Chapter 407 Wrong Words
Seeing Luo Shaoze's stupid and cute appearance, Pei Guoan couldn't tell that he was also a powerful figure outside.

"Growing vegetables is interesting, right? Planting them yourself, raising them, watering and fertilizing them, and watching them bloom and bear fruit is a very fulfilling thing."

"That's right, it's much more interesting than doing other things."

Luo Shaoze said so, and looked at Li Miaomiao: "Okay, just give me the blueprints and seedlings and go to work. I'm here, so you don't need to worry about everything."

"Okay, I'm off to work, here is the key to the house, you take it."

Li Miaomiao and Pei Guoan discussed this matter. This is the key to the door of the house. As for their own room, it is locked separately.

Luo Shaoze was taken aback when he heard the words, then glanced at Pei Guoan, seeing that Pei Guoan didn't say anything, he nodded and accepted the key handed over by Li Miaomiao.

"Success, since you are so relieved to leave it to me, I will take care of the rest for you, and I will not let you down."

As usual, Pei Guoan sent Li Miaomiao to the machinery factory first: "I'll pick you up when I get off work."

Li Miaomiao nodded and walked in, only to see Director Lin waiting at the door: "Director Lin, who are you?"

Li Miaomiao looked back, and there were employees from the machinery factory behind her, not sure if Director Lin was waiting for her.

Logically speaking, she just didn't go to work for a day, so she shouldn't have any urgent matters, and she needs to wait at the door early in the morning.

"Comrade Li Miaomiao, it's great that you're here. I've been here waiting for you."

Li Miaomiao blinked her eyes as she was really waiting for her: "Director Lin, what is the urgent matter that needs you to wait here early in the morning? I know all the machines in the factory, although there are many problems, But the problems are not serious, and will not affect production, making you anxious."

"That's not the case. It's because the research team came from above and wanted to know about the artificial destruction of the machine before."

Li Miaomiaorao has a good psychological quality. When he heard this, he couldn't hold back his heart, and his face was really confused and puzzled: "Investigate, just investigate, what does this have to do with me, they can't suspect me A broken machine?"

After Li Miaomiao finished speaking, she saw that Factory Manager Lin didn't speak: "No, even if I want to destroy, I have to have the ability. I wanted to cooperate with your machinery factory before, but I couldn't even get in the door and was almost thrown out. Even later, I asked acquaintances to help me, so I reluctantly went to your cafeteria to have a meal, and it was impossible to enter the workshop."

"I also know what's going on. You entered our factory based on your ability. Everyone knows this, but the people above don't know it, especially since you have been in contact with Feng Jianghai before. Feng Jianghai is also among the suspects now. Column, so you have to explain it, and show off the technology by the way, when the time comes to speak with facts, some people will naturally shut up."

Regarding Li Miaomiao, Feng Jianghai had never doubted it. It is understandable to think so without knowing the guesses of the above, within a reasonable range, but he knew best what the situation was at that time.

"That's fine, since that's the case, I'll listen to you, Director Lin. But there is a saying in the beginning, the reason why I went back to explain and do some things is because of the care you have taken for me, Director Lin. , otherwise, so what if I’m someone from above? I walk straight and stand upright, and I’m not afraid of anyone coming. If you want to use those so-called intimidation methods, then you have to see if I, Li Miaomiao, are such a soft-boned person!”

Li Miaomiao said this very forcefully, and she was not at all afraid of the people in the research team who came from above.

Factory Manager Lin knew that Li Miaomiao was definitely not that reckless and straightforward. If he dared to challenge the research team, he must have such confidence. This is also an aunt.

When they arrived at the room arranged for the research team, the people in the research team frowned when they saw Li Miaomiao: "Is this Li Miaomiao?"

"Yes, leader. This is Comrade Li Miaomiao. He is a comrade with outstanding technical ability. He has made a lot of contributions to our factory since he came to our factory."

Factory manager Lin said with a smile on his face, even if he was impatient with the thoughts in his heart, he didn't dare to show a little bit of impatience to the research team.

"Director Lin, I hope you have a correct attitude and analyze things from an objective point of view, instead of using your own subjective assumptions to judge whether a certain comrade is good or bad, or even shielding young and beautiful lesbians because of some bad thoughts. , this is to make a mistake!"

The leader of the research team was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. He looked very rigid and serious in appearance and attire. His eyes swept over Li Miaomiao, as if he was carrying a knife, as if he wanted to stab Li Miaomiao a few times.

Li Miaomiao listened to this man with a sneer on his face: "So this is the level of the research team. I thought that the comrades sent by the superiors were very fair and capable comrades, but it turns out that they just make random conclusions based on their appearance. .”

"Am I wrong? You, a lesbian, don't care for your husband and children at home, but go outside to do these immoral things, use your beauty to achieve your goals, and even use some inappropriate things to get into the machinery factory. normal means."

Li Miaomiao laughed out of anger when she heard the words: "I just said something wrong."

"Now you know that you have to admit your mistakes, it's too late! The comrades in our research team are all able to stand the test and will not be fooled by your beauty. Your problem, how to deal with it, how to deal with it, so Corrupted women should be paraded through the streets to receive re-education."

"I just said something wrong. It's not that you are incompetent, but that you have brains. I doubt that the superiors sent you here not to investigate, but to show your stupidity."

Li Miaomiao felt that her self-cultivation might be pretty good, so she couldn't help but swear, what the hell is this? !
She had noticed from Director Lin's attitude before that the people in the research team might be a little difficult to speak and deal with, but she didn't expect it to be at such a level.

I didn't ask her any questions, and I didn't have the ability to see her. I judged the whole thing just based on her appearance.

"What did you say?"

The people in the research team originally hated women like Li Miaomiao who behaved badly, and they couldn't believe their ears when they heard the words. Are all women so rampant now?
"Li Miaomiao, you need to be clear about what you said. Some words cannot be taken back. It's fine if you behave badly. How dare you insult the investigators? Are you crazy!"

"I'm not crazy. Don't let you label me indiscriminately. As investigators of the research team, it's fine if you don't work hard to find out the facts. If you judge a matter based on subjective assumptions, where is your professional ability?"

(End of this chapter)

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