
Chapter 306 Hospital Question Chapter Julie

Chapter 306 Hospital Interview Julie
Today's Li Yuan is extraordinarily attentive, the tail of a dog behind him seems to be sticking out to people's faces and wagging.

Shen Ke took a deep look at him, and said mercilessly, "Don't come tonight."

Li Yuan saw that there was nothing to do, so he sighed, "Then you apply to the bureau today to bring back the gun. Now your life is threatened, which means you are on duty 24 hours a day, so you should be equipped with a gun."

"It's time to put the gun under the pillow. It's best to install a camera at the door of your house. I heard that there is a doorbell with a camera. As long as someone walks by your door, your phone will be alerted."

"If I receive a reminder, I will rush over from home to help you immediately."

Li Yuan racked his brains thinking, afraid that something might be wrong.

He has seen too many sacrifices of comrades-in-arms, and he doesn't want Shen Ke to suffer another misfortune in life because of negligence. She has already encountered it once many years ago.

Li Yuan thought about it, and added, "You have to take me with you after get off work today. Although I am a sniper, not a scout, my anti-reconnaissance ability is still good. Your house is big, and you don't have many places to use it. .”

"It's necessary to prevent that guy from sneaking into your house while you're working, or installing a camera. Don't worry, I'll go back when I'm sure everything's okay. You must turn on your mobile phone, and call me as soon as you have something to do."

If he didn't know that Shen Ke would never agree, Li Yuan even wished he could not hang up the video directly.

"It's long-winded! Got it! Why are you chattering more than Chen Mo! Have you become a direct disciple of the Horse Bureau?"

Shen Ke sucked up all the rice noodles and stuffed the box into a garbage bag.

Then he went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth, then picked up his backpack and walked to the door.

Li Yuan hurriedly picked up the garbage bag, and ran out behind Shen Ke. He took out the dark thread that he had prepared early in the morning, stuck it in the crack of the door, and then closed the door.

In this way, if someone sneaks in during the day, the line will fall.

Of course, when he came back at night, he would go to Xiao Huang's place to watch the surveillance as soon as possible, just for double insurance.

Li Yuan thought about it, followed Shen Ke into the elevator, and was the first to press the elevator button on the first floor.

It’s already getting cold in the morning and evening on the motorcycle, and both of them put on their coats. The motorcycle didn’t go to the Nanjiang City Bureau, but drove straight to the Nanjiang City People’s Hospital. After Zhu Li fainted yesterday, she was arrested The ambulance was dispatched here.

The motorcycle was speeding all the way, and got envious eyes from the traffic jam drivers in the morning rush hour.

Shen Ke lowered her head, looked at the ward information sent by Chen Mo, but frowned, "Zhu Li is in the department that specializes in treating tumors."

The elevator arrived at the inpatient department very quickly, just in time for the doctor's rounds.

Different from the bald expert director in my impression, the doctor who leads everyone's ward rounds here is young and beautiful. He looks like he is in his 20s and his high heels hit the ground. The appearance of the heroine.

Julie's ward is at the end of the corridor. It is a large room with three beds in total.

When the majestic white coat came out, the leader suddenly stopped, and called out with surprise, "Shen Ke!"

As she spoke, she embraced him familiarly.

"You don't count your words. I caught you today, right? Last time, when did you come? You call me and ask about that Hao...yes, about Hao Yiping, and say I'll give you Help me, invite me to dinner!"

"I've waited forever and counted all the banquets in my head, but I still haven't received your call."

Shen Ke stood there stiffly, and said softly, "Cheng Yuan."

Cheng Yuan is her classmate in the juvenile class. She has a long history of education and studied medicine after graduating from the juvenile class.

When investigating Hao Yiping's case before, she did call Cheng Yuan and asked her to help find out who took Hao Yiping's belongings.

Cheng Yuan was obviously just joking and didn't take this matter to heart. She took Shen Ke's hand and exclaimed as if she suddenly thought of something, "By the way, at noon on this Mid-Autumn Festival, Shenghai Tower We have a gathering of classmates in the junior class, do you want to come?"

"Gu Mingyi came back from abroad, and asked about you a few days ago..."

Shen Ke heard that she was going to start from Pangu, and interrupted her without hesitation, "What's going on with Zhu Li?"

Cheng Yuan was slightly taken aback, glanced at Zhu Li inside, and said in a low voice, "You are here to look for her, I said she was sent in by the police yesterday. Didn't she faint yesterday? The photo was found in her mind. There's a tumor that needs to be biopsied to see if it's malignant."

"Hey, the patients living here are getting younger and younger."

She wanted to say more, but she saw the nurse at the side calling her, and hurriedly clasped her hands together and said to Shen Ke, "I'll go first, remember the class reunion! I'll send you the address later. There is still surgery, I'll go first! "

Cheng Yuan said, gestured for a phone call, and left in a hurry.

Shen Ke looked away from her back and walked into the ward.

Zhu Li was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, her whole body seemed to be collapsed, her lips were extremely dry and cracked.

The patients in the ward were having breakfast at the moment. Zhu Chengfeng was sitting by the bed and opening the lid of the millet porridge for Zhu Li. She opened it several times but failed to open it. When she saw the police coming, she stood up with red eyes.

"Xiao Li, I'll be right at the door. If you need something later, call aunt."

Zhu Quan is a murderer. It is not suitable for Zhu Chenglong's family to appear in front of Zhu Li at this moment. All her relatives in this world are dead, so only her aunt Zhu Chengfeng can take care of her.

Shen Ke walked over and said to Zhu Li, "Shen Ke from the special case team, you met yesterday, and I need to ask you something about the statue with big eyes. I hope you can cooperate with the police investigation."

Zhu Li nodded numbly, her voice was extremely hoarse, "You ask. It's all my fault, if I didn't give that thing to my mother, she wouldn't have died. They all died for me."

Shen Ke shook her head when she heard the words, "They didn't die because of their big eyes, it was because Zhu Quan wanted a house."

"Did Jiang Chuan, the prop master, say where he got the wooden eyeball sculpture. That thing is an important prop for your crew, and he looks closely at it, and it's very precious. Has he disclosed any relevant information?"

Zhu Li was taken aback for a moment, thinking about Shen Ke's words, her eyes turned slightly red.

"He told Luo Di that it was originally a collection of his friend. Not long ago, he went to a friend's house as a guest, and he saw this big eye at a glance, and then took it back. He didn't say which friend it was. We don't know either."

Zhu Li said, paused, thought for a while, and said, "However, I think it should be a female friend. Because Jiang Chuan said that he exchanged it with someone with a pair of bracelets. It is also because of this that Luo Di is sure that this big eyeball It's worth the money."

(End of this chapter)

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