
Chapter 330 The Guy Who Mouths Lies

Chapter 330 The Guy Who Mouths Lies

The moment the door of the interrogation room closed, Shen Ke turned her head and looked at Shan Siqi sitting inside again.

She lowered her head and breathed a long sigh of relief, because her movements were too large, and she could clearly see the rise and fall of her chest from such a distance.

"Is this the real version of Rashomon? Who is telling the truth?"

Holding the laptop, Qi Huan looked at Shen Ke who was next to him. He hadn't gotten out of the excitement of catching Taotie, but Shen Ke was already fully involved in a brand new case.

Her performance like this always makes people feel like a world away.

Before lunch, they were still interrogating Cheng Xinguo in the same interrogation room.

"If we found Peng Meihui's body in that cemetery, and it was confirmed that she had been stabbed with a knife, then would Wei Yan be more suspicious?"

Qi Huan couldn't believe it. Wei Yan was in the office before, and when he guessed that Peng Meihui might die, he cried very sincerely.

Shen Ke looked away, turned around and walked towards the office of the special case team, talking while walking.

"It's not that we might find Peng Meihui's body. It's that Peng Meihui's body must be there, and it looks like she was stabbed to death from the back with a standing knife. However, finding this does not mean that Wei Yan is a suspect in the murder of his wife."

"Shan Siqi's words are full of loopholes, and many of her small actions show that she is lying."

When the two entered the office, Li Yuan and Zhao Xiaomeng had already conducted a preliminary questioning of Peng Meihui's parents.

Shen Ke looked at the two inquiringly, and Li Yuan shook his head, "I don't know, and I don't know. Alas, we haven't said that Peng Meihui may die. Her mother has already heard that this is fake, and she is about to cry. Passed out."

"I also said that it was because the two old people hadn't retired yet and were still working. Peng Meihui didn't come back often, and usually left after a meal. She felt something was wrong, but she didn't think deeply about it. I regret it so much."

"Peng Meihui's father, Peng Qi, knew about Shan Siqi's existence, and said that she was his first love's daughter who secretly gave birth to him, but he didn't usually have any contact with her."

Shen Ke listened carefully and walked to the whiteboard.

Chen Mo, who had listened to the interrogation of the two rooms in the monitoring room, walked in with a tea mug, "We can go directly to the cemetery to check."

Shen Ke nodded, "Don't worry, the skeleton is staying there, waiting for us to find it."

As she spoke, she wrote down Shan Siqi's name on the whiteboard, "Let me first explain why I think Shan Siqi's words are full of loopholes!"

"Let's talk about the first unreasonable point first. Shan Siqi said that Peng Meihui pinched Wei Yan's neck in the middle of the night, and when Wei Yan resisted, he accidentally pushed her under the bed. Peng Meihui fell into the knife array he had set up and died. "

"What did you see? You saw the possibility of being sentenced to "justifiable self-defense."

Shen Ke said, looking at Li Yuan, "If you accidentally killed someone, what would you do?"

Li Yuan blurted out without hesitation, "Surrender yourself."

Shen Ke rolled her eyes at him.

Li Yuan coughed, "Well, it seems that there are not many honest gentlemen like me."

"If someone wants to escape the punishment of the law, the first thing he thinks of is to destroy the corpse so that people will not suspect him. If he can't handle it by himself, well, find someone trustworthy for help."

"Like Jiang and the lawyer who wiped the ass of rich murderers before, it's time to make an appearance."

Shen Ke nodded, "That's right. Either handle it yourself, or ask a professional to handle it, or ask a relative you trust for help."

"Wei Yan didn't find a lawyer and didn't tell his parents. Instead, he went all the way to the house of someone he didn't know, and didn't know the nature of the other person, and asked her to make an unimaginable deal..."

This is a bit outrageous, unless Wei Yan and Shan Siqi have known each other early in the morning and have a deep friendship.

"If Shan Siqi is a decent person and goes to the police like the gentleman played by Li Yuan just now, then Wei Yan's crime of destroying the body and traces to bribe others will be aggravated."

"If Shan Siqi is not a good person, then telling her that I killed someone, wouldn't it be like inserting a straw into my body and letting the leeches suck his blood for the rest of my life? A leech that can be used to blackmail someone for a lifetime handle."

Chen Mo listened to Shen Ke's words and nodded.

But that's not the case, he also thought it was very strange when he heard it before, how could Wei Yan believe so much that Shan Siqi would come when she was asked to come, and leave when she was asked to leave?

As Shen Ke said, she picked up a pen and wrote the words "high risk, low return" on the whiteboard.

"Shan Siqi explained this point. She said that Wei Yan wanted to use the police's hand to silence her and at the same time wipe out her family. She was interested in Peng Meihui's demolition house."

As soon as Shen Ke spoke, Chen Mo scratched his head in distress, "It's as if our police would shoot her to death immediately if they suspected a murderer! If they didn't shoot her immediately, how could they silence her?"

From interrogation by the police in the interrogation room to defense in court, Shen Ke dared to say that Shan Siqi had more opportunities to speak than when she was defending her thesis.

Listen to what she just said, isn't that like a talk show?That's it, I'm still silent!

"The times are different, and the demolition dividends are not as good as before. Our Nanjiang is far inferior to Haicheng, the capital. How much can Peng Meihui's house demolition be compensated for? It can far exceed the 1000 million that Wei Yan promised to Shan Siqi, a house in Sucheng and the burden. Is it the pension money for the two old people?"

"What kind of high-risk and low-reward is this? It's quite rare to give someone the clue to murder and pay for it. Well, it's quite rare."

Shen Ke said seriously, Shan Siqi's words sounded logical at first glance, but when she thought about it carefully, there were many unreasonable things.

Qi Huan nodded while listening, he suddenly realized, "No wonder you just told Shan Siqi that Wei Yan trusts her."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly exclaimed, "Let's push it backwards, Shan Siqi's trust in Wei Yan is also very strange!"

"A strange man you've never seen before ran over in the middle of the night and told you that he killed your sister and asked you to have plastic surgery to look like her and pretend to be husband and wife with him. Although he promised a huge sum of money, he didn't give a deposit."

After Qi Huan finished speaking, he looked at Shen Ke with some admiration. He finally understood why Shen Ke asked Shan Siqi about the 1000 million deposit.

What Shan Siqi said just now, in Shen Ke's eyes, could it mean that I'm going to start lying!Listen to how I lied!

Shen Ke failed to understand Qi Huan's unrestrained imagination, and continued, "Besides, it is obvious that when Shan Siqi told the story at the beginning, the details were perfect and full of emotions, and she was very calm, as if she had prepared it long ago. It's like a play."

"But when I asked her some questions that she hadn't thought of, like the safe combination, and the timeline that became more and more specific. How did she react?"

"Drinking water and procrastinating, getting angry and attacking me...all these show that she is lying."

Shen Ke said, and wrote two words "evidence" on the whiteboard.

"Of course, everything I say now is based on logical reasoning and behavioral analysis. So we still need evidence to verify this reasoning."

(End of this chapter)

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