
Chapter 427 The Clown Captured in Surveillance

Ruan Lianning's lips were purple, and his expression looked very painful.

His head was facing the door, the whole body was lying on the ground, and his right hand was desperately stretched toward the sink.

"Ah-choo!" The enthusiastic lady in the red dress sneezed suddenly, seeing everyone looking over, she squeezed out a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I have rhinitis, Ah-choo!"

She said, rubbed her nose, and ran out of the bathroom.

"Everyone, give me a certificate! I'll sit at that table," the woman said, pointing to her seat.

That place is very close to the bathroom, after hearing the sound, you should be able to run over as fast as possible.

"I heard someone screaming, so I ran over immediately. I didn't do anything to this person! I just wanted to see if he still needed to be rescued. Oh, poor man, I'm afraid he died of some sudden illness."

Shen Ke sniffed, the smell in this bathroom is very complicated, there is an incense burner in the corner, and the hand sanitizer by the sink is also the kind with a particularly strong fragrance, mixed with a faint scent of flowers and detergent, it is very difficult to smell. describe.

Shen Ke thought about it, and looked under the sink, and saw a solitary inhalation vial lying there, which looked like it was specially used for asthmatic patients.

At this time, some people in the crowd noticed it and couldn't help commenting, "Oh, look at how long his hands are stretched out, is he going to get asthma medicine? But the attack was so severe that he couldn't hold it down. This person is also unlucky. Nobody came to the bathroom."

Shen Ke heard it, that's right, why didn't anyone come to the bathroom?

She thought, looking towards the door.

At the corner of the door, there is a yellow warning sign that is being cleaned and suspended.

"I contacted Ma Yiyang." Qi Huan lowered his voice and said to Shen Ke, "He said that his home is not far away, and he will be there soon."

Shen Ke nodded, "There is a camera above the head, and there is also a place where the door enters. If it is turned on, it can take pictures of who has entered the bathroom, and there is a warning sign at the door to suspend use."

Qi Huan froze for a moment, separated from the crowd to protect Shen Ke and squeezed out.

At this moment, the siren sounded from the door, and the familiar red and blue light was especially eye-catching in the night.

Shen Ke glanced at the clown who stretched his neck curiously and looked at the lively clown, then looked towards the door. Ma Yiyang walked in hurriedly, wearing an army green trench coat.

He waved at Shen Ke and Qi Huan, and asked, "What's the matter? Why did you visit Ruan Lianning in private, he's still dead... this..."

Shen Ke nodded, "He was killed."

"Ruan Lianning should have asthma. You can ask forensics to check the pollen concentration in the bathroom in a while, and then look at his asthma medicine. It has basically bottomed out, so you can know that he was deliberately induced by someone. .”

"In order to prevent people from coming to rescue him, someone put a sign at the door stating that the restroom is closed. There are many surveillance cameras in the restaurant. You can investigate suspicious people."

"Killed?" Ma Yang complained repeatedly when he heard this.

Good guy!How long has there been no homicide in Kyoto, how could there be another homicide suddenly.

He was about to ask Shen Ke for confirmation, but found that she and Qi Huan had already found the store manager to watch the surveillance.

Ma Yiyang sighed, resigned to his fate, called the forensic doctor and the forensic evidence, and told the truth about Shen Ke's request, and then watched the surveillance with the two of them.

The surveillance video was multiplied, and it didn't take long to move forward. After a while, I found the scene everyone was looking for.

I saw that the corridor leading to the bathroom was empty, and almost no one passed by. At this moment, a person with strong colors suddenly appeared in the surveillance video, it was the clown.

His face was originally painted with heavy oil paint, and then he wore a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

I saw him go into the restroom, and when he came back, he seemed to have accidentally tripped and kicked out the warning sign against the wall, which happened to be across the door of the men's restroom.

About 10 minutes after the clown left, Ruan Lianning appeared in the video.

Ma Yang took a look, and immediately brought the clown over, "When did you come..."

Shen Ke glanced at the clown who just gave her the little goldfish, and then at the clown in the surveillance video.

"Does your restaurant have this show every week? It's already eight o'clock, and it's almost past meal time. Why is the clown still waiting for customers at the door?"

The clown looked at Ma Yiyang in a daze, then looked at Shen Ke, and said honestly, "I am a clown hired by the restaurant, and I perform here every day, which is also a feature of this restaurant."

"I'll be here about five o'clock and leave after ten."

Shen Ke looked at his face carefully again, then shook her head at Ma Yiyang, "He's not the clown in the surveillance video."

The clown looked at the computer screen, and when he saw the person appearing at the bathroom door, he exclaimed!
"Fuck! Damn it! I didn't even go to the restroom in the restaurant tonight! What the hell is that person! How could someone pretend to be me!"

As the clown spoke, he panicked for a moment.

He was watching the fun just now, but he heard that the police will send forensic evidence. This is very likely to be a murder case.

"Officer, I didn't kill anyone! I still don't understand why someone pretends to be me! I have been standing at the door doing magic tricks, and I have never seen other clowns come in. Could it be that he still flew in! "

"Officer, you have to believe me, I didn't kill anyone! I'm just a temporary worker they hired to perform for fun."

Shen Ke listened and shook her head, "Impossible. Are you sure you didn't leave halfway? Have you ever communicated with the deceased in private?"

The clown thought about it carefully, glanced at the person lying on the ground, and suddenly said as if he remembered something, "I remember! I know that person, he is a regular customer of the sea boat. Just now I did a magic trick for him. That little goldfish of yours was given to me by him."

"He told me that a man and a woman will come in a while, the man looks like summer, and the woman looks like winter. After I see you, I will show you the little goldfish. I have been at this door for a while, and there are still people The one who asked me to conjure up a ring and propose marriage!"

"I left at that moment. He took me to the side and secretly gave me 1000 yuan."

As the clown said, he took out a 1000 yuan banknote from his pocket, and handed it to Ma Yiyang in fear.

"Really, the person in that video is not me, someone else pretended to be me! I left for a while and came back soon!"

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