Chapter 73

At the end of the lunch break, Ming Dai found that Wang Youjie, whom she hated, seemed to automatically stay away from her.

Although Wang Youjie avoids her like he is hiding from the plague god...


Ming Dai would rather be treated as a plague god than to be in contact with this kind of person!

I have to say that after being far away from Wang Youjie's world, the air seems to be fresh, no longer greasy and sticky, so that Ming Dai feels that her condition has improved a lot, eagerly waiting for the upcoming filming.

Speaking of which, Ming Dai should wrap up after filming next week.

She didn't appear much in the first place, and the senior director specially concentrated the scenes on the weekend to shoot. The overall efficiency was very high. If the original plan had been followed, it should have been finished this week.

But now director Gao and screenwriter Song have increased her part in the show, so the finale time will extend to next week, and it is expected that there will be a lot of memory clips about her in the later stage, which can be said to truly run through the whole play.

According to the current proportion of roles and the importance of the role, Ming Dai is basically no different from the third female.

That is to say, Princess Mingzhu's originally appointed actress had gone through all kinds of troubles, quitting and engaging in public opinion but failed to achieve her goal - Ming Dai didn't do anything special, she did it easily.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that being scolded on the Internet is not a big deal.

...Ming Dai obviously didn't realize it.

She has gradually become less concerned with online comments, no longer attached to external criticism, and her whole mentality is quietly changing.

"Ming Dai!"

Director Gao Yi waved at Ming Dai from a distance.

Mingdai quickly handed the script to Huang Yuanyuan, and trotted over with her skirt in hand.

It's time for her to start filming!

In the next scene, Princess Mingzhu ran around asking for news in order to protect her father.

The first person she approached was the seventh prince with the best relationship.

Even though the seventh prince is an idle and wealthy prince in the eyes of outsiders, he is a prince after all, and his contact and understanding of news inside and outside the court is far better than that of Princess Mingzhu, a boudoir woman, and her handkerchief handkerchiefs. Come wider and deeper.

It's a pity that Princess Mingzhu was shut down, and the housekeeper of the Seventh Prince's house said with a smile:
"His Royal Highness is not here, Princess please go back."

Princess Mingzhu realized something, straightened her back proudly, endured the red eye circles without tears, turned and left step by step.

And just across the wall, the Seventh Prince was standing behind the door, listening to Mingzhu's voice, there was no disturbance on his face, but his fists were clenched tightly, his nails were stuck in his flesh, almost bleeding.

The counselor who came to him for vengeance said reverently:
"Your Highness, your choice is not wrong."

The Seventh Prince didn't speak, but just took a deep look at the other party.

That look was gloomy, cold, was indescribably terrifying.

The once carefree and idle prince finally shed his innocent appearance, revealing his majesty and majesty.

The counselor was frightened, and knelt down on the ground in fear, lowering his head into the dust.

I'm afraid even the counselor himself didn't expect that the Seventh Prince, who he thought would be easy to deal with, turned out to be not a fuel-efficient lamp, but his eyes and momentum easily shattered the counselor's pride, making the counselor bow his head respectfully and submit to him.

The counselor seemed sad and happy, but in the end, he was still fortunate to be able to follow a lord with a promising future, not a puppet.

And the Seventh Prince never looked down from the beginning to the end, the corner of his clothes hurriedly brushed the counselor's face, and then chased after the direction where Princess Mingzhu left.

He saw Princess Mingzhu met the noble and wealthy son who had previously pursued her but failed, insulting and taunting her with words.

Princess Mingzhu was not overwhelmed by a few ugly words, she raised her head high like a swan, her head full of emerald greens swayed lightly, her eyes were firm and powerful, and her delicate and slender body burst out with great strength.

But that figure is lonely, as if there is no shelter from the wind and rain in this world.

The Seventh Prince, who was watching from a distance, had sorrowful eyes.

After Princess Mingzhu left, he stopped the high-ranking young man with a few dog legs, and approached him step by step towards the corner.

"A thing like you deserves to be close to her?"

He stretched out his feet and rolled the proud young man into the mud, looking down at him as if looking down on him.

Young Master Gaomen was intimidated by the Seventh Prince's aura, knelt on the ground trembling, and kept begging for mercy.

The Seventh Prince just left.

After leaving, he lost the trace of Princess Mingzhu, and searched hard in the crowd, but he couldn't find her no matter what.

The moment he realized that he had lost him, the Seventh Prince was gripped by great fear, and his eyes were almost crazy.

Fortunately, he soon found Mingzhu on the second floor of a nearby restaurant.

...and his younger brother, the Twelve Princes.

The two sat in the private room of the restaurant, the window was half open, so that he, who was across the street, could just see the situation inside the house, but he couldn't get closer.

Princess Mingzhu was crying with her face covered, and the twelfth prince was comforting her. She turned sideways, as if leaning on the twelfth prince, and the twelve prince showed a sad expression on his face.

From a distance, the two seem to be nestled together, as if they are the only ones to rely on each other in the world.


It shouldn't be like this!

The pearl is his!
The seventh prince's teeth smelled bloody, and he waited patiently, until Mingzhu left, and only his younger brother, the twelve princes, was left in the box.

"Who told you to see Mingzhu?"

The seemingly calm questioning, in fact, suppressed the raging anger of the Seventh Prince under each word.

The twelve princes are different from the seven princes.

The seventh prince had to pretend to be idle and stay away from disputes because his mother and concubine were not around and no one was protecting him, and his situation was not good;

The mother of the twelve princes is a noble concubine, covering the sky with one hand in the harem, and she has an older brother above her, so she protects the twelve princes tightly, which is truly kind and pure.

The Twelfth Prince failed to see the hidden emotions of Seventh Brother, he angrily refuted the other party, and even asked the other party why he couldn't help Mingzhu?

"You don't know anything."

The Seventh Prince gave the Twelfth Prince a complicated look.

Beneath the surging anger, there was a hint of envy hidden.

The seventh prince turned around to leave, but the twelfth prince, who didn't understand Seventh Brother's mood, held him back.

"What the hell is Pearl to you!"

"Mingzhu and I are naturally the closest people in the world!"

The Seventh Prince spoke word for word, sonorously and forcefully.

It seems to be telling the twelfth brother, and it seems to be promising something!
It's a pity that Princess Mingzhu couldn't hear it, and walked down the street heartbroken.

The heavy rain came quietly, drenching her into a mess, and finally hid in the eaves of the corner of the street like a wounded animal, hugged her knees tightly and curled up into a ball, whimpering silently.

This is also the last tear of Princess Mingzhu.

After this rain, she never shed tears again.


"Card! Perfect!"

(End of this chapter)

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