
Chapter 327 Completely Contrary Testimony

Chapter 327 Completely Contrary Testimony

Wei Yan's car was parked on the side of the road, and Shen Ke leaned against the electric pole and waited for a while, then saw Forensic Xiao Wang walking out with her black backpack on his back.

Wearing a sun hat with a mask on her head, she looked like a beekeeper. As soon as she got close, she threw the bag into Shen Ke's arms, "I really have one heart with Lao Chen! When I left, he was so happy I can't find the north! I thought how much money I saved since the big eater left!"

She said, opened the car door and got on the back seat, "You have everything in your bag, don't you? The donkeys in the production team don't dare to command me like you command me!"

Listening to her nagging, Shen Ke's expression softened a bit.

"For your birthday, I'll give you the one you've always wanted," Shen Ke said as she got into the co-pilot and closed the car door.

Sister Wang became interested, and leaned forward, "Why do you open your eyes, you don't want to catch ghosts, but you can still think of what I want in my heart?"

Shen Ke listened and didn't look back, "Give Lao Zheng's kneeling washboard an infinite lifetime! If you don't think it looks good, you can also customize the pattern film like a skateboard, such as the blood-splattered one, the bone villain... "

"Get out!" Sister Wang sitting in the back seat was annoyed, and slapped Shen Ke on the head.

Seeing that her hair was fluffy and soft, I couldn't help rubbing it again, "Although you guessed it right, Xiao Wang, I am a low-key person. Everyone in the bureau knows that I don't do these fancy things. Our old Wang family's ancestral washboard That's enough."

Hearing their brisk voices, Wei Yan couldn't help but relax a lot.

Although Shen Ke didn't introduce her to him, he could tell from the conversation that the sister surnamed Wang was probably a forensic officer who came to help collect fingerprints.

Wei Yan's home is near the Pearl Tower, which can be said to be a financial street, and there are some banks, securities investment companies and the like.

His house is a large flat that is fashionable nowadays, and he can see the river view from the window. Unlike the second generation like Shen Ke, he started from scratch and made a lot of money all the way from small money. He is a frequent visitor to financial magazines, far more than Shen Ke wanted to be much more famous.

Shen Ke looked at this house, and silently raised the possibility of murder for money in her heart.

She stood in front of the door and opened her backpack, which contained the usual shoe covers, gloves and evidence bags, which was her habit.

After the two changed into simple equipment, they went directly into the house. Wei Yan didn't dare to leave the two of them for even a single step, like a follower, following from one room to another.

Seeing that Sister Wang moved swiftly, like picking up beans, the whole process took less than 2 minutes, and I was a little speechless.

She took the hair comb, the essence bottle that Peng Meihui used every day, the toothbrush and the hair that fell from the pillow.

"Let's go, you go with me to the bureau and wait for the result."

Listening to Shen Ke's words, Wei Yan scratched his head, "In the TV series I watched, they can use some simple methods to extract fingerprints, such as 502, why don't we use this?"

Sister Wang listened and nodded, "Iron powder, 502, and iodine can do all of these."

"Yes, but it's not necessary. The knife didn't reach your neck." Shen Ke said, glanced at the wedding photos on the table, and took out her mobile phone to snap a photo.

When Wei Yan heard this, he almost burst into tears.

This feeling is like he asked the nurse in the hospital, why didn't the doctor give me a consultation?The nurse said that there is no need for your minor illness. Are you alive?


When Shen Ke led Wei Yan into the office of the special case team, Chen Mo and the others had already been back for a while.

Cheng Xinguo and Cheng Yuan's case still has a lot of follow-up matters to deal with, so no one has gone back yet.

When Chen Mo saw Shen Ke, he immediately said, "Why didn't you accept the money I transferred! It was agreed that I would treat you, why did you secretly pay?"

Shen Ke said "Oh", "I've never received such a small amount of money, I can't keep ordering."

Chen Mo hesitated, and wanted to say more, but saw Wei Yan standing behind her, and stopped talking.

Shen Ke ignored him and walked straight to the computer. Sister Wang moved very fast. For her, collecting fingerprints was easier than eating and drinking. As soon as the computer was turned on, the fingerprints had already been sent.

Shen Ke clicked on the system comparison, and after a while, he found a perfect match.

She took a look, thinking that she saw the wedding photo on the wall before, frowned, and moved the computer screen in one direction, "Do you know this person?"

Wei Yan took a closer look, and his mind buzzed for a moment.

I saw that the person on the computer looked very similar to his wife Peng Meihui, at first glance it was the same person.

He dared to say that some twins would not look like this.

When Wei Yan looked at the name, the words "Dan Siqi" were impressively written on it.

He recovered from the shock and shook his head, "I don't know, I've never seen Shan Siqi before."

As he spoke, he suddenly felt that his mouth was a little salty, and he stretched out his hand to touch it, only to realize that he didn't know when the tears burst.

Wei Yan still remembered that in the cafe before, Shen Ke told him that if the current Huihui was impersonated by someone else, then she would most likely be in trouble.

The result now proved that his intuition was correct. The person who slept with him these days was indeed not his wife Peng Meihui.

Shen Ke glanced at Chen Mo, Chen Mo nodded, and led Wei Yan who didn't say a word to the conference room to wait.

When he came back, Shen Ke briefly reported the case to Chen Mo, then led Qi Huan and Li Yuan out, and went straight to Peng Meihui's home.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the community, she saw the eye-catching word "Demolition" on the wall. Shen Ke took out her mobile phone thoughtfully, took a picture, and went straight into the old community.

It is the kind of old building that is common in the south, except for the good location, there is nothing special about it.

Qi Huan went forward and knocked on the door for a long time, only a female voice opened the door while complaining, "Wei Yan, didn't you bring the key? My parents and I are taking a nap!"

As soon as the anti-theft door was opened, Shen Ke saw a face exactly like the one in the wedding photo.

This is Peng Meihui's face.

After fine-tuning, Shan Siqi and Peng Meihui are almost the same person.

Seeing someone she didn't know, she rubbed her eyes with some doubts, "Who are you looking for, what's the matter?"

Shen Ke took out his police officer ID, "Shen Ke from Nanjiang City Bureau's Special Case Team, Shan Siqi, you are suspected of murdering Ms. Peng Meihui, please come with us to the police station."

Shan Siqi's pupils trembled instantly.

She heard footsteps behind her, and was about to close the door, but found that the door was supported by Li Yuan's hand, and it didn't move even when it was closed.

She simply smashed the pot, let go, stood there and laughed mockingly, "Did Wei Yan call the police and tell the police that I was pretending to be his wife?"

"It's really funny. It's obvious that he killed Peng Meihui and hired me to replace him. Now he wants to use the police to get rid of me. Does he think everyone in the world is an idiot? He played around with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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