
Chapter 236 Zhao Xiaomeng's Hidden Sister

Chapter 236 Zhao Xiaomeng's Hidden Sister
A friendly voice came from the phone, "Xiao Shen! Our Xiaomeng often mentions you at home, saying that you are her senior sister in the junior class! I usually take good care of her at work! Your aunt and I are still thinking about when Please come to my house for dinner!"

"Xiaomeng hasn't come back yet! Why, did something happen?"

Zhao Xiaomeng's father's Mandarin is very standard, and his personality is also leisurely, with a sense of calmness like reading newspapers and drinking tea.

Qi Huan and Li Yuan in the office noticed the call and surrounded them anxiously.

Shen Ke took a look at them and turned on the hands-free phone.

"At noon, she received a message saying that her mother was sick and she had asked for leave to go back. I couldn't get through to her number,"

Zhao Xiaomeng's father became anxious when he heard it.

"Her mother is not sick, she is cooking in the kitchen! Xiaomeng has not come back! Something must have happened to this child!"

As Shen Ke said, she stood up, picked up the car keys, and said as she walked, "Let's go there now, you should first contact Xiaomeng's friends and relatives and ask, see if she is there, if Xiaomeng finds her Yes, please tell me."

Before the phone was hung up, another anxious female voice rang out.

Mother Zhao sighed, "At that time, I hadn't been transferred to Nanjiang to teach. Before that, we were working in Zhao'an City next door. Li Hongxing was our neighbor."

They never expected that such a thing would happen to Xiaomeng.

Qi Huan was still stuck in the road, not knowing where he could get there.

"Old Zhao and I didn't intend to have children, but Xiaomeng was really cute when she was young, so we raised her."

She was wearing a navy blue knitted half-sleeved skirt with a floral skirt underneath. Her hair was slightly permed and tied loosely behind her head, which looked extraordinarily gentle.

Li Yuan listened carefully, before expressing his opinion, the elevator had already reached the floor of Zhao Xiaomeng's house.

"Li Fangxia saw that Xiaomeng was doing well, so she left after eating. I was worried about trouble, so I moved into this new home in advance."

"Besides, they are in the dark and we are in the light. As long as the mouse hides in the hole and does not come out, it is not so easy for the cat to catch it."

Zhao Xiaomeng's home is quite far from the city bureau, and it takes more than an hour to take the subway. It is the second half of the rush hour, and there is a long queue along the way.

"We can seriously examine whether the case has anything to do with them, but we can't preconceive that they are omnipotent."

Shen Ke took the phone number, was taken aback for a moment, and felt regretful all of a sudden.

Zhao Xiaomeng's mother heard the words and said, "No, she is the only daughter."

Mother Zhao turned around and pulled Shen Ke to the sofa, "There is something that I don't know whether to say or not."

Shen Ke rode a motorcycle, shuttled nimbly, and when she reached the downstairs of Zhao Xiaomeng's house, the sun was about to set.

As she spoke, she turned her head anxiously and glanced at Zhao Xiaomeng's father.

This community has two floors and four households. The age of the building should be very new, and there are traces of new decoration everywhere.

"Shen Ke, you are also from the juvenile class. You know that a child like Xiaomeng is different from ordinary people. I don't want her to have any complicated interpersonal relationships and unclear feelings. She just needs to be safe and stable. Just live a lifetime and be fine.”


The door of Zhao Xiaomeng's house was open. Seeing Shen Ke standing at the door, a middle-aged woman in an apron hurried over and grabbed Shen Ke's hand, "Xiao Shen, right? I'm Xiaomeng mother."

Zhao's father was chubby, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face. Seeing Zhao's mother's eyes, he nodded heavily.

"I've called my relatives and friends, but none of them saw Xiaomeng. I tried to call her, but I couldn't get through."

Shen Ke said, and said seriously, "This organization is actually very loose. There are only five core members, and the rest are idle people who don't fully obey orders."

"When you said that on the phone before, I thought maybe the sister and mother that Xiaomeng mentioned were from Li Fangxia's side."

"The reason why he looks mysterious is because they have an organization. An organization represents a large number of people, and the behavior of a large number of people will be chaotic and irregular. In this case, it is more difficult for us to detect .”

"Earlier you asked me if Xiaomeng had a sister. I was anxious at the time, so I said no. But after I calmed down and thought about it, she actually has a sister. Xiaomeng is not our own daughter."

"In the past few months, we have caught Bai Cheng and Jiang He. I think they should enter a period of dormancy."

"Shen Ke, something must have happened to our Xiaomeng. This child will never lie. He will not lie about my body."

She is young and doesn't often go out on business, and she is in a relatively free state in the special case team. They really don't know her family situation.

"Xiaomeng's older sister is called Li Fangxia. That child came to visit my house suddenly a few months ago. We discussed it and didn't tell Xiaomeng about it."

"Her father's family name was Li, and his name was Li Hongxing. At that time, the policy did not allow multiple births. Li Hongxing's wife gave birth to a daughter in the first birth, and the second birth was Xiaomeng, another daughter. They didn't want to raise them, they wanted to give them away."

The fitness equipment in the community is very lively, many old people play there with their children, screaming endlessly.

As Mother Zhao said, she took out a note and handed it to Shen Ke, "This is Li Fangxia's phone number. I tried to get through but couldn't get through. I wonder if there is any way for the police to contact her and ask."

"To put it bluntly, Zhu Xi is actually just a serial murderer for 20 years. It's just that at that time, due to the limitations of criminal investigation techniques, he was not arrested and brought to justice."

Shen Ke hummed lightly, "Does Xiaomeng have a sister?"

It seemed that the background work of several people in their special case team was much deeper than she had imagined.

Shen Ke and Li Yuan were shocked beyond measure.

"However, he is definitely not as great as you think."

Li Yuan pulled his backpack, "Could it be Zhu Xi who attacked Xiaomeng?"

Shen Ke shook her head, "Is there only the word Zhu Xi in your head?"

At the beginning, what did Chen Mo say? Chen Mo said that Zhao Xiaomeng had an older sister, and that her family situation was complicated. So Chen Mo should know what Zhao's mother said.

Shen Ke didn't have time to think about it, so she hurriedly dialed Chen Mo's number.

"Team Chen, do you have the address of Zhao Xiaomeng's sister Li Fangxia?"

Chen Mo seemed to be in a meeting over there, his voice lowered a lot, "I went to check the file, and I'll tell you what happened?"

After a while, Shen Ke's cell phone rang. She opened it and saw the address. She couldn't help blurting out, "Xiaomeng's sister, Li Fangxia, also lives in this community."

(End of this chapter)

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