Chapter 683 Gifts
After all, he has killed people, been in prison, and seen the extremely dark Gu Lingsi in prison.

Her eyes instantly burst out with strong coldness and murderous intent!
Blood relationship?
This kind of thing doesn't exist for her!

Gu Lingsi only knew that she didn't want to bear the feeling of being threatened for a long time!

She gritted her teeth, stepped on the accelerator, and the red sports car galloped out instantly like a raging fire!

But she didn't know that when she drove the car out of the shopping mall, a car that had been waiting for a long time on the roadside of the shopping mall followed her unhurriedly.

Gu Lingsi, who drove the car all the way back to Gelu Apartment, even the happiness brought by shopping was wiped out by the ice water.

After returning home, Gu Ling thought that Ge Lu was going to the next city for a meeting anyway and would not be back in the next few days, so it was rare for him to decide to be willful!
She put on heavy makeup, put on a sequin skirt, and found a strange bar to dance disco until the bar closed in the early morning, and then left drunk.

The sports car was parked by the side of the road, and Gu Lingsi sat in the back seat dazedly, waiting for the appointed driver to come over.


The door was pulled open and closed again.

Gu Lingsi half-closed her eyes, without looking ahead, and reported the address of the apartment.

A hoarse and deep man's voice came from ahead:
"This is not where you should be."

Gu Lingsi woke up instantly!
She sat up straight, leaning against the car door vigilantly, ready to open the door and escape at any time:

"Liu Zhengqing! Why are you here?"

She was wondering and screaming in her heart. She didn't understand why she was so unlucky today. First she met two plague gods, Ming An and Yu Ting, and now even Liu Zhengqing is here!

She felt extremely bored, and she really didn't know when these things would end!

And Liu Zhengqing observed Gu Lingsi's expression from the rearview mirror, smiled ironically, and looked at her complicatedly:
"Lingsi, do you hate seeing me so much now?"

"Well, I hate it. When I see you, I will think of the humiliation I suffered! Liu Zhengqing, you don't think it really doesn't matter that your mother treated me like that before and I didn't say anything, do you?"

After all, Gu Lingsi's attitude towards Liu Zhengqing was much more presumptuous, not as cautious as he was towards Ming An Yuting, for fear of provoking two scumbags who had no lower limit.

In fact, she had a certainty in her heart that Liu Zhengqing would not hurt her.

Liu Zhengqing probably noticed it, and smiled wryly:

"Sorry, Lingsi, I let you down."

Gu Lingsi quietly breathed a sigh of relief:
"Yes! It's good that you know! So send me back quickly! Where is my driver?"

Liu Zhengqing turned a deaf ear to her words and kept talking to himself:
"...So Lingsi, I will never let you down again this time."

Gu Lingsi frowned, sensing the danger from this sentence:

"What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

Liu Zhengqing's answer was that he stepped on the accelerator!

No matter how prosperous Yanjing City is, there will be fewer vehicles in the early morning.

At this time, Liu Zhengqing was like a sober and rational lunatic, stepping on the gas pedal and galloping all the way, leaving Gu Lingsi in the back seat to scream loudly!

"Are you crazy Liu Zhengqing! Don't drive so fast! We will die! Ahhh!!!"

The red sports car changed lanes in reverse and narrowly missed an oncoming black car.

The driver of the opposite car stuck his head out of the car window and cursed at him, but Liu Zhengqing didn't listen and continued to go his own way.

The low roar of the sports car's engine echoed through the road until it went to an increasingly remote place.Gu Lingsi, who scolded her all the way, was very tough at first, but later she begged for mercy, tracing the past of the two of them, trying to arouse Liu Zhengqing's inner feelings and guilt for her.

As for Liu Zhengqing not hurting her?Gu Lingsi wasn't too convinced either...

After all, she couldn't gamble her precious second life!
She looked at the wilderness outside the car window in horror, her teeth chattering uncontrollably:
"Zheng, Zhengqing, calm down. You are in such good conditions and have a bright future waiting for you. Don't do anything that you will regret!"

Didn't Liu Zhengqing bring her here to take revenge and kill her?

Gu Lingsi clung to the back seat, ready to fight back.

It's not that she didn't think about escaping, but Liu Zhengqing was driving too fast, and she would only die if she jumped out of the car. Moreover, Liu Zhengqing had already locked the entire car as expected, not giving Gu Lingsi a chance.

Now, at the destination, Gu Lingsi didn't dare to run away, she didn't even want to get out of the car!
It was Liu Zhengqing who personally went around to her car door and opened it for her.

He whispered:

"But what to do, Lingsi, it's already too late, my future is over... So, I decided to live for you in the future!"

Just by looking at those eyes, Gu Lingsi knew that Liu Zhengqing must have gone crazy!
Those eyes are the eyes of a madman!
"Don't hurt me..."

Gu Lingsi pitifully begged for mercy.

Liu Zhengqing looked at her in surprise:
"Lingsi, what are you thinking? Even if I hurt myself, I won't hurt you! I just... just want to share something with you that will make you happy!"

As he spoke, Liu Zhengqing held Gu Lingsi's shoulders, pulled the slender girl out of the back seat of the car, and dragged her to an abandoned factory not far away.

Gu Lingsi wailed in her heart: Do you still want to hurt me?Liu Zhengqing, do you think I am a fool?

The wild grass is deep, far and near uninhabited.

Gu Lingsi could already imagine that if she died here, it would take many years for her bones to see the future again!

Wouldn't this be worse than her fate in the previous life?At least she lived many more years in her previous life!

Gu Lingsi, who was thinking wildly, was brought to the gate of the factory by Liu Zhengqing.

He tightly wrapped Gu Lingsi's wrist with one hand, and opened the rusty and heavy door lock with the other.

This kind of movement was very strenuous, but Liu Zhengqing still insisted, probably because he was afraid that Gu Lingsi would escape.

Finally, the door opened with a creak, and the room, which was as dim as the scene of a horror movie, appeared in Gu Lingsi's field of vision.

Inside was a rusty and moldy smell that had been dusty for many years, and the air was humid and cold, which made Gu Lingsi tremble and fear constantly.

Gu Lingsi begged for mercy until Liu Zhengqing dragged her deep into the factory... Her voice was stuck in her throat!Can't go up or down!
Gu Lingsi was trembling: "Is there anyone? I seem to hear someone shouting..."

"No one." Liu Zhengqing shook his head solemnly and said with a terrifying seriousness, "It's a gift from me."

Gu Lingsi suddenly thought of something and mustered up the courage to step forward.

Then, she saw Ming An and Yu Ting who had just separated from her in the afternoon.

The husband and wife who had been aggressively grabbing her hair and threatening them before were now tied to a chair by Wuhuada. There was no good flesh in any part of their body visible to the naked eye, and they were covered in blood and flesh.

Seeing such a scene, what else does Gu Lingsi not understand?
This is Liu Zhengqing’s gift——

He was going to kill the couple for her!

(End of this chapter)

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