
Chapter 222 Three Same Photos

Chapter 222 Three Same Photos
The administrator of the dump with the surname Liu?
Shen Ke and Zhao Xiaomeng looked at each other, with bad associations in their hearts.

Could it be the dump where they went over the wine bottles?There was an administrator surnamed Liu, who was so greedy that he almost lost his life.

The last time they went through the garbage dump, they stink for several days.

"Does Lin Xueyuan have a girlfriend?" Shen Ke asked without changing expression.

Zhang Yufen shook her head quickly, "I used to have one when I was studying abroad, but we broke up after returning home."

She suddenly stood up from the sofa, and grabbed Shen Ke's hand, "Don't ask so many questions, hurry up and find our Xueyuan! He has been missing for several days, and I don't know if he has had a good meal! "

Shen Ke withdrew her hand, "Even if the fortune-telling old fairy comes, you have to ask to make a calculation."

"When you hear Lin Xueyuan's name, you know where he is. It's not a policeman but a kidnapper."

Zhang Yufen opened her mouth, but her mind went blank and she didn't know what to say to go back. She only hated herself for being stupid.

Shen Ke ignored her and walked aside expressionlessly.

Shen Ke turned her head to look, and saw Qi Huan standing beside her, with blue stubble on his fair chin.

Hearing Zhang Yufen's angry words, Shen Ke couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Shen Ke put the mobile phone into her pocket, suddenly felt her hand was cold, turned her head to look, and saw Li Yuan slapped her big hand, and a dog skin plaster was stuck on her arm.

As soon as she walked outside, Shen Ke felt that the air around her seemed to become a little fresher.

Don't say she can't, before she led Li Yuan on a bicycle and carried a big hammer to smash the statue in the fountain pool to pieces, that is still vivid in my memory!

Just as Shen Ke was thinking about it, she felt a source of heat coming from her side, and a voice rang in her ears, "It's Fucha, a popular online celebrity shop in Nanjiang recently. This shop is very popular. It doesn't provide delivery, so you can only buy it at the shop." .”

When Shen Ke heard this, she glanced at Chen Mo suspiciously, "What's the world record declaration number? If the horse bureau breaks Tang Seng's chanting time, it should be written in the book and become the glory of our bureau."

Looking at it this way, Shen Ke has to be cut into several halves like cutting a watermelon.

Bitch, do I mean that?

The second photo is slightly moved to the right, and the takeaway garbage scattered on the ground is exposed a little more. On the ground, a dark red milk tea cup is exposed, but the words on the cup are just facing the direction of the ground. , can't see clearly.

What Zhang Yufen showed them before was the third photo.

"There are two stores in Nanjiang City. The main store is in Nanjiang New District. The newly opened one is in Chengnan District."

He said, frowning slightly.

Hearing the words, Chen Mo walked over quickly, stretched out his head to look, and nodded heavily, "That's right, it should be the bottom of the word."

After taking the photos, he didn't even look at them, so he sent all three photos directly.

Just now Shen Ke gave the situation to the horse, and didn't hate Lin Donglai, so he shouldn't regret it, so he's going to smash his house!

Zhang Yufen has only one son, Lin Xueyuan, and never asks if he comes back or not.Given that he had been kidnapped once before, he thought it was a prank when he received a call from the kidnapper, and went to play mahjong?
Father Lin Donglai seemed to care about Lin Xueyuan very much and was willing to pay him a ransom of 1000 million, but after the horse bureau arranged for the special case team to come, what he thought of was cynicism.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Shen Ke slid his finger to the second photo. There was no red word in this photo, but the camera moved slightly to the right. The kidnappers should have taken three consecutive photos, but The hand shakes slightly, so the three photos look the same, but there are subtle differences.

As he spoke, he gave Ju Ma a look, and seeing Ju Ju's approval, he led the special case team out of Lin's villa quickly.

Chen Mo made a point.

And why did he point out that Qi Huan's family borrowed the ransom?
Shen Ke clicked on the first photo and temporarily put this sense of disharmony behind her.

"Don't be impulsive! If you smash the horse game, I will miss you for a year."

And... Shen Ke thought about it, secretly glanced at Qi Huan.

Chen Mo thought about Shen Ke's inference about the blood on Lin Xueyuan's chest, and said, "Check to see if anyone had their arteries cut last night and lost a lot of blood. It may also be a clue."

"Those three are exactly the same, what can I see? It must be because the Internet is not good, so I posted it three times."

"Generally speaking, the milk tea cups are all white. But this store follows the Chinese style, so the milk tea cups are Chinese red, and there are gold stamped blessings on the milk tea cups. Many people go to check in and buy a cup of milk tea. Hours start."

Chen Mo was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Xiaomeng, you wait here for the call, Qi Huan and I will contact colleagues near the milk tea shop to find the suspicious warehouse nearby, Shen Ke, you and Qi Huan, go and look around the garbage dump. See if there is any surveillance footage of the person taking the gold bars."

"What's the matter, Shen Ke?" Chen Mo, who was walking ahead, saw that Shen Ke didn't leave, and his heart skipped a beat.

She picked up Zhang Yufen's mobile phone and wanted to enlarge Lin Xueyuan's photo, but when she touched it, the photo retracted into the chat box. Shen Ke looked at it and said in surprise, "The kidnapper sent a total of three photos. Why did you only show us one piece?"

He had to be quick to save people. Seeing that Shen Ke had no intention of confronting Lin Donglai, he quickly got into Qi Huan's car, waved his phone at Shen Ke, and left quickly.

She walked a few steps, turned her head and looked over, this villa was quite big, it looked no smaller than the one Lu Ye lived in now.The entire architectural style is also European, looking like a castle.

"And the trajectory of Lin Xueyuan's actions last night." After Chen Mo finished speaking, he felt a little embarrassed.

Just as he was thinking, Zhao Xiaomeng raised his hand weakly, "When there is no phone, I can check the sky eye to see where Lin Xueyuan lost his trace."

Nanjiang City has well-developed water and land transportation, and there are many warehouses for inventory. It is not an easy task to check them one by one.

"Team Chen, take a look. This first photo was taken at a higher angle, and there are some strange red shapes on the edge of the photo..." Shen Ke stretched out his hand to zoom in on the edge of the first photo, "It looks like The bottom of the red sign...could be a warehouse."

This home looks simple, but it seems that there is disharmony everywhere.

Chen Mo didn't hesitate, and nodded at Zhao Xiaomeng, "Everyone has news to synchronize."

"Old Shen, you can't do this! Why do you make it like tofu! Did you see Team Chen's look of hatred towards me? He thought I beat you up with a sack!"

Shen Ke rolled her eyes at Li Yuan, "I don't know who's nose is broken at a young age. I can't smell it like I took a bath in medicinal oil. Even the mosquitoes in the next door of the Municipal Bureau are all caught by you." Xun is dizzy."

Li Yuan looked at Shen Ke's back, smelled his arm, and it did smell of medicinal oil.

Shen Ke was ruthless when he started, so it's not a brother's sparring!That's just like Nezha fighting the third prince, and he's going to cramp as soon as he gets started!With his rough skin and thick flesh, it hurts everywhere!
He thought, and quickly chased after Shen Ke, "Old Shen, do we have to dig through the garbage mountain again! Why doesn't Team Chen let us go find the warehouse together? There are so many people and we can find it quickly! Wait for me !"

(End of this chapter)

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