Thanks to my mother-in-law for the preparations, otherwise, at this time, even her natal family would be in short supply of food, let alone meat and vegetables.

In previous years, my sister-in-law would not be so stingy, and she could even pretend to be generous on the face of her mother-in-law. But this year's situation, because of the drought, the life of her mother's family is also very tight. It was just a chicken, and it was very unpleasant.

Originally, the chicken was ordered by my sister-in-law to make up for the child's body, but her mother loved her so much that she took it as if she had divided it, which made the sister-in-law very unhappy.

"Does it taste good? If it tastes good, there are more. I stewed a whole chicken. Fourth daughter-in-law, you can just drink it. Having a baby consumes the most of a woman's blood, so you have to make up for it."

Mother Liu was quite satisfied watching from the sidelines. No matter what Granny Linlin thought in her heart, at least she did what she had to do, and there was nothing anyone could criticize.

"Mom, thank you, if you had come over in time, I don't know what to do."

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are a child of our Pei family. I was supposed to take care of you. It's just your situation. I know it's inconvenient, so I told the fourth child to rush to you when you gave birth. Come here. Fortunately, I caught up, otherwise I didn't wrong you and my granddaughter."

Not only Liu's mother, but Liu Lin was also worried that she would be rejected after giving birth to a daughter. Seeing the attitude of her husband and her husband's family, she felt relieved.

There is another woman in the same ward, who also gave birth to a daughter. She gave birth the day before they came, so there is no such good treatment. The husband's family sees that she gave birth to a daughter, and they dislike her so much that it doesn't even look like letting her be hospitalized. , To let her go back directly, but was stopped by the doctor.

Both Mother Liu and Mrs. Pei are sociable people. Not long after Liu Lin was admitted to this ward, they figured out the situation clearly.

Looking at the mother, it was only the first day of delivery, and she ate some steamed buns. Her mother-in-law's family ignored her, and her mother's family was nowhere to be seen. It was probably due to lack of nutrition and no milk.

Liu Lin was a mother for the first time, and she couldn't bear to see the situation of the pregnant woman, but since there was a lot of chicken soup, her mother-in-law had indeed prepared it for her.

Usually, chicken soup is very expensive, not to mention that at this time, if you can drink chicken soup, it is because the family is in a very good condition. She is really embarrassed to ask her mother-in-law to serve a bowl for the parturient. Of course, she is reluctant to part with it .

Li Miaomiao saw what Liu Lin was thinking, but in fact she felt sorry for the pregnant woman, so she gave her a bowl of chicken soup.

The parturient is quite greedy, and when the scent wafted over, she could immediately smell the smell of chicken soup. It was still the Chinese New Year, and the mother-in-law gave her a small half bowl of chicken soup, because the water was added, so it was really delicious. It has a bit of flavor, how can it be as fragrant as this chicken soup.

"You guys are so kind. It's the first time I've had such a fragrant chicken soup. This is the best chicken soup I've ever had."

After Wang Xiaohua drank a bowl of chicken soup, she felt much more comfortable. She licked her lips, her eyes fell on the big thermos that Mrs. Pei brought over, and she hesitated to speak.

Li Miaomiao and the others could see what this woman named Wang Xiaohua meant. She clearly wanted to drink chicken soup again, but they would be very generous if they could give her a bowl. If the governor is a bit more knowledgeable, she should know the chicken soup at this time How precious, how can I have the face to stare at people's chicken soup.

This time, they had a bad impression of Wang Xiaohua.

But no one said much, just stopped talking to Wang Xiaohua, as expected, a poor person must have something to hate, such a person, doing things will not make people feel good.

Wang Xiaohua saw that Li Miaomiao and the others didn't talk to her anymore, and it was impossible to give her another bowl of chicken soup. There was still so much chicken soup, and she saw it when the chicken soup was just filled. , really stingy, she is so pitiful.

Wang Xiaohua's thoughts were shallow, and Li Miaomiao was as if she had eaten a fly if she showed her thoughts on her face.

It seems that she still can't have any sympathy, just continue to be a hard-hearted woman.

Wang Xiaohua didn't drink the chicken soup again, and glanced at the baby next to the pillow, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

It's all this girl's film, why isn't she a handle, otherwise she wouldn't be rejected by her husband's family and leave her alone in the hospital.

Probably the child was too hungry, curled his lips, and started crying again.

Wang Xiaohua opened her mouth to scold, she has no milk, what's the use of crying, but her eyes just happened to see Mother Liu making milk powder for her granddaughter, and suddenly her eyes rolled.

"This kind-hearted aunt, I have no milk, and the baby is crying all the time. Can you give me some milk powder? This child is suffering with me, and her mother and father are unwilling to take care of her. I can't just let her starve like this .”

Mother Liu just saw Wang Xiaohua's virtues, and she was in a panic when she heard Wang Xiaohua's words and wanted to refuse, but she saw the child in Wang Xiaohua's arms crying pitifully.

She was born thin and small, had no food, and even cried intermittently. No one could bear to see her.

Not to mention Liu's mother, even Mrs. Pei felt guilty when she saw the child.

Even if she is patriarchal, but she is her own granddaughter, how can she be so cruel, and look at her strange granddaughter who is fat and white, although she doesn't have a grandson to make her happy, but her heart still hurts from sleeping.

"Okay, our milk powder didn't come from the flood. We bought it with money and a trustee. If it's too much, I'll give it to you. It's for the sake of the child. The rest is only you. Figured out a way."

After all, Liu's mother separated out some milk powder, about four or five times for such a small child, put it in another small jar and gave it to Wang Xiaohua.

Wang Xiaohua thanked her a thousand times, but she was a little proud in her heart. These city people are all stupid, so she just pretended to be pitiful, and she was willing to give up such a good thing. This little girl's film is still useful.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaohua hurried to make milk powder. Although it was only the second day after giving birth, rural women are not so particular. There are still some who go to the field not long after giving birth, let alone no one to take care of her No, she is not as lucky as the woman in the other bed.

It's all about giving birth to a little girl. The woman's mother-in-law, mother-in-law, husband, and even sister-in-law come to take care of her, and she eats so well.

Seeing Wang Xiaohua's jealous expression, Li Miaomiao wanted to make Pei Guoqiang and Liu's mother pay more attention. Some people just have a bad temper. Even if they have no grievances, they might be able to do something because of jealousy. She has seen such examples. Not a lot.

The child is still so young, and Liu Lin has just given birth, and her physical strength is weak, so she can't pay attention so much, and she may not be able to know that people's hearts can be so bad, so the people around them should pay more attention.

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