Chapter 427
When they got home, Pei Guoan didn't let Li Miaomiao go to bed directly, but went to the kitchen to get some food first.

Although Li Miaomiao was so tired that she was about to collapse, but she really couldn't sleep if she slept like this, she was so dirty.

After taking a shower first, Pei Guoan also prepared the food: "It's all at this point, eat something before going to sleep, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well, and you will wake up hungry again."

Li Miaomiao nodded
Pei Guoan's cooking skills were still the same. Li Miaomiao was indeed hungry, but she didn't feel disgusted. She ate in big mouthfuls, brushed her teeth, went back to her room and fell asleep.

By the time Li Miaomiao woke up, it was already evening.

Coming out of the room, Li Miaomiao saw Pei Guoan and Zhou Shao discussing things in the yard, and saw her come out.

Originally, Zhou Shao wanted to ask Li Miaomiao a lot of questions, but Yan Cheng and Luo Shaoze both told about yesterday's situation. Zhou Shao also admired Li Miaomiao's strong psychological quality.

"How is the matter handled, have those people on the other side of the sea been arrested?"

Li Miaomiao is most concerned about this matter. Once this matter is resolved, she can take over the child earlier.

Speaking of this, Zhou Shao showed a relatively relaxed expression for the first time: "This time, this group of people has been cleared out. At least one of these people in Jiang Province is counted as one, and none of them ran away."

"That's good. If that's the case, can I take Xiaofan over? I haven't seen him these days. I really miss my son."

Pei Guoan listened: "A few more days later, after the interrogation is over, we'll make sure that nothing slipped through the net, and then we'll go back and pick up Xiaofan. We've been waiting for so long, and we're not short of such a few days."

Li Miaomiao nodded, agreeing with what Pei Guoan said, the safety of his son is the most important thing.

Seeing that Zhou Shao and Pei Guoan were talking about the outside world again, Li Miaomiao was not interested in listening. As long as the group of people on the other side of the sea were cleared away, she would not bother to worry about the rest. As for that person, since the matter has reached this point, I believe Mr. Wang won't hide it either. Finding someone and persuading him will naturally be done.

"You guys are chatting, I'm going to make dinner, and this is all."

There was only Pei Guoan and Zhou Shao at home, so there was no need to cook so much. Li Miaomiao made three dishes and one soup, and was about to eat when Luo Shaoze came over.

"You are this?"

Li Miaomiao was really speechless, Luo Shaoze was still injured, so he still wanted to come over for dinner.

"I lost a lot of blood this time, so I need to make up for it."

Li Miaomiao: ...

Luo's father and Luo's mother also came with Luo Shaoze. In the name of accompanying their son when their son was injured, they actually came here to grab a meal.

However, they are particular about people, and they brought a lot of ingredients when they came here.

"Miaomiao, I've heard Shaoze mention you a long time ago, saying that you are ingenious, handy and good at cooking. I finally saw you today. You are a good boy. This brat in our family has no other problems, only one, greedy, I can't bear it Huo still insisted on coming over, saying that the food at home was too much to eat, so we had no choice but to let him."

Father Luo had a helpless look on his face, and when he mentioned Luo Shaoze, it was as if he doted on his son.

Luo Shaoze kept rolling his eyes at the side, the old man is really hypocritical, he clearly wanted to use his name to come over for dinner, and he said it so fresh and refined, those who didn't know really thought how good he was to his son.

Seeing Luo Shaoze like this, Father Luo gave him a warning look.

"Miao Miao, I'm sorry to trouble you, but you said our Shaoze is real."

Luo Mu said while looking at Li Miaomiao with satisfaction, her eyes were clear, and she was a girl with a straight heart.

In fact, Mother Luo also wanted to meet Li Miaomiao a long time ago. After all, her family is not an ordinary family. Her son often stays with this family. She knows that Pei Guoan is a very outstanding young man, but she really doesn't know what Li Miaomiao is like. Seeing him now Don't worry too much.

Seeing the appearance of the three members of this family, Li Miaomiao felt amused in her heart: "Uncle and aunt, you are welcome. It is rare that Brother Luo and my husband can chat and treat my husband like a brother. It is just a meal. You sit down first, and I will go." Fry some vegetables."

Li Miaomiao said so, and went to cook. After all, their family had a clear purpose. Instead of saying too much, it would be better to cook a few more dishes, and let Pei Guoan greet them.

There are three more people, and there is a driver outside, that is, four people. The rice that Li Miaomiao cooked before must not be enough, and it will take too much time to cook the rice now.

Thinking of this, Li Miaomiao stewed the pot with braised pig's trotters, and brought out flour to serve. Luo's father and Luo's mother brought a lot of ingredients, and there was a large piece of meat inside, which happened to be used to make dumplings.

Li Miaomiao was fast and could plan the time reasonably. He added a few more dishes, and it took only half an hour.

"Uncle and aunt, I haven't prepared any good dishes for the time being, so you can eat whatever you want."

"This is already very rich, Miao Miao, you are so ingenious. You have cooked several dishes in such a short time."

For a person like Luo Mu who can't cook at all, Li Miaomiao's ability to cook a meal so quickly is simply amazing to her, and it smells so delicious.

Li Miaomiao asked the driver to come over for dinner, but the driver didn't want to, so he filled a large bowl of rice and asked Pei Guoan to deliver it.

Luo Shaoze often eats at Li Miaomiao's place on weekdays, which is fine. Luo's father and Luo's mother usually eat the "limited edition" ones brought back by their sons. This time, they can finally open up and eat to their fullest. No wonder my son often comes here and doesn't want to go back. He also said that he will move to his grandfather's house for some time.

Luo's father disagreed before, but now that he thinks about it, it's not impossible, or the whole family can move here.

Of course, this was just a thought. Father Luo also knew that the situation at home did not allow it, and Shaoze's grandma would come back in two days.

After eating, Pei Guoan consciously cleaned up the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

Li Miaomiao made a soup and stewed it on a small coal stove with some nourishing herbs in it.

Li Miaomiao was very sure that Luo Shaoze's sick number would not be worn properly at Luo's house tomorrow, and he might come over early in the morning to eat.

For Li Miaomiao, this is really not a problem. They are all cooking anyway. There is no difference between cooking more and cooking less. It just so happens that she is at home and has time these days.

After the soup was stewed, Li Miaomiao also mixed the noodles, put out a bowl of noodles in the big washbasin, and went to buy some meat tomorrow morning to make meat buns.

Speaking of this, Li Miaomiao thought, it would be more convenient if there was a refrigerator at home, especially on such a day, when the meat couldn’t be kept, so she had to buy it at any time. It is also more convenient to put some ingredients and buy things in the system mall to smuggle out.

But now buying a refrigerator is more difficult than buying a TV. You have to ask for foreign exchange certificates, and the price is ridiculously expensive, which is really not worth it.

Li Miaomiao didn't think about buying a refrigerator. Speaking of which, the principle of the refrigerator is actually quite simple, or can she make one herself?
(End of this chapter)

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