
Chapter 415 Let Me Charge This Time

"Do you want to disband the special case team?"

Shen Ke remembered the rumor that the special case team was going to be disbanded after Zhang Ju left, and asked directly.

Ma Ju is a gentleman, and his speech has always been reserved. He is not used to Shen Ke's straightforward style, and he was stunned for a while.

He raised his finger and pointed to the sofa beside him, motioning for Shen Ke to sit there and speak slowly.

"First of all, I have to affirm that the special case team has a high efficiency in handling cases. It has solved many major and important cases in a short period of time. Whether it is from the top or the bureau, it is fully affirmed and highly praised."

"But Xiao Shen, we have many issues to consider."

Shen Ke looked at the posture of Ma Ju holding the tea mug and wanting to start from Pangu, and asked directly again, "Will it be disbanded?"

Ma Ju raised his head to look at Shen Ke silently, then heaved a long sigh and smiled helplessly at Shen Ke.

Sometimes he envies Zhang Ju, without Kong Yiji's long gown wrapped around him, he can jump and scold with his arms lifted. The thorns under his hands and the first-line criminal police all like him because of his temper.

But he paid as much attention to these children as Zhang Ju did.

Especially Shen Ke, who was responsible for the Xinghe Road tragedy.

Twenty years have passed, and he still remembers the calm and expectant eyes of that child when he looked at him.She came almost every day. The police station where Chen Mo worked was not far from the city bureau. The child seemed to clock in at work regardless of the weather. She just looked at him quietly.

He was so ashamed by those eyes that he couldn't sleep almost all night.

Later, the child really didn't come.

He thought she was finally disappointed, and after hiding her self-blame and guilt in his heart for many years, the child came back again, this time she was wearing a police uniform, and she came to catch the murderer with her own hands.

Not only Zhang Ju, but he also kept looking at the child with guilt.

Who would have thought that the truth would be so bloody?

"Everyone in the special case team is special. Li Yuan has to leave after completing the task. If you go to the capital, we have this consideration," Ma Ju thought for a while, and said honestly.

The soul of the special case team is Shen Ke, but looking at the whole Nanjiang, there is no second person who can replace her.

Which boss doesn't like capable subordinates, and doesn't want the special case team's god-like detection rate?
It's just that the current Nanjiang is too cruel for the child in front of him.

Moreover, there are only five people in the special case team, and if two of them leave at once, it is equivalent to half empty.

Shen Ke listened carefully and shook her head, "I'm not transferred to the capital, but to Nanjiang."

Bureau Ma was taken aback, and wanted to persuade him, when he heard Shen Ke say, "Are there more places in the whole country than the Nanjiang case?"

At that moment, Ma Ju only felt that a thousand arrows pierced his heart!
He wanted to refute, but in their internal crime rate rankings, Nanjiang was indeed far ahead!It can be said to be the best!
He couldn't help but want to say countless times, their place is not Nanjiang, they should change their name to Shuibo Liangshan!This is clearly the gangster's nest here!
The special case team was established for a few months every day 87, and the number of times he was named by his superiors after he became the director was 87 times.

Although heartbreaking, it was irrefutable.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Shen Ke say, "Besides, the colleagues in Nanjiang have practiced for many years and built up a tolerance."

The horse bureau is a little confused, what has been practiced for many years?
He was thinking, looking at the expressionless Shen Ke, suddenly realized!The face is green!
He hadn't considered this before. They Nanjiang people are used to being abused by robots. What if they go to Kyoto?Shen Ke opened her mouth, either she was beaten to death, or someone else was pissed to death, right?Could it be that you don't want to live even if I die?

Ma Ju opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment.

"Besides, because of the experiment and the killing website, there are still many criminals lurking in Nanjiang, and they may commit crimes anytime, anywhere."

Ma Ju's expression became serious, what a step, wide and stable.

He thought about it, and said to Shen Ke with a complicated expression, "You're right!"

"However, this is a good opportunity. After all, the platform over there is bigger. You should think about it carefully and don't be so anxious to refuse."

"As for your plan to go to Kyoto to investigate the matter of the Ruan Foundation, you can wait patiently for a day or two. I have communicated with the capital. If there is no accident, we will send someone there to talk to the other Let's check together."

"Don't be in a hurry, and you don't need to take the lead with your sword. This time, let me charge and take the lead."

Shen Ke was slightly taken aback, then nodded lightly, "Okay."

Seeing her hesitant to speak, Ju Ma laughed, "What do you want to say? I want to say that besides Tang Seng, this person surnamed Ma can also do serious business?"

Shen Ke shook her head, "No. You can't be the director if you don't do business."

She said, opened the door, and walked out.

Looking at the back of Shen Ke walking away, Ma Ju shook his head helplessly, and then picked up the phone, "Brother, how do you think about what I told you before? Let me tell you, these children are strong Let's go!"

I don’t know what was said on the other end of the phone, and Ma Ju suddenly became anxious, "How can Haicheng compare with us! Is Haicheng so developed? Haicheng has a higher crime rate than us? They have more experience than us?"

After Ma Ju finished speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone...

Ma Ju's old face was flushed, and he said bravely, "He is really a good boy."


It was working time right now, because the case of Changqing Chemical Factory, the case of Zhu Xie and the case of Xinghe were all rushed together, and the bureau was extremely busy.

Everywhere people come and go, there are unfamiliar faces, and their identities are unknown.

Shen Ke didn't go to the special case team's office, but walked downstairs, but was stopped at the corner.

"Shen Ke."

Shen Ke turned her head and saw Na He forensic doctor walking over with scarlet eyes, holding a plastic teapot in his hand, the tea in the teapot was as thick as traditional Chinese medicine.

Behind him was a young girl with neatly braided hair, very beautiful, holding a big cardboard box in her hand.

"Is Lao Chen better? I can't get away from here, and I don't have time to go to see him. Xiaoyan has not come back from his injury, and the forensic doctors in our city bureau have not been full. Fortunately, the horse bureau is very strong and snatched a high-quality student from the capital. .”

A forensic doctor from the city bureau had left before, and forensic doctor He had reached the age of retirement again, and the vacancies in the bureau were not filled for a while, and everyone was very busy.

Forensic doctor He said, and said to the girl beside him, "This is Shen Ke, from the special case team. This is Ding Ling, the new forensic doctor. We will cooperate a lot in the future, and you young girls should have a lot of common topics."

Shen Ke only felt buzzing in her ears, she didn't listen to what Forensic He said seriously, but just stared at the box in Ding Ling's arms.

The box was full of folders, which should be some of the previous autopsy reports, perhaps to distinguish each different forensic doctor, on the cover of the folder, there is a label written by themselves, the top one It says "Lin 388".

"Hi Shen Ke, my name is Ding Ling."

Shen Ke ignored her, and grabbed He Forensic Doctor's hand, "What's your name?"

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