
Chapter 242 Li Fangxia's Envy and Determination

Chapter 242 Li Fangxia's Envy and Determination

Li Fangxia recalled the first time she went to Zhao Xiaomeng's house.

It was the first time for her to see such a clean and warm home, with many picture frames hanging on the walls of the living room.There is a family portrait of a family of three, and an old photo of Zhao Xiaomeng holding the acceptance letter of the junior class.

There are also awards she has won in various international information competitions.

Zhao Xiaomeng's mother's voice is very gentle, and she remembers every photo clearly. When she said it, her face was full of pride.

At that moment, she was envious and jealous.

It would be great if she was the one who was put up for adoption back then.

She is also very good at studying, and she is a triple-excellent student every year.But on the wall at home, there is a certificate of merit for Li Zongbao's perfect attendance.

She knew that Li Hongxing and Xiao Jinlan were eccentric, but she didn't expect that their eccentricity had no boundaries.

Li Fangxia recalled the feeling of the world collapsing when she returned home a few months ago and learned that her parents had received Sun Wenyi's 20 dowry gift, and she couldn't help shivering.

If only she had never been born, she wouldn't have to be born in such a family and be treated like this.

Zhao Xiaomeng looked at Li Fangxia, pursed her lips, and then looked at Xiao Jinlan, "The second time I called your mother, just now, I thought I was going to be killed. I think I call you, it's considered Pay back your life grace."

"Although I am not dead, I will not call you a third sentence. I only have one mother."

"After I was kidnapped by Sun Wenyi, I knew all the truth. When you didn't want me back then, you threw me away. Now that I've grown up and come to recognize me again, how can there be such a good thing?"

"You don't know, I was in poor health when I was young, and I was always sick. One night, there was a lot of snow, and my father was in charge of the third year of high school at that time, and he hadn't finished his evening self-study. Mom couldn't get a taxi, so she walked to the hospital with me on her back. Hospital."

"The road was too slippery, she fell all the way, and when she went to the hospital, she was injured all over, but I didn't even scratch the skin."

Zhao Xiaomeng's voice trembled, "I was a special child when I was a child, and I couldn't play with children of the same age. I didn't like to talk, and I didn't dare to socialize with others. The children in the community laughed at me as a weirdo."

"So Mom and Dad asked around and tried to find a way to let me take the exam for the Junior Class. The Junior Class was far away from the school where they worked, so Dad had to quit his job as a teacher and move to take care of me near the Junior Class."

"The teacher in the junior class discovered that my talent lies in computers, which was very expensive to learn at that time."

"As soon as my father heard from the teacher that I needed a high-end computer, he immediately found a part-time job and tried his best to make money to buy me the best computer available on the market at that time."

"After I graduated from university, many companies wanted me, and the salary was much higher than that of the police. They didn't let me choose the one with more money, but let me choose the one I like..."

Zhao Xiaomeng said, tears fell down.

Zhao's mother over there couldn't bear it anymore, ran over and hugged Zhao Xiaomeng, and patted her on the back lightly, "Xiaomeng, let's stop talking, it's all over."

Li Yuan listened quietly, and glanced at Shen Ke who was standing beside him. Shen Ke was also a supernormal child, what was it like when he was a child?

However, Shen Ke didn't pay attention, and turned her eyes to one side. When the ambulance arrived, Chen Mo and Qi Huan hurried in to help the ambulance personnel lift out Sun Wenyi, who had treated the wound roughly.

Xiao Jinlan looked at it, shrank to the side, and just bumped into Li Fangxia who was squatting on the ground. She turned her head and looked, just about to start scolding, but she saw Li Fangxia's face that was beaten blue and purple and green. His eyes were red from crying, as if something was stuck in his throat.

Li Fangxia gave her a cold look, and stood up, "I, Li Fangxia, spit and nail every word I speak."

"Even if Sun Wenyi is arrested by the police, the 20 dowry money will have to be returned to others. I will pay back the 20 for you. There are so many police officers here today to help me bear witness."

"The 20 yuan is my alimony for you. From then on, I, Li Fangxia, Li Hongxing and Xiao Jinlan have no relationship whatsoever."

She said, glanced at Zhao Xiaomeng, and said to Xiao Jinlan who was in a daze: "If you are still a person, don't come to Xiaomeng again! Today she carried the bomb for you and almost lost your life. Give me back everything." is you!"

"If you dare to bring your son to look for her, you can return the 20 yuan to Sun Wenyi yourself. You see, he has come out of prison, and Li Zongbao will be hacked to death!"

Shen Ke listened and walked up to Li Fangxia, "Seeing that you are still alive and kicking, why don't you tell me what happened. When did Sun Wenyi take you away? You know why you didn't call the police directly because of Zhao Xiaomeng's influence?"

"Times have changed. This kind of parents buying and selling arranged marriages is not allowed. Sun Wenyi wants to marry you by force, which threatens your life safety. You can ask the police for protection."

Li Fangxia didn't hesitate, "Because if I call the police, I have to pay back the 20 yuan. But the 20 yuan was spent by Li Zongbao's medical treatment, and I can't get it out at all. This is our fault."

"I just graduated from university and have no social experience. I thought that if my sister is a policeman, Sun Wenyi would not dare to mess around. It's not that I don't pay back the money. As long as I can borrow and earn money, I will pay for it immediately. return."

"This is because I'm sorry for Xiaomeng. Three days ago, Xiao Jinlan hid in Nanjiang, saying that Sun Wenyi had gone to his hometown, and Li Hongxing and Li Zongbao hid. She wants to hide with me."

"Last night, there was nothing to eat at home. I went out to the fruit shop outside the community to buy watermelon. I didn't talk to Xiao Jinlan, I just played with my mobile phone in the room, and Xiao Jinlan watched TV in the living room."

Li Fangxia spoke very carefully, "About nine o'clock in the evening, the doorbell rang at home. I told Xiao Jinlan not to open the door, but she didn't listen. After the door opened, I heard a man's voice, and The sound of fighting."

"I was scared to death, so I hid in the closet and wanted to call the police with my mobile phone. But I forgot that the key to the room of that house was always inserted in the door."

"Sun Wenyi broke in. The room is not big, only the closet can hide people. Before I had time to call the police for help, Sun Wenyi opened the door. He was holding a kitchen knife. Seeing that I was using my mobile phone, he hacked me with the knife. I subconsciously Raising his hand, he cut my tiger's mouth, and blood flowed."

"Sun Wenyi tied us up, gagged our mouths with cloth, and then started digging things out of our backpacks."

"He worked in the kitchen for a long time, and when he came out again, he made a bomb and put it in a backpack. He put the backpack on Xiao Jinlan's body, then put a knife against me, and put on masks for us. "

"When I was in the elevator, I wanted to ask the people next to me for help, but they all just looked down and played with their mobile phones, and no one noticed us at all."

Shen Ke listened carefully, and asked again, "Then why did he want to arrest Zhao Xiaomeng? Did he have this plan from the beginning?"

(End of this chapter)

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