Gu Ling thought well, and her life was indeed nourishing, making her bloom slowly like a delicate rose.

In addition to the bloody fight between the two brothers of the Ning family, Gu Lingsi knew that the Gu family had been having a hard time recently. The false calm on the surface was in jeopardy, and the three family members who pretended to be humble and friendly were about to start fighting again...

Gu Lingsi was very happy!
Taking advantage of Ge Lu being nice to her recently and having nothing special to do, she made a plan to travel overseas for a week.

At first she asked Secretary Ge Lu to only book her itinerary, but later Ge Lu learned that he wanted to go with her.

Gu Lingsi didn't care about it, and said that she would go if she wanted to, but she was actually very happy in her heart.

For this trip, she went to the mall to go shopping and bought new swimsuits and bags, planning to show off her figure on the beach.

After shopping, she asked the mall to deliver the items directly to her apartment. Wearing sunglasses, she swayed into the underground garage, got into a convertible, and was about to start...

"do not move!"

A stinky hand stretched out from behind, covering her mouth tightly!
The scream that Gu Lingsi just wanted to let out was held in her throat.

She struggled and slammed the horn of the car, trying to ask someone for help.

As a result, two hands were stretched out from the side, and they tightly wrapped around her wrists, making her plan aborted.

Gu Lingsi was so frightened that tears burst out of her eyes!
She thought that what she met was a robber or some vicious gangster. For a while, a lot of relevant social news flashed through her mind, and she was afraid that it would almost drown her head.

In her heart, she regretted not letting Ge Lu arrange bodyguards for her in order to pretend to be reserved, but at the same time, she was afraid that the good hand she had finally gained through reincarnation would be ruined...

at this time.

A cold and sticky voice sounded next to his ears, as if there was phlegm stuck in his throat, which made Gu Lingsi inexplicably familiar:
"Damn girl, you just let us catch you!"

Long-lost memories surfaced, and Gu Lingsi blurted out:

"Ming An? Yu Ting? How could it be you!"

Yu Ting's thick and rough palm slapped Gu Lingsi's delicate and fair arm skin hard, and soon, bright red slap marks appeared...

Yu Ting grabbed Gu Lingsi's hair viciously: "If I didn't think that you can please men with your little face, I really want to slap you in the face! Let you know what filial piety is!"

Ming An's gloomy voice sounded: "What are you talking so much nonsense with her, tell her to hand over the car keys, and all the bank cards and cash in the bag!"

As he said that, Ming An greedily looked at this cool and handsome red convertible sports car, as if he had already seen that it had become his own. After he drove the car on the road, everyone voted for it. Come to envy the eyes of the picture!

Yu Ting was indeed Ming An's most loyal executor, without a word, she began to search Gu Lingsi's body, pulled out her Hermès bag, and greedily touched and touched the smooth leather surface.

Then he said unceremoniously: "Give this to me!"

Gu Lingsi is going crazy!

She didn't know why these two people couldn't be shaken off like ghosts!

Just when Ming An was caressing the leather surface of the sports car seat, and inadvertently let go of his hand covering her mouth...

She took the opportunity to break down and shout:

"I'm telling you! This is robbery! You will go to jail! Help! Help! Someone come...ah!"

This time the slap was on Gu Lingsi's face!

Gu Lingsi hadn't been beaten for a long time, so she froze on the spot.

Yu Ting smiled disdainfully.

"It's really shameless."

Gu Lingsi woke up instantly, and realized that the couple in front of him were not those glamorous and decent people. They could do whatever they could to achieve their goals, and he absolutely couldn't easily get caught here!
After figuring it out, Gu Lingsi switched states in a second, crying mournfully:

"Dad, Mom, don't treat me like this, I'm your own daughter!"

Ming An sneered:


Gu Lingsi nodded obediently.

She was afraid that someone would see her, and she also knew that the two of them would not leave easily.

He asked Ming An Yu Ting to get in the car quickly, and then raised the soft top of the sports car to form a closed and quiet space inside the car.

Ming An looked at the interior of the sports car almost obsessively.

But Gu Lingsi didn't know how regretful she was. Why did she drive such a convertible sports car? She was simply waiting for Ming An Yuting to come to her door!
She forced out a flattering smile: "Mom and Dad, why did you come to me all of a sudden? Come to think of it, why have you suddenly had no news during this time? Have you gone somewhere?"

Ming'an put away his greed, clenched his fists, and said fiercely to Gu Lingsi: "We have no news? Didn't you deliberately cut off contact with us?"

Gu Lingsi smiled weakly: "How is it possible? My filial piety to my parents can be proved by the sun and the moon!"

Of course Ming An Yu Ting didn't believe it, she hummed and didn't speak.

The facts are of course the opposite of what Gu Lingsi said.

She learned about it from Gu Lingsi's memory in this life - after Gu Changming was reborn, he first went to Gu Lingsi to tear his face apart, and then he took revenge on Ming An Yuting and his wife.

Of course, Gu Lingsi didn't know that at that time, she just found out that Ming An Yu Ting suddenly disappeared, no longer calling all day to ask for money, she was as quiet as dead.

Gu Lingsi wished that the couple would die outside, but she didn't dare to bet on the possibility. Just when she was reeling from Gu Changming's revenge, Gu Lingsi thought that the reason why the couple threatened her was already known to the whole world, so she simply changed her address. and phone number, disconnect from Ming An Yu Ting!

Therefore, today is the first time that the reborn Gu Lingsi met Ming An Yu Ting!
In her previous life, Ming An Yu Ting was kind to Gu Lingsi because of the Gu family.

But the couple has obviously changed in this life.

Their ferocity and arrogance were all due to her, but they forgot that they had a daughter Mingdai in the first place.

Oh no, maybe they are not ignorant, but have been taught to be forced to forget.

On the contrary, Gu Lingsi, now that she lost the protection of the Gu family, faced the ferocious side of the couple like beasts.

...It seemed that the situation was reversed, and she was in the same situation as Ming Dai in her previous life.

Gu Lingsi couldn't express her sighs in her heart, but her mind was full of plans on how to deal with the couple.

She saw that the two men were wearing shabby clothes, their skin was sallow and old, they were completely different from the image that Ming Dai raised with money in the previous life, and their faces became thinner and meaner.

Therefore, the reason why they came to her was nothing more than one thing——


Sure enough, as she guessed, Ming'an opened his mouth like a lion:
"Give us 1000 million!"

"What, what?"

Gu Lingsi couldn't believe her ears.

1000 million?All her assets now add up to less than 100 million!Let alone 1000 million!

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