Ge Li was going crazy!

If eyes could kill, she would have hacked Gu Lingsi to pieces!
This little bastard, let alone seduce her innocent, kind and ignorant son before, now he is even more serious about hooking up with her own brother!

how?Is this intentional revenge on her?

Ge Li stared at Gu Lingsi so hard that she almost gritted her teeth.

But while roaring crazily in his heart, it was also obvious—the way her husband handled it was correct, and it was really hard for their family to fall out in front of the public.

In particular, the Liu family still relies on the help of their younger brother Ge Lu. This is something everyone knows, and it becomes even more difficult for people to know that there is a rift in their relationship with Ge Lu!
So, Ge Li had to suppress her soaring anger, forced a smile, and said to Ge Lu:

"Why are you here so late? He said he was going to pick you up at the door. This is Gu Lingsi, right? Long time no see, she looks a little prettier again."

So pretty that she only knows how to hook up with men!You wicked vixen!
Gu Lingsi looked at Ge Li, who was forced to show a friendly gesture, with a happy smile on his brows and eyes!
She didn't care how heartbroken Liu Zhengqing looked at her, and hugged Ge Lu's arm affectionately.

Then he shouted:
"Hello, sister."

elder sister?

Gu Lingsi actually called Sister Ge Li?

She was also Liu Zhengqing's aunt before!

——Not to mention Ge Li herself, even the crowd who were eating melons and watching the fun were shocked by the voice of sister, and even more impressed by Gu Lingsi's thick skin!

It has to be said that when a certain characteristic of a person is brought to the extreme, it can also make people feel admirable.

Just like Gu Lingsi at this time, when she bluntly showed her ambition, many people felt that she was much more real than the fake perfect goddess posture before!

If Gu Lingsi could really succeed in getting married to Ge Lu and become Mrs. Ge, then they wouldn't mind associating with Gu Lingsi.

But only if she can.

Many people are watching and watching;

Liu Zhengqing's parents are trying their best to maintain their dignity;
The instigators, Ge Lu and Gu Lingsi, were calm and calm...

Only Liu Zhengqing's internal organs were stirred by pain, and he even tasted a trace of blood in his mouth!

The rationality that was brought up by his parents told him not to go crazy at this time, or let others see the joke.


He was already sensible enough, so rational that he was cowardly, and so rational that he completely lost the woman he had liked for more than ten years!

He can't be rational anymore!

There were exclamations all around.

He watched Liu Zhengqing shake off his father Liu Yuanqiang's hand, and when Liu Yuanqiang reached out to grab him, he pushed his father out with his backhand.

No matter what, Liu Zhengqing is a young man about 1.8 meters tall, and his strength is not comparable to that of Liu Yuanqiang, a middle-aged man who is over [-] years old and his body has been hollowed out by alcohol.

Liu Yuanqiang backed away several steps, if the person next to him hadn't been quick to catch him, he might have fallen to the ground!

Liu Yuanqiang couldn't believe what his son had done!
Ge Li couldn't help screaming out loud!
"Liu Zhengqing! How can you push your dad!"

Liu Zhengqing didn't turn his head back, and didn't stop walking, forgetting all the eyes of his parents and other people.

His face was flushed with alcohol and excitement, but his eyes were sober like never before.

Then, he grabbed Gu Lingsi's arm:
"Let's talk."

This sentence is strong, like a question.

Gu Lingsi didn't move at all, and threw Liu Zhengqing away forcefully:
"let me go!"

Liu Zhengqing looked at her injured:
"So, you're not even willing to explain to me now?"

Gu Lingsi smiled softly, her eyes were swaying, she was already full of the charm of a mature woman, completely different from what Liu Zhengqing remembered!

She smiled and asked Liu Zhengqing: "Explain? Why should I explain to you? Who are you to me?"

Liu Zhengqing opened his mouth and found that he couldn't utter a single word.

friend?classmate?Childhood sweetheart?One step away from a lover?
Anyway, not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Originally, when Gu Lingsi was most vulnerable, Liu Zhengqing's care for her made her seem to grasp the straw, and almost agreed to be with Liu Zhengqing...

But then a series of things happened!

From Ge Li driving Gu Lingsi away from his home and the hotel, to cutting off Liu Zhengqing's pocket money so that he could not help her...

The relationship between the two was full of variables, and they never mentioned a word of communication.

Gu Lingsi didn't want to mention it.

Liu Zhengqing didn't have the face to mention it.

So, as Gu Lingsi said, in what capacity is Liu Zhengqing making trouble here?

The one who laughed softly this time was Ge Lu.

This man, knowing the relationship between Gu Lingsi and Liu Zhengqing, still brought Gu Lingsi to today's gathering. Facing everyone's surprised eyes, his sister's questioning, and his nephew's pain, his expression was as calm as usual, and he didn't express anything redundant from the beginning to the end. In a word, like a bystander.

Until now, when Gu Lingsi clearly expressed her attitude, Ge Lu said slowly:

"Zhengqing, you can't force a girlfriend."

Liu Zhengqing didn't dare to be tough with Gu Lingsi, so he had to vent all his aggrieved anger to Ge Lu:
"So that's why you robbed your niece? Are you my uncle? Ge Lu, how could you do this to me!"

Liu Yuanqiang and Ge Li were about to faint, they didn't even bother to blame Liu Zhengqing for almost pushing their own father down, and they only wailed to dissuade:

"Zhengqing, stop making trouble, how many people are watching."

Regardless of Liu Zhengqing, he is now a lunatic!

However, Ge Lu is not a normal person.

Facing his nephew's weeping question, he didn't even move his eyebrows.

Instead, he smiled and asked:
"Then what about you, Liu Zhengqing? You've already called me by my name, do you think of me as your uncle?"

The tension between the two men facing off is on the rise!
Gu Lingsi was also a little annoyed.

She didn't come here today to make others laugh!

Taking a deep breath, Gu Lingsi looked around and observed the expressions of the people around him...

Caught off guard and meeting Ming Dai's eyes!
Gu Lingsi's pupils shook, she couldn't believe why Ming Dai was here!
Moreover, the seat is still at the main table, and the man beside him is...

On the way Gu Lingsi thought of coming, Ge Lu answered the phone and mentioned Mr. He and his girlfriend.

Could Ming Dai be...

Gu Lingsi's mind was buzzing, the pride after successfully taking down Ge Lu was gone!

Especially the ugly scene in front of her, under Ming Dai's gaze, made her feel more and more embarrassed.


Gu Lingsi's voice seemed to come out of her teeth.

He was obviously talking to Liu Zhengqing, but his eyes were fixed on Ming Dai without blinking.

Liu Zhengqing's chest heaved violently: "Lingsi, you can't treat me like this..."

Gu Lingsi's irritability rose to the extreme: "I said enough!"

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