When He Mu and Ming Dai appeared at the luncheon, they seemed to be the focus of the audience!
The old foxes in the shopping mall are on the move when they hear the wind, and their sense of smell is the most sensitive.

However, after Ming Dai and Mu walked and talked for a while, what happened in the terrace garden just now spread to everyone's ears!

If they were scrutinizing and condescending towards Ming Dai before, then there is nothing now.

The difference between a girlfriend who gained status by flattering and clinging to Mr. He, and a girlfriend who is respected and loved by Mr. He from the bottom of his heart, and their attitude changes... Needless to say, everyone knows it.

Therefore, when Ming Dai stepped into the main hall, she didn't feel any discomfort.

Anyone who greets her face to face will only bring enthusiasm and friendliness like a warm spring breeze, and there will be a basket of compliments after another.

In this instant, it seems that Ming Dai has become a movie star at the national treasure level. Even many of the bigwigs here have seen her works. They praise her acting skills, are optimistic about her future, and love her like a torrent of water...

Ming Dai just nodded her head to express her thanks, just like her previous favors and disgraces.

With clear eyes, she leaned close to He Mu's ear and asked in a low voice on purpose:
"They are so sincere in their praise, I feel that the whole world is showing kindness to me... So, what if I lose myself and become more and more arrogant and arrogant because of their praise?"

"You will not."

He Mu smiled and was so determined that he didn't even have time to think.

Ming Dai raised her eyebrows and insisted on asking:
"What if?"


He Mu pondered, it seemed that this question was really difficult to answer.

After careful consideration for a long time, he said:

"If this happens, I will remind you to stay awake."

"What if I get so stubborn that I don't listen to any advice and get mad at you?"

Ming Dai, with a smile on her eyes, was almost "unreasonable to make trouble" and asked He Mu to give an answer.

This time, He Mu did not hesitate:

"Naturally, it is tolerant of you and pampering you, so that only kindness exists in your world."

The smile in Ming Dai's eyes shone like broken gold.

"What! Don't you think about breaking up with me?"

This time, I was decisive with Mu:

"Absolutely impossible!"

Ming Dai hugged He Mu's arm tightly, smiling sweetly, like eating honey.

——The kind of intimacy between the two, in the eyes of many people, the original idea became more and more determined.

Soon, Ming Dai and Mu passed the complimenting crowd and came to the main table to take a seat.

Guo Xiye was also here, seeing Ming Dai, he even winked at her:
"We meet again."

Ming Dai greeted her politely and politely.

Guo Xiye waved his hands again and again:
"You don't need to be so polite, just follow He Mu and call me uncle!"


He Mu spoke first.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Xiling walked over unhurriedly:
"How old is he, he doesn't speak properly, and he has a thick skin! You didn't even pay for changing your mouth. How dare you ask Dai Dai to call you uncle?"

This laughing and cursing words hit Guo Xiye without saying anything, and raised Ming Dai's status.

Afterwards, Guo Xiling glanced at Guo Cheng who stood timidly behind Guo Xiye.

"What's going on here?"

Guo Cheng shrank his neck, naturally he didn't dare to say that he was taught by his cousin.

"Just, I was tired from playing just now."

Guo Xiye didn't think much about it, and distressedly told his son to take it easy while having fun.

On the contrary, Guo Xiling saw through everything and gave He Mu an approving glance, obviously approving his stern attitude towards Guo Cheng.

He Mu smiled.

Everyone in the main hall began to take their seats one after another, and the luncheon was about to begin.

At this time, the overall atmosphere in the hall tends to be relaxed. Many people are chatting and chatting, and some people are socializing at each table like flowers and butterflies.

Only the people at the main table basically sat firmly, and they didn't get up to greet others, and most of them came to say hello to them.

He Mu leaned close to Ming Dai's ear at the right time, and introduced to her the relationship and background of some people present.

Behind this is really a big and intricate net, who has feuds with whom, and who is married to whom... However, if you understand it, you can understand most of the rules in this circle.

Ming Dai kept nodding when she heard it: "So that's the case."

Looking at her eyes with Twilight, one knew that Ming Dai must have firmly memorized everything he said and understood it in order to give such accurate feedback.

As expected of Ming Dai, she is really smart.

When He Mu's eyes became more and more tender, a few small exclamations suddenly came from the direction of the main hall door.

And those exclamations were almost all from young people, and they were young people who had met Ming Dai face to face.

The person they were all surprised by was... Gu Lingsi!
"Why did Gu Lingsi come here!"

"My God, is the man next to Gu Lingsi..."

"Is Liu Zhengqing here today? Where is he?"


The young people chattered away.

Soon, all the news about Gu Lingsi swept the audience like a storm.

Gu Lingsi's name is really not unfamiliar here, even a little famous.

The perfect ladylike image she once created was very successful. Even a spoiled young lady like Tang Xue was won over by her, which shows how deeply Gu Lingsi's Bai Yueguang positioning is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But mortals cannot be deified too much.

The more deified, the easier it will be to attract a terrible backlash when the car rolls over and reveals its true colors!

Just like Gu Lingsi, Bai Yueguang was chased by the young second-generation men and women at the beginning, but later the truth of her life was exposed by the Gu family, making everyone know that she was the fake daughter of the Gu family, and even planned to use despicable means to keep the daughter Location!

Gu Lingsi's filter was completely shattered. Those wives who wanted to make her the first choice for their daughter-in-law wanted to draw a complete line with Gu Lingsi. It was best to pretend that they had never known each other!
Not long after the news came out, Gu Lingsi had become a target that everyone could not avoid!
However, no one expected that Gu Lingsi would come back after disappearing for so long!
And it's not just as simple as attending the banquet, the person standing beside her is actually Ge Lu!Liu Zhengqing's uncle!

Young juniors, almost everyone knows about Liu Zhengqing's love for Gu Lingsi.

She almost ran away from home because of Gu Lingsi and fell out with her parents.

Although his struggle failed in the end, there is no doubt about Liu Zhengqing's thoughts on Gu Lingsi!

Who would have thought that today Gu Lingsi actually came with Liu Zhengqing's own uncle, the two of them were arm in arm, obviously close!

If Liu Zhengqing sees it, he's afraid something big will happen!
and many more!

Isn't that Liu Zhengqing?
——Among the bystanders, there are very few who are genuinely worried, and more are gloating and fearing that the world will not be chaotic!

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