
Chapter 268 The Girl Who Disappeared in the Dead Alley

Chapter 268 The Girl Who Disappeared in the Dead Alley
After Qi Huan finished speaking, he felt a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to read it, I'm here to make coffee at the water dispenser."

He said, and then said, "Although bus No. 778 also stops on Baoye Road, its bus stop is still a certain distance from Nanjiang Newspaper Group, and it is across the road."

"The camera was filming exactly the direction from the bus stop."

Shen Ke nodded and continued to play the video without saying anything.

Qi Huan was right.

Bao Hui did appear on the opposite side of the road, because the distance from the camera was too far, the figure was very small and blurry, and could hardly be seen clearly.Moreover, the angle of the camera was too low to capture Bao Hui's head.

She can only be judged by her conspicuous school uniform and the dangling stuffed duck on her schoolbag.

Bao Hui walked a few steps, stopped, then turned a corner and disappeared from the screen.

Shen Ke pressed pause again, "There is a narrow alley here."

Qi Huan nodded, "Before I came to the Municipal Bureau, I worked at the nearby police station, so Zhang Qingshan asked me to cooperate."

"It's not an alley, there's no way to go through it, it's sealed by a wall. There used to be a very small door face, but it was burned down after a fire. Next to the small door face is a restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant bought that place for convenience. Deliver food to the back kitchen from there."

Although there are many cameras everywhere now, not all businesses will install 360-degree surveillance cameras outside the store and take pictures of all the pictures.

Shen Ke listened and gave Qi Huan a thumbs up.

No wonder Qi Huan wanted to call him a night watch dog. He might have covered every inch of Nanjiang with his legs.

She clicked the play button, and the 30-second video was coming to an end.

In the surveillance video, another passerby appeared.

Also, her face was not photographed, and this video was gone almost as soon as she entered the picture.

Shen Ke frowned, played the scene of passers-by entering the painting again, and then pressed pause.

Only half of this person's body appeared, and her left foot and right hand were in front at the same time, and she was photographed.On her left foot, she wears light-colored mid-length stockings, followed by light-colored flat sandals.

The bag in the right hand, with a corner exposed, is a gray rectangle.

"This passer-by, like Bao Hui, was a passenger who got off bus No. 778. She was the second one to get off. She should be an old lady who just came back from the hospital, and she was carrying a thermos."

"Nanjiang Newspaper Group is right in front of you, just across the road. Bao Hui has been tossing around for so long and skipped class from Yaoguang. Why did he suddenly turn around and go to another place when his destination was right in front of him?"

When she left the cafe in Qi Huan's car before, she even read it specially. The words Nanjiang Newspaper Group were particularly eye-catching, and she could see it clearly even after driving a long way.

There is no possibility that Bao Hui can't find the place. The only possibility is that something happened in the dark alley attracted her attention.

Qi Huan's face was also a little heavy, "Based on my experience working at the grassroots level, girls her age are generally easy to be deceived. They have a good heart and little knowledge. It's endless."

"Poor kittens and puppies, strangers asking for help...all may attract her."

The monitoring only had unclear pictures and no sound, so they had no way of judging what was going on.

Shen Ke nodded, "Do you know what is so strange? There is no other video in the file, this is the last picture of Bao Hui."

"Didn't you say that this is a dead end, and Bao Hui went in like a living person, but never came out again. Could it be that she could still fly into the sky and escape from the ground? Or disappeared in place?"

This is all impossible.

"Even if there are bad guys in the alley, they will take her away. Then how did the bad guys get out? According to the case-handling process, we should continue to check the video footage captured by the surveillance camera."

"Even if there is no picture of anyone appearing later, it is important evidence and should be archived."

Shen Ke said, looking at Qi Huan, "Is it possible that it is someone from the restaurant. You said that this alley is convenient for delivering food to the back kitchen, so there should be a side door of the back kitchen. At this time, the restaurant Is it still open?"

Qi Huan shook his head, "It's not open, that restaurant only opens at 09:30 and then closes. The owner of the restaurant is named Chen Lindong, who is in the same situation as Gu Xiaochuan, because the store is owned by his own family and does not require rent, so it is usually very expensive. Buddhism."

"At that point, the restaurant should have been closed. There is a big iron door in the back kitchen of the restaurant, and the door is locked except when picking up food. During the day, Chen Lindong will park his small sports car in the alley."

"But there are no absolutes in the world, we need to confirm again."

Shen Ke frowned slightly, turned off the video, and looked at the file.

When Bao Hui passed by, she noticed the situation in the dark alley and turned in.

So what about the old lady who followed her and entered the picture?Could she be an eyewitness?Has she ever disappeared?If she disappeared, why is there no incident related to the disappearance of Bao Hui?
If there were no villains in the alley and Bao Hui left by herself, then how did she disappear?

Why is there no follow-up monitoring screen in the file?
With these questions in mind, Shen Ke continued to read the file.

The content of the dossier is so simple that it can be read almost at a glance.

It only said that this was the last time Bao Hui appeared on the surveillance screen, and then disappeared.

Because she was wearing a special school uniform, the coffee shop staff on duty that night were sure they had never seen such a person.

The police contacted Liu Yuanming at the same time. Bao Hui regarded him as an idol and probably wanted to come to Nanjiang Newspaper Group to meet him.

However, according to Liu Yuanming’s stay in the office until 11:30 that day, there are his clock-in records in the office building, and many colleagues who worked overtime together can testify for him. The girl came to him.

In the visitor records of Nanjiang Newspaper Group, the cameras in the lobby did not capture Bao Hui.

She was indeed walking on the main road, suddenly turned a corner, and then disappeared out of thin air.

The dossier said that the police searched extensively near Baoye Road and called other surveillance cameras around Baoye, but they did not capture Bao Hui again.The Nanjiang Newspaper Group also helped to publish the missing person notice for free, but unfortunately, Bao Hui seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no more information.

Shen Ke looked at it, her brows were furrowed, she raised her finger and pointed to the flamboyant signature on the computer screen, "Do you know this Zhang Yang?"

(End of this chapter)

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