Chapter 667
Ming Dai let He Mu loosen the rope, and rode Andre around independently.

Andre has a violent temperament, and he is not a strong horse that can be tamed by a novice like her, but with He Mu by his side, and with him intimidating, Andre dare not be too presumptuous no matter what, he can only slow down aggrievedly Take Ming Dai away.

Compared with Andre, Mary is like a quiet lady, running behind Mingdai and Andre like a puppy, step by step.

Every time Mingdai turns her head, she can see Mary's big bright eyes.

Her heart almost melted immediately.

When she came back from a jog, Mingdai didn't want to hold hands with Mu, she got off the horse skillfully, patted Andre perfunctorily, and then walked towards Mary, lovingly and gently comforting her.

Andre didn't feel the slightest sense of loss at being neglected, instead, he seemed to have completed a big task, and hurried to He Mu's side, with the huge horse's head hiding behind him, as if he was afraid of Ming Dai, the little ancestor.

Ming Dai didn't realize that she was "disgusted", instead she turned her head and said to He Mu with a smile:
"How is it? Has my riding skill improved a little?"

"improved greatly."

He Mu praised without thinking.

At the same time, put away the phone you just looked at.

Ming Dai noticed this and brought Mary over:
"What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

He Mu shook his head.

He also explained: "When I brought Andre Marie here just now, I met a few children, and they spread the news of seeing us in advance."

This tone is a very calm explanation, without extra emotion.

Ming Dai paused, then asked hesitantly, "Is it a good thing?"

That's what they're here for anyway, isn't it?
He Mu nodded solemnly and agreed: "Of course, I gave them a chance to prepare."

Ming Dai laughed crisply.

Before coming, He Mu roughly told her about the family composition in the current Yanjing circle, as well as their respective origins.

Because of this, Ming Dai understands that it is not an easy task to stand with He Mu in a legitimate way.

Whenever she made a wrong step, there would be countless scrutinizing eyes.

However, after He Mu finished speaking, he added that there is no need to take it too seriously——

'It's just the opinions of some boring people, how about us, it's not their turn to comment! '

A word that is light and fluffy, but it is He Mu's confidence and a strong recognition of himself!
Occasionally, Ming Dai would envy and admire He Mu's strong ego that does not allow foreign objects to intrude. I don't know what kind of training he has experienced to get it.

She is now moving closer to this direction. I don't know when she will be able to reach his level?

... Both of their thoughts were distorted.

As for those people's discussions, none of them took it seriously.

Anyway, the attitude has already been put here, how you think about it is your business, and it has nothing to do with us.

Instead of caring about how these people will gossip behind their backs, it is better to think about how to make riding skills more skillful.

He Mu's focus has been resolutely pulled back:

"Just now, your dismounting action was a bit neglectful of balance. If you were a little careless, you could easily fall off the horse..."

He Mu pays the most attention to Ming Dai's safety issue, and takes this issue as the top priority to explain.

He is like an experienced coach, who can give Ming Dai answers to many questions by analogy.

This question and answer lasted for a while, and He Mu felt that he had almost practiced, so he took Ming Dai and rode to the nearby forest and lake to see the scenery. Walking, the time is quiet and good, but I gradually forget the real purpose of coming today...


But the absence of some people does not mean that the rumors are not there.

Thanks to the group of young people who spread the news of Ming Dai and Mu Qian's arrival, the guests who came to the villa to attend the party are basically discussing this matter——

"I heard that Mr. He brought his girlfriend here this time."

"Wait? Have a girlfriend with Mr.?"

"I have had it for a long time. I heard that she is very young, only 20 years old, and she is a female star."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I don't see it, Mr. He will also be a hero and sad about beauty."

"I've wanted to say it for a long time. Mr. He took this little girlfriend to Pei Shao's party last time, but the people who attended kept their mouths tight and no rumors spread."

"Being able to bring it to Young Master Pei's party shows that Mr. He attaches great importance to this girlfriend!"

"What do you value? It's just a female star."

"That's right, a girlfriend is not a wife."

"Hey, are you stupid? Do you know that there is Ms. Guo at the party today?"

"What? Ms. Guo is coming? Has Mr. He's little girlfriend met her parents?"

"This is interesting, the marriage with Mr. is about to be decided, and I don't know how many families with daughters will sigh with regret!"

"You are gloating!"


After discussing and discussing, the news finally reached Ms. Guo, Guo Xiling.

Guo Xiling didn't think much of Guo Cheng, she just took care of him for the sake of his younger brother Guo Xiye.

She deliberately arrived earlier today, perhaps in some people's eyes, it was for Guo Xiye and Guo Cheng.

Only Guo Xiling himself knew what it was for.

Therefore, when someone asked her, she nodded neatly.

"It's Dai Dai. I knew they were going to come together, but I didn't expect them to come earlier than me."

The intimacy in the tone is natural, obviously it has not been a day or two since I have known Mr. He's little girlfriend!
The inquirer was so surprised by this answer that he stuttered:
"So, so that Ming Dai is really..."

I stuttered for a long time and couldn't speak.

The still patient Guo Xiling took the initiative to ask:
"A star? To be precise, an actor. They are all professional, regardless of high or low. Dai Dai is a good child, and I like her very much."

I like her very much... It's a final word!

How many people were dumbfounded.

Then, the news spread again.

Just inadvertently, the real protagonist of the party seems to have changed.

Everyone has long forgotten that today is the birthday party of Guo Xiye's son, Guo Cheng, and the real purpose of coming today.

Each of them only discusses with Mu Mingdai!

It seems that Mu Mingdai and Mu Mingdai are the protagonists of today's party!

It's worth mentioning that, in today's party, there are quite a few Ming Dai's old acquaintances.

They were all her classmates in high school, they had met because of Gu Lingsi, and because Xia Ling was special to Ming Dai, she liked Ming Dai.

After graduating, Ming Dai became more and more famous, and these hypocritical friends reduced their contacts, and those people never heard from Ming Dai and Xia Ling again, thinking that the so-called friends had broken up...


They didn't expect to hear Ming Dai's news again, it would be such a scene!
(End of this chapter)

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