Chapter 250
"One is to vacate half of the rice fields in the village and use them to grow miscellaneous grains. The most important thing is seeds. As far as I know, these new seeds were researched by Jiang Provincial Agricultural University. I will deliver them when I go back to the provincial capital. Go over there to inquire about the situation, see if you can get the seeds?"

"In this case, this matter is only up to you."

Although Zhang Degen also felt a little embarrassed, he had to find Li Miaomiao every time he encountered some problems in the village, but he had no other way.

"Uncle Degen, don't worry, I will try my best. I think there should be no problem. If we can get better seeds and increase the grain production in the village, it will be a good thing for everyone."

After returning from Zhang Degen's place, Li Miaomiao also thought about it.

Sometime, I really have to go to the Agricultural University. Although she intends to use the seeds of the system space, the source must be needed, and she must hurry up. After all, it is related to the food plan of the village, and Zhang Degen is probably in a hurry.

Before spring plowing, the seeds had to be prepared, and she had to get ahead of that.

Li Miaomiao thought so, before he got home, he saw a car approaching not far away, Li Miaomiao didn't even need to look at the car, as soon as he heard the sound of the engine, he knew it was Yan Cheng's car

Li Miaomiao's eyes lit up when she thought about Yan Cheng asking her to remodel the car. Could it be that Yan Cheng has found all the accessories, and the work efficiency is too fast.

You must know that this is not the era when it is very convenient to buy things in later generations. Some spare parts are actually not easy to find, and it is estimated that Yan Cheng must use channels.

Li Miaomiao thought so, the car had already driven in front of her

When the car stopped, Li Miaomiao saw that not only Yan Cheng was coming, but Luo Shaoze was also coming.

"Brothers and sisters, long time no see, you have to cook some delicious dishes for us at noon."

Luo Shaoze looked at Li Miaomiao with a smile on his face, and as he spoke, he moved things down from the car, bag by bag, which looked like they were all ingredients
The corners of Li Miaomiao's mouth twitched, feeling like a foodie came to her door

She has nothing to say, she can only process the ingredients first and start preparing lunch

"Does Guoan know that you are here?"

Li Miaomiao thought for a while and asked again, thinking whether to ask someone to notify Pei Guoan, but when she turned around, they should have contacted Pei Guoan in advance when they came here.

"I know, he has something to do, he is not with us, and he will come when he is done."

Li Miaomiao nodded: "Okay, you guys sit inside first, drink a glass of water, and I'll go to the kitchen to prepare lunch."

With so many ingredients, Li Miaomiao was not polite. Seeing that Luo Shaoze and Yan Cheng had already carried the things to the kitchen, she said to them
"Brothers and sisters, let's help you."

Although they came to eat, they were embarrassed to leave Li Miaomiao alone. If Pei Guoan found out, he would not feel sorry for his wife. Pei Guoan, a wife slave, might be able to drive them out.

A guy who has a wife but no brother.

Li Miaomiao was not polite when he heard the words, and immediately ordered them to deal with the lamb chops and pig's trotters. Since he wanted to eat delicious food, it was not right to put in some labor.

As for picking vegetables, Li Miaomiao didn't let them do it. The two young masters probably haven't been in the kitchen many times. If they want to do this, it would be a mess, but it's not a problem to chop a bone or something. It's all about precision and strength big lord.

Seeing that Luo Shaoze and Yan Cheng were busy and dignified, Li Miaomiao went to the mountain to dig some bamboo shoots and came back with a hoe.

(End of this chapter)

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