flattering.

Gu Changming snorted lightly and didn't care.

But he turned around and told Gu Qiwei Yin about this matter.

The couple didn't pay much attention to this matter, thinking that they would wait until they found Gu Lingsi, as there were other more important things for them now.

"What?" Gu Changming had never heard of it before.

Wein was overjoyed: "Your father and I found out about Dai Dai's movements!"

Gu Changming showed hesitation: "Oh? You are..."

Wein was very excited: "Of course I'm going to meet her! I heard that she has a jewelry brand event in XX mall today. After the end, there will be a rest time in the background. It just so happens that the owner of that mall is a friend of your father. He promised us that we can go. Let’s go backstage, and then we’ll see Dai Dai!”

Gu Changming considered his tone, and tried his best to say euphemistically: "I think the timing may not be right now."

Wein's smile stopped abruptly.

Gu Changming continued to bite the bullet: "Dad, I remember that we met Ming Dai at a charity dinner before. She treated us very coldly, and she was even resistant to us. I'm worried that she will rebel against us if we look for it rashly. Psychologically, alienate us more and more.”

The excitement on Wein's face gradually subsided.

"Then, what should we do then?"

"It's okay, just go if you want."

Gu Qi walked up to his wife from the stairs, and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

Wein leaned against him: "Can I really go?"

Gu Qi: "Of course."

Then, facing his son's disapproving eyes, he continued,

"Chang Ming, since our relationship with Dai Dai has reached this point, no matter how bad it gets, it won't get any worse. Even if we don't go to see her, it doesn't mean that she will change her mind and show kindness to us. It's better to see her as soon as possible. She, show your sincerity and sincerity, and let her be moved a little bit. We can't go once, then go ten or twenty times! Until she is willing to communicate with us! I believe that as long as we open this hole, we can do it again A family is a matter of time!"

Rao even Gu Changming felt that it was inappropriate to disturb Ming Dai at the moment, and he was also persuaded by Gu Qi's words.

That's right, if they don't go, won't Ming Dai hate them?

of course not.

This is a grievance continued in the previous life, and they who have not been reborn before do not know it.

Now, they who have been reborn know, so they have to face and solve it!
"I'll go with you then."

"No need." Gu Qi waved his hand and refused, "It's fine to let your mother go when the time comes, and Mingdai won't be too hostile if she is alone. Besides, after all, they are mother and daughter who are connected by blood. You must soften your heart. It would be a bad thing for the two of us to go!"

Wein's worried brows finally cleared up again.

"It seems that I have a heavy responsibility?"

"Of course! Hahaha."

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