
Chapter 228 The Oil Painting on the Wall

Chapter 228 The Oil Painting on the Wall

When Xu Cheng heard the word "painting", his expression became gloomy.

"If I had been taught by a famous teacher since I was a child, I wouldn't lie here and be humiliated by you like I am today!"

He said, lying flat on the ground like a broken jar, and looked towards the door, "Officer, the ambulance is here, even if the prisoners in the prison are injured, they still need to be treated .”

"What's more, I'm still a victim of a kidnapping case. If you have time to discuss paintings with me, you might as well go to Young Master Lin. It's a life anyway!"

Everyone looked towards the door, and the ambulance personnel on the ambulance came in anxiously, "Where is the injured?"

Chen Mo pointed to Xu Cheng who was in handcuffs, and pondered, "I'll follow the car to the hospital..."

As soon as his words fell, a middle-aged man in a police uniform came out, "Captain Chen, leave this place to us, I will take good care of Xu Cheng, go find Lin Xueyuan."

This person is the director of the police station in a nearby jurisdiction, named Zhanpingan.

The special case team is too small, and any larger operations require the assistance of colleagues in the jurisdiction.

Then Liu Meiqi's blood splatter caused by the puncture of the main artery will definitely leave marks on his body.

For example, the blood splatter on Xu Cheng's clothes... He and Lin Xueyuan went to the set to visit the set, and so many eyes saw what clothes he was wearing, and even if the set was top-notch, there would be many stations outside. Sister's long guns and short cannons.

The living room of the Lin family was noisy, and Lin Donglai was on the phone, chattering and yelling at someone!It felt like the thousand-year-old ghost had his funeral vessel stolen, and the fire was about to burst out of the ground.

And just a wound on his abdomen will not make him look "bloody". In order to make himself look badly injured, so that he can clear himself of suspicion, and because of the reason he mentioned earlier that his clothes were photographed, he did not change. clothing.

Chen Mo nodded when he heard the words, "It's not too late, then Xiao Zhan, I won't be polite to you. When the case is over, I will treat you to dinner."

Chen Mo paused slightly, allowing himself to review the current situation, "Even if this can be proved, Xu Cheng killed Liu Meiqi..."

Chen Mo asked the question that other people wanted to ask. What did Shen Ke discover that made him so sure that there was something wrong with Lin Donglai?
"And the painting you told Xu Cheng, what kind of painting is it? Where is the painting?"

As soon as Chen Mo's words came out, Qi Huan over there suddenly exclaimed, "The painting you are talking about is the oil painting hanging on the wall of the Lin family's living room? At that time, you kept looking at that oil painting, and then you found it. My mother, is it right to ask about this painting?"

Li Yuan raised his finger and pointed at Shen Ke's back, with a face full of accusations, "Captain Chen, you're out of your mind! How can I be fooled by her! She ran away on a bicycle and left me behind. what happened!"

He saw Shen Ke unceremoniously sitting down on the sofa of the Lin family.

Shen Ke naturally wouldn't demolish Lin Donglai's house.

"I don't quite understand what kind of riddle you and Xu Cheng are playing! According to the information you synchronized in the group before, before Liu Meiqi was killed, she was slapped. During the process, the person who slapped her was on her cheek. There are traces of paint in her hair."

Ma Ju looked embarrassed and was trying to be a peacemaker.

Lin Donglai saw Shen Ke coming, hung up his phone, opened his mouth and roared angrily.

At this point, Chen Mo believed in the forensic witness Xiao Wang, just as he believed in Shen Ke.

As he said, he led the special case team and went out in a hurry.

"Shen Ke, although I really don't like that Lin Donglai, who has eyes in the sky. But you can't just send him to prison just because he is annoying."

However, the police of course have other evidence.

This morning, they were despised by those two low-minded things at the Lin family.

"Where is Lin Xueyuan, don't you husband and wife know the best? Well, if you forget, I suggest you buy some paper to burn for Xu Cheng, and ask where Lin Xueyuan is?"

It's just that these evidences can at best only show that there is something wrong with Xu Cheng.

"Old Ma, it's not that I don't give you face, it's that I only have a son like Xue Yuan! If he dies, my wife and I will not be able to survive with this family wealth!"

"And we found the same pigment that may be on Liu Meiqi's body under Xu Cheng's nails."

Chen Mo watched her run away in a hurry, stomped his feet speechlessly, his eyes moved, and he gave the stunned Li Yuan a hard look.

Zhang Yufen walked around the house with an anxious face, and looked at Zhao Xiaomeng from time to time.

"Brat, Shen Ke is already muddy, but it will be better when you come, she is even muddier!"

As Li Yuan said, he looked at the helmet he was holding in his hand.

Liu Meiqi is already dead, and the dead cannot speak. As long as Xu Cheng argues that he has an intimate relationship with Liu Meiqi...then it's not that he has no room for maneuver in leaving paint on her hair.

"Senior sister, I have checked all the information you want me to check. I made a briefing and sent it to your mobile phone."

Shen Ke had already got on the motorcycle at this time, she nodded to everyone, "Come on, I'll take you to the Lin family to find the venue."

These can leave image data.

Zhao Xiaomeng was so embarrassed by her that she felt like she was on the same arm. When she saw Shen Ke coming in, she let out a long breath, as if seeing a savior.

From which side did the dagger go in, from top to bottom, or from bottom to bottom, and where the murderer stood on her? All of this can be analyzed and judged based on the blood stains around the chair, and Xu Cheng cannot be allowed to argue at will. .

The reason why he added an "even if" is because this evidence is not without loopholes.

He was about to put it on, but in the blink of an eye Shen Ke ran away by himself!
Chen Mo snorted, didn't say anything, and waved at Li Yuan, "You take my little broken car, Xiao Qi follows behind, don't let us go late, Xiao Shen demolished his house!"

"How do you police do things? It's almost noon now! Has my son Lin Xueyuan been found? And Xu Cheng, have you found it? Is this how your taxpayers' money is used?"

Shen Ke took out her mobile phone from her pocket, looked down, and curled her lips.

"What does this have to do with Lin Donglai?"

As she said, she raised her finger to the painting hanging on the wall, "Isn't the oil painting of the Virgin before very good? It matches well with your upstart house. Now it's changed to this, like it should be planting peonies." The garden is full of dogtail grass!"

As she spoke, she looked at Zhang Yufen and then at Lin Donglai.

"Of course you two can't survive with this wealth! How can you survive with negative equity? Right!"

As soon as Shen Ke finished speaking, Zhang Yufen's legs went limp and she collapsed to the ground, "Xu... Xu Cheng is dead? Impossible, how could Xu Cheng die!"

(End of this chapter)

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