Chapter 479
Ever since Li Miaomiao knew that the child was not found at Wang Xiaohua's house, she had a bad feeling. If Wang Xiaohua took her away and brought her back, the child would suffer at most, but if it wasn't for Wang Xiaohua, then...

Although Feng Li is quite annoying, the child is innocent

"Wang Xiaohua needs to be interrogated, but it is also necessary to ask people to quickly check the people who come in and out of the hospital, especially to strictly check who came before the incident happened. If Wang Xiaohua really didn't take the child away, then maybe someone Come in secretly. The child was stolen. Also, although Wang Xiaohua’s family did not find the child, is it possible that Wang Xiaohua just took the child away and put it in the room, or abandoned it halfway? .”

Li Miaomiao said to the police investigating the case

They knew Li Miaomiao, and Li Miaomiao was quite capable in the county, not to mention they had met before, and they said, "Okay, I'll arrange it right away, what you said makes sense, any situation is possible."

Feng Li's husband looked at Li Miaomiao gratefully, never expecting her to stand up and help at this time

"Don't worry, it's useless to cry. If you have the time to vent your emotions, it's better to cooperate with the police to find someone. In addition, think about the situation at that time and think carefully. It is best to give us the time range when the child disappeared. Shorten it so that we can more accurately target the person who took the child away."

Li Miaomiao looked at the couple, they were completely at a loss when they encountered things, and they didn't do anything useful except worrying about it, so they were very speechless.

Forget about Feng Li, Feng Li's husband seems to be a reliable and capable man, and he can only recognize a person when he encounters a problem.

"Yes, Comrade Li Miaomiao is right, that's it. Only you know the situation at that time. You must recall carefully, and don't let go of any suspicious details."

Feng Li finally stopped crying after hearing the words, and recalled carefully.

Li Miaomiao had already said what she had to say, and seeing that they knew what to do, they didn't bother.

After something like this happened, Liu Lin didn't want to stay in the hospital anymore, so they took the child to the doctor's place, and when they came back, something like this happened, living here felt too insecure.

What's more, Feng Li is so noisy, the police and the hospital are also coming in and out, and it is not good to rest if she continues to live here.

"The house is all tidied up, tidy it up, or go back to the village directly, and save another trip."

Fortunately, Li Miaomiao is in a hurry, so I went back yesterday and prepared everything that needs to be prepared. If I go back early, I will be able to live in it immediately, otherwise I will have to worry about it. Liu Lin just gave birth not long ago. If she doesn't pay attention, she will suffer confinement.

"That's great. I, Zhengwei, worry about this."

It was probably because of the fact that Feng Li had lost her child. Everyone had lingering fears, and so did Liu's mother, who insisted on going back to the countryside with Liu Lin. No matter what, she had to watch her daughter's confinement environment to see if she could sit still. Only a good confinement can be at ease.

Li Miaomiao had no objection, and knew that Mother Liu had a heart for her daughter.

"Then let's go together. The house in the country is big, and we can live there if we arrange it. However, the conditions in the country are definitely not as good as those in the city. I don't know if your mother-in-law is used to living here?"

Mother Liu insisted on going even more when she heard this, and felt worried. If it weren't for this year's situation, she would never have agreed to her daughter going to the countryside for confinement. What kind of crime did she suffer.

"My daughter can live there, so there's nothing I can't live with."

"Sure, don't say any more, Guoqiang, you go through the discharge procedures first, and it's almost time to pack up, don't delay."

After packing up their things, Liu's mother was holding the child, while Pei Guoqiang helped Liu Lin into the car, and the group went back to the countryside directly.

The children didn't know how they were lost until they left the hospital.

In the car, Mrs. Pei sighed: "Such a white and fat boy looks so cute. If you say so, you will lose it. Fortunately, we are not careless, otherwise we will not know where to cry."

If it is actually Miaomiao's credit, if it weren't for her reminder, people might not have taken advantage of it. Mrs. Pei felt that Li Miaomiao's credit was the greatest. In this way, it is also a reminder to the people in the car, don't forget Thanks to Li Miaomiao.

"No, thanks to his second sister-in-law, otherwise... I'd be afraid just thinking about it."

Mother Liu didn't see what Old Madam Pei was trying to do, but she nodded in agreement after hearing what Old Madam Pei said.

When Li Miaomiao came back by car, old man Pei was still very surprised. Why did he come back at this time? Even if the fourth daughter-in-law was discharged from the hospital, she would have to wait until the day after tomorrow, thinking that Li Miaomiao had something to come back.

When the car stopped and saw a lot of people getting off from the car, old man Pei realized that he quickly helped to carry things.

"Why did you come back today, didn't you mean tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

"Don't talk about it, thanks to Miaomiao's reminder, we watched the child carefully. The child in the next bed didn't look at it for a few minutes before being carried away. I still don't know where he was carried. gone."

"Is there such a thing?"

"No, it frightened us all, so we just wanted to come back early, not to mention the noise in the ward, adults and children couldn't rest well, so we just came back."

"Come here, I cleaned up Xiaofan's room, and you, the fourth sibling, will live in this room."

Regarding Li Miaomiao's arrangement, Pei Guoqiang and Liu Lindao didn't think there was anything wrong with it. On the contrary, Mother Liu couldn't help frowning. Although she knew there was no reason to let her daughter live in the master bedroom, she felt that the Pei family didn't pay enough attention to her daughter.

It was not her original intention to go to the countryside to confine her child. Usually, she would not want her daughter to suffer, let alone now.

But when I walked into the room, I saw the snow-white walls and all the furniture looked like new. It looked very clean and comfortable, and there was even a baby cot prepared. This is too careful.

"Sister and sister, you are so considerate. This house has been tidied up so well."

Liu Lin was really touched. Originally, she agreed to confinement in the countryside, so she was prepared to endure hardships. She knew that she would not be able to adapt, but she had to bite the bullet. The house is even better.

"I know you are used to living in the city. It must be inconvenient to go back to the country. My parents feel very guilty, but with such conditions at home, I can only arrange the room you live in as well as possible. Basically what you can use I have already set it up, if you still need four siblings, just tell me and I will make arrangements."

"It's very good. You have arranged everything so thoroughly. You don't need anything."

Even if it is missing, Liu Lin will let Pei Guoqiang buy it, so how can I trouble Li Miaomiao?

"Fourth brother and sister, you sit down first. I originally thought that you would come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The sheets and bedding have not been laid yet, and they are all freshly washed. It will not take a few minutes, and it will be ready soon."

(End of this chapter)

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