
Chapter 437 Why Do Experiments

Chapter 437 Why Do Experiments

"Really? Do you want to erase the crimes you have committed just by saying that human nature is evil?"

"If it is true as you said, it will be a matter of time before they kill people, then why do you bother to do experiments?"

Shen Ke looked at Ruan Linglan mockingly, "Only you and Ruan Ling'an are the real Ruan family, right? You are in charge of psychological experiments, and Ruan Ling'an is in charge of researching psychotropic drugs. Many years ago, the Ruan family's industry was still very single. It is the foundation of your life."

In the past, many enterprises had a single structure. For example, the factory opened by Shen Ke's father, Shen Zhaotang, was specialized in chemical engineering.

The Ruan family was not the same as it is now. They owned the Fangyuan entertainment company and developed into a diversified group.

When Ruan Linglan heard this, she couldn't hide her surprise.

"How do you know this? Even the younger generation of the Ruan family don't know about it."

Shen Ke stood up and walked in front of Ruan Linglan, "It's very simple. Your names are not in the same style. The Ruan family likes to add seniority in the name according to the genealogy, but Ruan Qing and Ruan Zhu don't."

"The entire Ruan family is like a bamboo shoot. It seems that you and Ruan Ling'an don't care about things, but in fact most of the Ruan's shares are in your hands. The core industry of the Ruan family, pharmaceuticals, is in the hands of Ruan Ling'an. As for Ruan Qing and Ruan Zhu, they are like the skin of bamboo shoots, peeled off layer by layer."

Ruan Zhu's marriage to the psychiatrist Lei Lie was obviously not accidental, and although Ruan Qing apparently took charge of the Ruan family, he couldn't even keep his only son.

After Ruan Lianning's death, his father, Ruan Qing, didn't even dare to say a word, which shows that in the Ruan family, Ruan Linglan was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

"I see. My father was very stubborn, and he didn't want to adopt the same name as our orphans."

As Ruan Linglan said, she wanted to habitually rub the center of her eyebrows, but just as she moved her hand, a sharp pain hit her.

The pain made her sober all of a sudden. She looked around, looked at the interrogation room, and finally let out a long sigh.

"I met Gan Shanwang when we were studying abroad. The ancestors of our Ruan family opened a pharmacy, and the pharmacy was first-class. Later, during a special period, my grandfather took his uncle to Xiangcheng, leaving my father alone. No more. Without the prescription, the Ruan family is in jeopardy."

"My father's temperament changed drastically because of this, and his whole person became extremely extreme. At that time, there was only one thing we could mention in our family, and that was to have our own prescription, and then let Ruan surpass my uncle."

"Ling'an and I have been taught by our father for many years, what is fate? Winning is the most important thing."

"After we studied abroad, we came into contact with many things that we didn't know before. For example, my father may have suffered from serious mental illness at the time, and we have gone to the extreme of pathology under his father's coercion and brainwashing."

"Ling'an's talent is very good. He was researching psychiatric drugs at the time, and he was already promising. And I want to see a psychiatrist to see if my father can return to normal."

"So we went to see a psychiatrist together, and met Gan Shanwang there. The psychiatrist was his mentor, and the direction of their research was mind control."

"At that time, there were not as many foreign students as there are now, and every fellow from the same hometown was a very precious brother and sister. The three of us hit it off very well, and soon I was with Gan Shanwang."

"After we decided to return to China, we used the psychotropic drugs developed by Ling An as the only magic weapon for Ruan's rise."

Shen Ke didn't interrupt Ruan Linglan's words, but just listened quietly.

No matter what she said, no matter what pain and reasons she had, what they were doing was wrong.

"Later, the three of us returned to China after finishing our studies. We found that things were not as smooth as we expected. Domestic psychology was completely blank. No one would see a psychiatrist, and no one cared about this kind of disease. It would be crazy to mention it."

"Father scolded Ling An and me. He thought Gan Shanwang was a poor boy, and my being with him would not improve the family at all."

"What kind of bullshit psychotropic drugs, not to mention that they can't be sold, and even the batch number is hard to get. There is no such disease, so why do you need this kind of drug?"

"At this time, something happened to Gan Shanwang. He finally couldn't hold back and killed someone. He had had such an idea for a long time, and he acted out of excitement."

Ruan Linglan thought about it, and recalled the time when Gan Shan came to look for her in a hurry. His body was bloody, and he looked particularly frightening, but there was an excited smile on his face, his eyes were shining, first People who have been hungry for a long time finally have a full meal for the first time.

"This matter was to be shot immediately at the time. We had no choice but to get a corpse and escape to death."

"Gan Shanwang suddenly became nothing, even a dead person, but we have a common secret, and our relationship has gone further."

"Also, the more my father said that it was not good, the more we wanted to achieve something. At that time, the three of us made a preliminary plan for this experiment."

"The first version of the experimental plan is completely different from the later ones. What we want is to let Gan Shanwang use mind control to spawn a group of perverted serial killers in a short period of time, and then mention in the media about the born evil Kind of, mental illness requires medication and stuff like that.”

"The psychological experiment is to satisfy Gan Shanwang, but Ling'an and I have been thinking about selling medicine from the beginning to the end."

"There is no market atmosphere? Then we will create a market atmosphere."

Ruan Linglan took a deep breath, "Later I accidentally got pregnant. At that time, the folk customs were not very open. Pregnancy before marriage was a big deal. Gan Shanwang is already dead. We have no way to get married in a legitimate way, and there is no way to have children. Write the father is him."

"I can't go to the hospital. Cheng Xinguo came to my house to help me deliver the baby. That baby is Lianfang."

"It wasn't until Gan Shanwang went to Xiangcheng to get back the secret medicine that was taken away by my uncles, that my father officially accepted him, and believed that the medicine developed by Ling'an himself was promising, and believed that if the experiment was successful, There will be many, many people who suspect that the people around them have symptoms, and then buy the medicine that can be said to be the first in China at that time."

When Shen Ke heard this, his thoughts drifted a little.

No wonder Cheng Xinguo knew about Ruan Lianfang's existence, and it turned out that he was the one who delivered the baby.

"Lianfang has never registered. Just when I wanted to record him under Ling An's name, we discovered his abnormality. Ruan Lianfang has no sympathy, and even takes killing for pleasure."

"This incident aroused Cheng Xinguo's interest, so he also came to join this experiment."

(End of this chapter)

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