
Chapter 413 I Never Care About These Things

She stepped on the ground with bare feet and opened the curtains, and the golden light flooded in instantly, and the clouds and mist in the sky flowed.

Shen Ke opened the window, and the silent world suddenly became lively, as if the switch of the world was turned on.

The wind was slightly strong, and her curly hair began to fly randomly.

Shen Ke took a deep breath, went to the cloakroom to get the police uniform that their special case team doesn't usually wear, and walked into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, she put on her clothes seriously, smoothed every crease with her hands in front of the mirror, and then went out.

"Why are you still here?"

Hearing the noises in the kitchen, Shen Ke couldn't help looking over, and saw Qi Huan wearing an apron, standing there with sleepy eyes, his hair hadn't had time to comb, and a few hairs were standing on end in a mess.

Hearing Shen Ke's words, he waved the big spoon in his hand, "I'll make some hangover soup, don't worry, I'm a good cook."

It's not that Qi Huan is boasting, he is a master at cooking sober soup, because when he was patrolling in the past, he picked up countless drunks.Just like the Meng Po by the Naihe Bridge, each person will be given a bowl for free, and the drunks in Nanjiang will agree to drink it.

Shen Ke glanced at him suspiciously, then looked at the living room that had been cleaned.

Without waiting for her to ask, Qi Huan said again, "Li Yuan went to buy breakfast. The horse bureau gave our team a big holiday, let us recuperate before returning to the team, and have breakfast later, do you want to go and see Team Chen together?"

As Qi Huan said, he turned off the fire on the stove.

At this moment, the sound of a key opening came from the door, the corners of Shen Ke's mouth twitched, and Li Yuan walked in with the key.

"Haha, Old Shen, you woke up just right! The steaming steamed steamed buns just out of the pan are perfect!"

Seeing Shen Ke staring at the key in his hand with a blank expression, Li Yuan chuckled, "Aren't I afraid that the knock on the door would be too loud and wake you up?"

As he said, he handed a paper bag to Qi Huan, "The car keys are in the bag for washing clothes and so on."

Qi Huan took off the apron, took the bag, and looked at Shen Ke inquiringly, "Is it convenient for me to use it?"

There is more than one bathroom in the house, Shen Ke nodded indifferently.

Qi Huan got permission, and went to wash up with the bag.His car is like a small mobile home, and everything is well prepared to deal with various emergencies encountered during patrolling.

The steamed stuffed bun was boiling hot, and the soup inside was about to fly out after one sip, Shen Ke squinted his eyes from the heat.

Qi Huan opened a bottle of chilled fresh milk and handed it to Shen Ke. He glanced at Shen Ke's cell phone, thought for a while and said, "Shen Ke, the story about your uncle has been spread. There was a lot of gossip."

"Even in the bureau, there must be a lot of discussion."

While he was talking, he felt a pain in his leg, and Li Yuan kicked him.

Qi Huan shook his head at Li Yuan, "Because I have experienced it, I want to tell Shen Ke and let her be mentally prepared."

He rarely speaks, but after Zhang Peiming's death, his life has undergone a 180-degree change.There was a time when he was like a monkey who didn't need tickets. Many people would visit him and point fingers at him.

Say anything.

The real Zhu Xi, the murderer of the Xinghe case, Ke Hui's president, Shen Ke's uncle... no matter which one it is, it is an explosive topic.

The media will flock to you like sharks smelling blood; those who know you and those who don't know you will regard you as a talking point.

Shen Ke nodded at Qi Huan, "Well, it's okay, the robot doesn't have the function to be troubled by such things."

After all, she had experienced it once 20 years ago.

Gossip only hurts people who care what other people think, and she never cared.

"I have something to do after dinner. I'll go to see Team Chen later. You don't have to wait for me. Thank you for the wine, I'm fine."


The motorcycle was left at the villa yesterday, and Shen Ke drove up the Panshan Road, heading towards the cemetery.

Because it is not the New Year's Eve, and it is a weekday morning, not many people come here, so the journey is very smooth.The wind in the mountains is fresh and cool, which makes people deeply feel that autumn has arrived.

Pines and cypresses are planted in the mountains and forests, but there is a sense of green mountains and green waters.

Shen Ke parked the car and got out of the car with a bouquet of flowers.

The cemetery is clean, and there are still traces of the last Mid-Autumn Festival when she, uncle Lu Ye and Ye Lang came here to sing birthday songs.

Looking at the name of Lu Huitong and Shen Zhaotang on the tombstone, she seemed to have thousands of words to say in her heart, but when she arrived, there was still silence.

Shen Ke didn't say anything, just watched quietly, half an hour passed like this, she just gave a standard salute, just like the first day she put on this uniform.

When I went down the mountain to the fork in the road, I happened to meet the funeral procession.

The grave guard of the cemetery, like a traffic policeman, is pointing the way there.

According to the custom on the Nanjiang side, the burial on the mountain is in the morning.In the past, filial sons and virtuous grandchildren walked around the coffin, and then the husband carried the coffin up the mountain for burial.Burials are not popular nowadays, and after cremation is a small urn.

There are also those who put the urn into the coffin and follow the old etiquette as before, and there are also those who directly send the urn up the mountain, each with their own ideas.

"Don't go wrong, go this way, it's on this mountain. There are staff guidance above, please remember to confirm the division, don't make a mistake."

The keeper of the tomb is an old man with a voice like a bell. He has a red face and is very healthy. The words "do not believe in ghosts and gods" are written on every hair.

After being called out by him, the trembling family member who walked at the front of the line touched his neck, as if he had suddenly recognized the reality, and burst into tears.

Shen Ke watched quietly until the whole team disappeared, then drove away.

The vehicle drove directly into the city bureau, and when she got out of the car, the old man at the door ran over in three steps at a time. He glanced at Shen Ke, seeing that her expression was exactly the same as usual, he was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, she turned her face away in embarrassment, and handed a small plastic bag in her hand to Shen Ke, "My hometown brought this year's new chestnuts from home, fried with sugar, for you to eat...cough cough, Give it to Officer Xiao Qi, didn’t he come today?”

Shen Ke looked at the fried chestnuts in his hand and said "oh".

Seeing that she was not enlightened, the uncle hated iron for being weak, "I'll eat it for you! Don't be sad, people are growing, there is no barrier that cannot be passed, if it is impossible, I will treat you as my own daughter."

Shen Ke got out of the car and locked the door, and waved at him, "No need, I'm afraid you will inherit my property."

The uncle was furious at first, and scolded, "I treat you like a donkey with good intentions, am I that kind of person?"

Immediately, he realized that he was happy and embarrassed at the same time, "Thank you, just say thank you, why are you beating around the bush and wishing me a long life!"

When he reached the security room, his mind turned and he began to struggle again. No, didn't Officer Shen call him a grandson?What about inheriting or not inheriting?
The guard at the other end lost a hair or two, but Shen Ke didn't know it.

She went straight to Yizhihua's office. Their team leader had been transferred, and Yizhihua had been promoted. Now they had their own office, which was the first among their generation.

"Zha Ruan, are you together?" Shen Ke said straight to the point.

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