When Pei Guoan came back at night, he saw Li Miaomiao and the little guy grinding tofu, put down their things and came over to help
"No need, it's almost finished."

As Li Miaomiao said, she asked Pei Guoan to carry the ground soybean milk to the stove, filter it and put it in the pot to cook. First filled a large pot of boiled soybean milk, and then poured out the gypsum powder that had been prepared earlier.

They all use gypsum powder to make tofu, but Li Miaomiao's gypsum powder has a different ratio and added some unique recipes.

"Guoan, send some soy milk and tofu curd to my parents."

Li Miaomiao packed the cooked soy milk and bean curd and asked Pei Guoan to send them over.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Pei Guoan knew that his daughter-in-law would never forget to send something good, even if it was just something to eat, to the two old people in the family, even a son like him couldn't do that.

As Pei Guoan said, he went to his parents. Li Miaomiao made a bowl of soy milk for his son and put some sugar in it.

"Is it delicious?"

Pei Yifan drank very sweetly, holding the tea mug and nodding, the corner of his mouth was still stained with white soy milk

"Drink more if you like it. We have a stone mill at home, so it will be easier to eat soy milk in the future. If you like it, I can make it often."

Pei Guoan came back soon, and Li Miaomiao also served Pei Guoan a bowl of soy milk

"This soy milk is sweeter than any I've ever had before, and has a special bean flavor."

Li Miaomiao just smiled and said nothing, this is her unique recipe

"By the way, I packed another serving of soy milk and bean curd. Let's go over tonight to see how Mr. Fan is recovering."

Pei Guoan nodded: "It's just right, I also brought some things for them, and some commonly used medicines, and sent them there together."

Arriving at the N shed, Li Miaomiao saw that the atmosphere was good. Although Mr. Fan, who had a high fever before, was still ill, he finally woke up and leaned against the wall weakly.
"Old Fan seems to be recovering well."

"It's all thanks to you, who brought us these good things, and ate them with milk powder and sesame paste, so Lao Fan recovered faster."

Pei Guoan didn't know that Li Miaomiao had brought milk powder over. This girl took care of the old people better than him, and she really did her duty.

"You just eat, and I'll send it over when you're done eating. Don't be reluctant, nothing is as important as your body. By the way, today I ground tofu and brought you soy milk and bean curd. Warm the soy milk is the most suitable Drink this day and keep warm."

Considering the situation here, soy milk Li Miaomiao has added sugar.

Mr. Gong took a large can of soy milk from Li Miaomiao's hand, and put it on the simple stove that Li Miaomiao had sent over to heat it up.

"Miao Miao, don't tell me, this stove looks simple, but it's really easy to use and warm. It's even more convenient to heat things up. With this, we feel warm throughout the winter."

"It's not easy to use, otherwise I wouldn't be able to send it over. I also have one at home. It's very convenient to use."

While a few people were talking, the soy milk was hot, and Li Miaomiao brought over a large bowl, each of them could get a large bowl. After drinking the soy milk, the noses of several elderly people were sweaty.

"Shu Tan, drinking this cup of soy milk makes me happier than a god."

Later, several old people were taken back to the capital, and they could not forget this cup of soy milk in the cold winter for many years, it was extraordinarily sweet.

"After you guys like it, I'll make soybean powder and send it over. It doesn't take much trouble to make a cup."

Li Miaomiao is not good at sending milk powder too often. It is hard to explain just where he came from. There is such a shrewd person as Pei Guoan at home. Not going too far.

But bean flour is not a very valuable thing, she can make it by herself, and it is also rich in nutrition, which is just right for a few elderly people to nourish their bodies.

Li Miaomiao used to help Pei Guoan, and she also wanted to make friends in her heart, but now she really respects and loves the old people.

"Miao Miao, don't be too busy, you have taken care of us old things too much, whose food is not expensive these days."

Li Miaomiao did not refute either. Her style has always been to speak with actions, and she will just send things over when the time comes.

Pei Guoan also took out the medicines he got: "It's inconvenient for us to come here, it may not be such a coincidence when we meet Mr. Fan next time, these are commonly used medicines, you keep them, and you don't have to catch them when it's critical .”

Pei Guoan and Li Miaomiao didn't stay too long, they talked and left.

When they got home, Pei Guoan thanked Li Miaomiao again.

"Didn't you say that we are a husband and wife family, and we don't need to be so divided. Thank you for this. Besides, I'm not just for you. The knowledge and character of the old people are respected."

"Okay, I'm not being polite to you." Pei Guoan patted Li Miaomiao's head after saying this

Li Miaomiao is used to it now, Pei Guoan can't change her habit of rubbing her head
"By the way, tomorrow the village will kill pigs for the new year, do you have time to come back and eat pig meat?"

"Look at it tomorrow, and I'll be back if I'm not busy."

Now that Pei Guoan has secured the position of the deputy director, the time limit is less, although Pei Guoan is still busy as always.

"Okay, then you can figure it out. It's about the Chinese New Year. In the past, everyone celebrates the New Year together. This year, the situation is different after the family is separated. I wonder if our family should also invite a Chinese New Year dinner?"

"What do you think?" Pei Guoan didn't decide anything, but looked at what Li Miaomiao meant.

"Mom said that on New Year's Eve, everyone would go to her to have dinner together. I thought we would invite her once on the 29th. My parents would definitely take it over. The other three and four rooms, invite them all to have a meal."

The custom here is to invite relatives to have a meal during Chinese New Year and New Year

"Your natal family, do you want to invite me over?"

Li Miaomiao was satisfied when she heard that Pei Guoan didn't mention the big house she deliberately left out, but her natal family instead.
"For my natal family, let's forget about the Chinese New Year. Just treat them to a New Year's dinner during the New Year. It doesn't need to be so complicated. I have to go to my natal family before the Chinese New Year to give a New Year's gift."

"Of course, I will prepare things. I will accompany you on the day you decide."

"Success, that's it. For the other things about the Chinese New Year, you should go to Lao Si's place and tell them."

"Okay, I'll make a run when I get back tomorrow."

"Remember to tell the fourth brother and sister not to come back if it's inconvenient, just let the fourth brother come back. Counting the time, the fourth brother and sister are already pregnant, and the road is slippery in this snowy day."

Whatever Li Miaomiao ordered, Pei Guoan answered without any impatience
"I remember everything, is there anything else I want to ask?"

"No more, just remember what I said just now."

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