Chapter 405

Zhou Shao said this and looked at Pei Guoan. Pei Guoan knew that Zhou Shao was coming at this time, and there must be something temporary. He and Zhou Shao looked at each other and went to the study to talk.

Luo Shaoze didn't keep up. Some things, he just needs to know what he should know, and he's not interested in participating too much. Originally, he was captured by the old man at home, man, don't be so tired.

"Miao Miao, what else do you need to do, I'll help you."

Luo Shaoze said so, picked up the hoe that Pei Guoan had just put down, and was about to help Li Miaomiao dig the soil.

Li Miaomiao knew a son like Luo Shaoze, even in this age, Luo Shaoze hadn't experienced much hardship, how could he dig the soil, he didn't expect that Luo Shaoze would do a decent job once he went down with a hoe.

"Brother Luo, you can do it, I thought you wouldn't know how to dig."

Meeting Li Miaomiao's unexpected eyes, Luo Shaoze was a little amused: "You think I'm some kind of son who doesn't touch the spring water, I've done some work, although it's not digging, it's not a technical job, is it? .”

"Yes, that's great."

Li Miaomiao praised Luo Shaoze a few words, then took out the fertilizer she had prepared in advance, and added base fertilizer to the ground.

By the time Pei Guoan finished talking with Zhou Shao, Li Miaomiao and Luo Shaoze had dug the soil and fertilized the area.

"Miao Miao, what are we going to do next, should we plant the seedlings?"

Luo Shaoze was sweating profusely at this moment, but his expression was somewhat excited, as if he was doing something important.

"That's right, I'm going to take out the seedlings, and when it's getting dark, just plant them, water them, and soak up the dew overnight, so they can grow better."

Li Miaomiao said so, went to the back of the kitchen, packed the seedlings in frames, and moved a lot over.

"And the seedlings are so big. If you look at the pepper seedlings, you can see the flower buds. In this way, it won't take too long to produce peppers when they bloom and bear fruit."

Luo Shaoze didn't know the other seedlings very well, but he did know the pepper seedlings, and said excitedly
Li Miaomiao nodded: "As long as the service is good, it really doesn't take too long to eat chili peppers. It will be delicious whether it's used to stir-fry meat or just fried."

Pei Guoan and Zhou Shao came out and saw that they had already discussed how to eat the pepper seedlings before they had planted them, and they were really speechless.

"Is it too early for you to plan, or wait until these seedlings are planted and can be raised to survive."

As Pei Guoan said this, he walked over and saw that the seedlings that Li Miaomiao took out were different from those in the village. They were filled one by one in black cups that looked like plastic paper, instead of being pulled out from the ground. of.

"Your method is not bad. If you plant it in the ground directly with the soil, the survival rate will be much higher."

"So don't underestimate me. I'm very professional in farming. If you keep planting like this, nine out of ten will survive. It's not a problem to eat chili later."

Li Miaomiao is very confident that the fertilizers she uses are all bought from the system, and then the new organic fertilizers that are actually formulated can make plants grow faster without any bad ingredients. In the era of life, there is no such good fertilizer.

The products produced by the system are all high-quality products. With these fertilizers, these seedlings can be harvested half a month to a month earlier.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Pei Guoan also noticed that his young wife is not only skilled, but also good at growing vegetables. Seeing that the method of raising seedlings is not something that the big guys in the village know, it seems to be learned from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Now he was really not sure whether these seedlings were grown by Li Miaomiao himself.

"I'm going out for a while, at night..."

Before Pei Guoan finished speaking, Li Miaomiao waved his hand: "Go, be careful."

Li Miaomiao said so, and went to plant seedlings with Luo Shaoze, and didn't care about Pei Guoan at all, so Pei Guoan was really speechless.

This girl, once she got serious, she really forgot everything.

Taking another look at Luo Shaoze, who was also serious about growing vegetables, and didn't care about him at all, Pei Guoan felt that Luo Shaoze might be taken into a pit by Li Miaomiao, and he would not be required to do the digging and weeding in the future, and leave it to Luo Just like Shaoze, this guy, if nothing else, has the strength and will definitely be able to do it.

"Miao Miao, do you think it was planted like this?"

Luo Shaoze took out a pepper seedling, carefully placed it in the hole, and filled it with soil.

"Yes, that's it. In fact, growing vegetables is very simple."

Li Miaomiao said so, and then told Luo Shaoze about her plan: "All these fields will be planted into peppers, this field will be used to grow eggplants, and this field will be used to grow beans... The space here is reserved for planting A pumpkin, and then the pumpkin can climb up the wall."

After hearing Li Miaomiao's plan, Luo Shaoze nodded in agreement: "Your plan is great, but in this way, there are many other lands, including my yard. What would it be good to plant them?"

"There are still more to grow. Okra, wax gourd, tomato, and sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn. These are definitely indispensable. We need to plant more. In addition, there are watermelons and melons. These fruits are easy to grow and will be eaten in summer. , it’s sweet, delicious and quenches thirst. By the way, we can also plant some sugar cane and some strawberries, let me think about it, what else can we grow..."

Li Miaomiao thought for a while, and finally made a decision: "That's all, there are already a lot. As long as we can grow them, we can eat enough vegetables and fruits."

Normally, Li Miaomiao would still think about planting other things, more varieties and patterns, but this year, she mainly grows sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn. When there is no other harvest, these will be food.

"Okay, listen to you. I will come back tomorrow and dig up the land in my yard to make room."

Talking like this, the sky was already very dark, Luo Shaoze went to pick up water again, and poured the water mixed with water-soluble fertilizer to the seedlings again.

In such a large area, Luo Shaoze carried water quite a few times.

"Miao Miao, you said that we have grown so many vegetables that we often need to water them. Do we need to build a pool so that watering is also convenient. We can't use a bucket to pick them every time. How troublesome."

Li Miaomiao's eyes lit up when he heard Luo Shaoze's unintentional words: "You have a good idea, or after we plant the seedlings, we can build a pool, one here, and the other side of your yard One, it will be convenient to water in the future.”

Originally, Li Miaomiao hadn't thought of any excuse to repair the pool, but now it's settled, that is, a young master like Luo Shaoze didn't think about how much it would cost to repair the pool, only the inconvenience of watering.

(End of this chapter)

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