
Chapter 351 Li Yuan's Secret Mission

Chapter 351 Li Yuan's Secret Mission

"On the surface, it seems that I have broken the game, but in fact, I was ruthlessly controlled by Gou Yan. He let out the most feared thing in my heart."

As Hong Mingyu said, he looked at Shen Ke in a daze.

Shen Ke took a look at Hong Mingyu, shook his head, and said decisively, "No. If this thing is inherited, wouldn't we policemen be unemployed?"

"The law only needs to stipulate that murderers cannot reproduce, and the world will be purified. What good things are you thinking?"

Hong Mingyu never thought that Shen Ke would give such an answer, and she was stunned in place as if struck by lightning.

After a while, just burst out laughing.

Shen Ke gave her a look of "you are sick", rubbed Hong Mingyu's shoulder, and walked out of the alley. Hearing the laughter behind her, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, and she walked towards Chen Mo and the others.

Chen Mo listened to the laughter from the other side of the alley, stretched his head to look again and again, and asked worriedly, "Did you activate her laugh point?"

"Stop watching martial arts dramas? I don't have any point of laughing. I got her through the second line of Ren and Du, and she went crazy with joy."

Chen Mo didn't know why, but seeing Shen Ke's calm face, he still couldn't help laughing.

Hong Mingyu laughed for a long time before coming over to say goodbye to everyone.

Seeing that her mental state had improved a lot, Chen Mo was completely relieved, watched her get into the taxi, and happily refilled himself with beer when she came back.

When she returned home after the dinner party, Shen Ke only felt that her whole body was smothered in smoke, and when she stretched out her hand to hear the movement, the pears jumped away in disgust.

Shen Ke glanced at Yali quietly, and decided decisively not to open the can today.

She went straight into the bathroom, filled the bathtub with water, took a bath ball that Brother Xiaoye had prepared at some time, and threw it into the water. Almost instantly, the water in the bathtub turned into water. Pink bubbles.

Shen Ke couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, she can't get it out now, can she?
She was hesitating when she heard her cell phone ring, "Hello, Shen Ke!"

"Old Shen! Look at your phone! The trending searches are exploding!"

Shen Ke frowned, and walked towards the window, the outside was peaceful and quiet, where is there any sign of explosion?

She was about to question her when she heard Li Yuan say, "Guan Nana and Yan Forensic Doctor are on the top searches!"

Shen Ke was silent for a moment, "It's against the law to report false alarms!"

As she spoke, she hung up the phone speechlessly, feeling that her IQ had dropped by 0.01 after being with Li Yuan for a long time.

Shen Ke thought about it, and lay down in the bathtub, the warm water made her feel relaxed.Although she doesn't like pink, it still smells good, like the peaches she likes to eat.

The mobile phone kept popping up message prompts, Shen Ke picked up the mobile phone after all, and Zhao Xiaomeng, the guardian, had already posted the link in the group.

Shen Ke clicked on it and saw some blurred moving pictures, and the faces were not very clear.And the other pictures are all about two couples with the same style, common location positioning and so on. Good guy, it's almost like the police handling the case.

Shen Ke glanced at it, then lost interest, turned the phone to vibrate, and closed her eyes comfortably.

Before she knew it, the trending search quietly changed again, and a word "Guan Nana brothers and sisters" went up with lightning speed.

Perhaps because of taking a bath, Shen Ke slept extraordinarily deeply this time.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning that he was woken up by the phone on the bedside table.She rubbed her sleepy eyes, picked up the phone and looked, it showed Li Yuan's phone number.

And she had several missed calls on her cell phone.

Shen Ke slid her fingers, "You better be dying, or I can beat you to death right now."

Over there Li Yuan chuckled lightly, and couldn't help hissing as if he had torn a wound.

When Shen Ke heard this voice, she woke up completely, she jumped off the bed in a jerk, "Where are you?"

"At your door," Li Yuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Shen Ke frowned, but didn't hang up the phone, went straight to the living room and opened the door. As soon as the door opened, Li Yuan, who was leaning against the door, fell back unexpectedly, almost lying on the ground.

He propped it up with one hand and hissed again.

Shen Ke didn't say anything, she turned sideways to give him a seat, Li Yuan stood up and walked towards the room.

There was a strong smell of blood on his body, mixed with the smell of some chemicals.

After the door was closed, Shen Ke turned on the light in the living room, took out the medicine box with ease, and glanced at Li Yuan.

His left hand looked a little distorted, and it should need bone setting. Someone cut a hole on his arm, and the black coat covered up the blood.

When Shen Ke came over with the medicine box, Li Yuan was struggling to take off his coat.

"Don't move!" Shen Ke said, took out a pair of scissors, grabbed the collar of the black jacket without hesitation, and cut the clothes in half with a click of the scissors, and then cut Li Yuan The clothes on the left arm were torn off.

"Old Shen, isn't this too heroic?"

Shen Ke sneered, "If you don't cut it off and save it for others to find out tomorrow, why don't you wear it for burial? It's so dark, it's quite suitable as a shroud."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Li Yuan pursed his lips, and was about to speak when he heard Shen Ke say, "You came to Nanjiang to perform a mission?"

Li Yuan opened his mouth wide in surprise. At that moment, he felt a burst of fragrance. A towel sealed his mouth tightly. Before he could react, his left hand felt a sharp pain.

Shen Ke let go of Li Yuan's hand, mercilessly pulled the towel out of his mouth, and threw it into the trash can beside him.

"The bones are already in place. I'm afraid that if you bark too loudly, the neighbor downstairs will complain to me about butchering pigs in the middle of the night."

Li Yuan moved his arm, and seeing that he was flexible again, he looked at Shen Ke in surprise. This flowing movement was simply too powerful. He basically hadn't realized it yet, and Shen Ke had already given him the right bone.

This method was only available to the old orthopedic doctor when he was in the military hospital.

As if seeing Li Yuan's surprise, Shen Ke explained angrily, "If you catch a hundred or eighty cats a year for neutering, then you will be so fast."

As she spoke, she pushed back Li Yuan's short-sleeved sleeves, and began to disinfect and clean his wound.

"The wound is quite deep, you should go to the hospital for stitches." Shen Ke looked at the wound and frowned. "

Li Yuan shook his head, and restrained his joking expression, "Shen's not very convenient for me to go to the hospital, so you can sew it up for me. You should have guessed that I had an abdominal injury last time, right? a task."

"It's not the job of the City Council."

Li Yuan didn't say the second part, but Shen Ke knew that what he meant was the task given to him by his previous unit.

(End of this chapter)

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