Chapter 433
"That's right, Li Chunxiang, don't get me wrong, if your husband really does such a thing, you must speak up boldly, otherwise since he can do such a thing, how can he be your reliance in the future. "

A few people came with red armbands. Although Jiang Hua was the leader, she didn't have the right to speak. Hearing this, he also said to Li Chunxiang

Jiang Hua glanced at the person who made the sound, but didn't say anything, just waiting for Li Chunxiang's answer
"What are you talking about? My husband is not such a person, and neither is Master Miao Miao. Don't listen to some people's nonsense. My husband is asking for advice like Master Miao Miao. He is upright, and there is nothing shameful about it. What's more Master Miao Miao's husband is so good, how could he have other thoughts, I'm afraid some people have pink eye disease and deliberately want to slander them!"

Where did Li Chunxiang hesitate, she said firmly

"Li Chunxiang, think about it. Don't cover up for your husband. If we find out that you are covering up, you will be guilty of the same crime."

Li Chunxiang was a little scared at first, but when she heard that these people clearly wanted to slander Wei Xiang and Li Miaomiao, she felt angry, and when her temper came up, she didn't care.

"You guys are so ridiculous. I don't know who's instigated me to come here to seek bad luck, and I don't know what's going on. If my husband has anything to do with others, I might still believe it, but look at Master Miao Miao. Competent, beautiful, and such a good husband, it’s not out of my mind, can I look up to my husband?"

Wei Xiang: ...

He's been shot a lot today, and besides his age, he's not that bad, no matter how anyone looks at him, he looks like a toad.

Jiang Hua heard Li Chunxiang's words, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice: "What you said is somewhat reasonable, not to mention that this is a repair shop, it is in broad daylight, and it is not suitable for doing shameful things."

"This leader is still insightful, but it's not that whoever does bad things quietly, and makes such a big fanfare, it's not that there is something wrong with his brain!"

The tigress Li Chunxiang's title is not for nothing. When the tiger gets up, even these people with red armbands are not afraid. Whoever talks about red armbands changes color? The face of the man with the red armband is very ugly.

On the other hand, Jiang Hua, Li Chunxiang had a slight smile in his eyes when he heard these words: "The words are not rough, but the truth is this. Such a thing obviously seems to be framed. I hope that some comrades will not close their eyes for some small gains. Speaking, everyone has a brain."

Jiang Hua is used to be mean and arrogant when speaking, and he doesn't bother to care about other people's feelings
Li Miaomiao originally wanted to do something, but after hearing what the female leader said, she was not in a hurry, and waited to see how things developed.

It's rare to meet such an interesting woman. Li Miaomiao can see that Jiang Hua still has some kindness in his heart. For some reason, he hangs out among these people with red armbands, and these people with red armbands seem to be very friendly. It's even more interesting to be afraid of Jianghua and headed by Jianghua.

Are these people afraid of Jianghua, or are there some forces and backers behind Jianghua?

"Jiang Hua, what do you mean, you are referring to Sang and scolding Huai!"

"It doesn't matter if I scold you. Some people have no brains, so why can't they scold them, or they are not brainless, but they just have selfish intentions in their hearts and do it on purpose."

"Comrade Jiang Hua, you don't need to put such a big hat on people, we just follow the normal procedures."

"Yes, it's normal for everyone to have differences of opinion. Don't be so tense. Let's discuss it. The first thing is to find out the truth of the matter."

But the truth was quickly found out. After all, the process of this matter was not very complicated, and there was no evidence to prove that there was something between Wei Xiang and Li Miaomiao. not good.

But now Li Chunxiang was firmly on Li Miaomiao's side, proving the innocence of Wei Xiang and Li Miaomiao.

"I just said that it was all a misunderstanding. The leader only came here because he cared about the situation in the factory. Just check the matter clearly."

After the matter was settled, the leader of the repair shop relaxed a bit, and quickly smoothed things over and said
"Okay, since it's a misunderstanding, let's leave it at that. We have to go back and find out who is behind the scenes."

Jiang Hua didn't intend to hold onto Li Miaomiao, but she admired Li Miaomiao very much. Now that she knew what was going on, she didn't intend to continue and planned to leave.
"Not necessarily, maybe a..."

"Shut up, you have the final say or I have the final say!"

Jiang Hua looks displeased at the man who has been questioning her

"It's not who has the final say on this matter, but it should be based on facts. No matter what, we have to bring people back for questioning."

The other man wanted to do something to Li Miaomiao as soon as he said that, but he looked at Li Miaomiao so lewdly that it made Li Miaomiao feel sick, seeing that this man wanted to grab him with his hands, he kicked him out.

No one expected that Li Miaomiao would strike suddenly, even if someone caught him, just avoid the opponent's movements, but Li Miaomiao was not weak at all, and just kicked people away

"You bitch, you dare to do it!"

The man with the red armband looked at Li Miaomiao fiercely, even Jiang Hua had a look of worry on his face, and looked at Li Miaomiao with disapproval

It's fine if Li Miaomiao doesn't make a move. Even if someone is not convinced, she can control the situation, but once Li Miaomiao makes a move, the nature is different.Although this kick was really enjoyable, she admitted, but Li Miaomiao was too impulsive. If she entered that place, a beautiful woman like Li Miaomiao would be coveted by others.

As for innocence and innocence, once you enter that place, there is no innocence.

"What's the matter with me, my mouth is not clean, and I still want to do it to me, I think you are the toad, no, you are more disgusting than a toad."

"If you dare to do something, it is a provocation to our G society. What are you waiting for? Arrest her!"

Even with so many people in the investigation team, they were no match for Li Miaomiao. With just such a few people, Li Miaomiao couldn't be moved.

Jiang Hua spoke out to stop it, not wanting things to get too bad, but it was beyond her control now, especially since someone had already run back to report.

Li Miaomiao didn't stop them from reporting the letter. Although the matter came to an end, but she didn't understand the matter for a day, she was acting for her superiors, and they were all acting for her superiors in the same way. Who is afraid of others!
Jiang Hua was a little worried at first, but seeing Li Miaomiao's confident appearance, he already guessed in his heart that Li Miaomiao might have some trump cards.

(End of this chapter)

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