"This Tang Xue is really funny! Who is she! How dare she talk about you behind her back!"

Xia Ling was making complaints while walking, but she seemed even angrier than Ming Dai, the so-called righteous master!

Compared with her, Ming Dai is considered calm.

In turn, he comforted Xia Ling:
"Okay, I don't care what she says, just leave her alone."

Xia Ling refused to listen, but still said angrily:

"Anyway, I can't hear her talking about you! No, I have to find a way to treat her well..."

With that said, Xia Ling took out his phone and sent two messages.

It didn't take long to get a reply, but the gloomy look on her face was swept away, and she became happy instead.

Ming Dai observed her sudden change of mood:

"What's the good news?"

"Yes, it's indeed a good thing. After all, there's nothing more satisfying than seeing an unaccustomed enemy suffer in the next second!"

After Xia Ling's explanation, Ming Dai knew what happened——

It turned out that Youhe Mu first expressed his dissatisfaction to the Tang family's parents in the living room in front, which can be regarded as a sideways expression of his attitude.

When this news came out, the Tang family, which was already poorly managed, became even worse. Several large orders scheduled for next year were canceled one after another. It is expected that the living environment next year will be even more difficult, and the bankruptcy crisis is imminent.

The parents of the Tang family didn't dare to point the finger at He Mu, and they didn't even dare to complain. They could only find out the crux and blame their daughter Tang Xue!They thought Tang Xue brought all of this!

Just now, the husband and wife taught Tang Xue a lesson in the corner, but Tang Xue tried her best to refute. Finally, the family of three got into a fight in front of the passing waiter!

With a surly temper like Tang Xue, she actually smashed a ceramic vase on the head of her own father!He was smashed to pieces!
This was so shocking that the waiter called 120 on the spot. With the arrival of the ambulance, whether this internal war in the family was publicized or not has become a joke that everyone in the resort is talking about first!

Ming Dai opened her eyes slightly, and said blankly, "Don't dare to blame He Mu... Blame Tang Xue? What's the reason?"

Even if Ming Dai doesn't understand the logic of business operations, she should be clear that the life and death of a company cannot be determined by He Mu's words or attitude.

At most, he pushed Tang Corporation, whose building was about to collapse, to make it collapse faster.

So in the final analysis, Tang Xue is not the main reason for Tang's bankruptcy crisis.

Xia Ling nodded in agreement: "That's right! Even if I hate Tang Xue, I think her parents have gone too far! Moreover, if Tang Xue is really the main reason, then her annoying personality is due to her Parents doting? If you really treat your daughter well, how can you spoil her without thinking and teach her to be arrogant and ignorant of the rules? I think this pair of parents should find the reason more from themselves!"

Xia Ling didn't just say this casually, but Tang Jia's family style is well known in the circle.

When Tang Xue was in elementary school, she bullied girls in her class. She poured sewage on her and locked her in the toilet all night.

Later, when things got serious, the Tang family's parents rushed to the school, but relying on the Tang family's family background, they put pressure on the principal of the elementary school, insisting that the girl apologize to Tang Xue in turn, just because the girl bit Tang Xue when she resisted.

In the end, instead of admitting her mistake and correcting it, Tang Xue was forced to transfer to another school by the victimized girl.

And the parents of the Tang family even said on the spot: My children will never make mistakes!

...Tang Xue, who is doted on like this, can grow up to be a ghost with a normal outlook!

It's like the root of the bear child is actually the bear parent behind it.

Instead of blaming Tang Xue for the problem, the Tang family's parents should find the reason more from themselves!
Xia Ling shook his head and sighed:

"So, there is a reason why Tang Xue is so bad-tempered that she beat her own parents! Of course, I think this family is a perfect match, let's lock it up hahaha!"

Tang Xue is not the main cause, but she is definitely not innocent, at least regarding Ming Dai's matter, Xia Ling can't wait to see Tang Xue suffer the consequences herself!It's too late to laugh now!
"Oh, by the way, I heard that the vase that Tang Xue smashed was an auction collection, worth at least seven figures, enough for their family..."

Amid Xia Ling's jumping for joy, Ming Dai and her had arrived at the terrace garden on the second floor.

As soon as the two stepped in, they saw someone waving in their direction:
"Lingling, come here quickly! Ms. Guo was just about to ask for you!"

As she said that, she shifted her gaze to Ming Dai,
"You are……"

Ming Dai nodded politely, smiling neither humble nor overbearing.

"I'm Ming Dai."

Everyone present was shocked.

The people in this terrace garden are headed by Guo Xiling. They are basically women, and they are also important female elders of the major families, and they have a considerable right to speak.

Like the group of juniors that Tang Xue gathered just now, without passing by the elders at home, they dare not even step into the door of this terrace garden.

Ming Dai has just entered the social circle this time, and she has already entered here. Behind this is naturally...

Guo Xiling's attention!

"Come quickly, Dai Dai! I asked Ling Ling twice just now, just to know when you will come!"

The undisguised intimacy in these words, in the eyes of others, is enough to make people astonished.

Although Guo Xiling has expressed her closeness to Ming Dai just now, it is not as many people speculated that "Ms. Guo is dissatisfied with her husband's girlfriend, so the relationship between the two is very bad", this kind of thinking is very old-fashioned.

However, the vast majority of people here still don't think that Guo Xiling will accept Ming Dai easily, and what they support is only for the face of his son and husband.

At least the attitude will be haughty and measured, which will let Mingdai know that the door of this house is not easy to step into.

... instead of being like this now, pampering and pampering her naturally like she treats her beloved little daughter, without any embarrassment at all!
As we all know, Ms. Guo has a straightforward temperament, not the kind of deep-rooted person who likes acting!
Since she behaved like this, it means that she has a really good relationship with Ming Dai!
Ming Dai's reaction was equally calm.

I didn't feel flattered or flattered.

She pulled Xia Ling, nodded and greeted her all the way, and finally arrived at Guo Xiling's side, and sat down in the seat specially vacated by others.

"Is Auntie feeling better? I don't know if the medicine I found will work."

Ming Dai learned from He Mu by accident that Guo Xiling had an old rheumatism problem, which would flare up every time it was cold, and the pain was unbearable.

This disease has been treated by acupuncture and moxibustion by national experts, but there is still no improvement. The pain is still painful, and I usually endure it.

And Ming Dai recalled that in her previous life, a senior from the film crew had a good relationship with her, and introduced an old Chinese doctor who was good at massage and acupuncture, and he was unique in treating rheumatism.

The root cause of Ming Dai's illness was caused by the filming of the falling water scene, and it took a few doses of medicine in his hands to take effect.

So Ming Dai turned around and introduced the old Chinese doctor to Ms. Guo.

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