Chapter 281 Work hard, boy
"Then let's register the team tomorrow." Zhou You'an said, "You went to the mission hall today, did you see any missions worthy of our acceptance?"

"Yes." Jian Yue said, "The base needs to be relocated and recruited to deal with zombies. Teams with outstanding performance can give priority to the right of residence. I think residence is very important."

Zhou Youan understood what Jian Yue meant, and nodded in agreement: "Then after registering the team tomorrow, we will go to pick up the task. Tan Qian, you should discuss it with your uncles and aunts now. If you are sure to join, register the team tomorrow, and put your name on it. Submit it too."

"it is good."

Tan Qian responded and got into the car.

Jian Yue couldn't help but praise: "He looks like a captain, he's very thoughtful."

Zhou You'an was silent for a moment, and asked, "What did I do wrong?"

"I don't mean that, I'm really praising you, do a good job."

Jian Yue stepped forward and patted Zhou Youan on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, only to find that Zhou Youan was much taller than her.

Zhou Youan nodded with a smile.

It doesn't matter if the captain gives it to him, his mind-reading skills will come in handy when dealing with interpersonal relationships.

Tan Zhewen also stepped forward and patted Zhou Youan's shoulder on the other side: "Captain Zhou, there is a difficult problem that needs you to solve."

Zhou Youan was surprised: "Did you get into trouble?"

Jian Yue has a bad temper, and the masters are a little emotional, which is understandable, and Tan Zhewen is not a character who can bend and stretch. Zhou Youan doesn't find it strange that the two of them get together to make a big deal.

As soon as he became the captain, he was asked to deal with difficult problems, and he wondered if these people had set him up.

"Don't mention it, the person who was injured by the heroine yesterday died this morning. They insisted that it was the heroine who killed him. Fortunately, the patrol team didn't believe it and said that they would investigate carefully, otherwise we would be locked up and couldn't come back.

But I think the current situation is difficult to find out the truth. That person may have been killed, or he may have died of natural causes. No matter what, for the reputation of the heroine, for the first fire of your new official, work hard ,juvenile. "

Zhou Youan: "..."

He didn't even need to ask if he was joking, he knew it was not a joke after listening to Tan Zhewen's inner voice.

Killing is not allowed in the base, so this matter can be big or small.

People with supernatural powers have preferential treatment in the base. As long as they prove their strength, even if there are some things that cannot be explained clearly, the base will probably be lenient.

And this matter may not be inexplicable. His mind reading skills can hear more through physical contact, and he may be able to find the murderer.

After pondering for a moment, Zhou Youan affirmed: "Leave this matter to me."

Tan Zhewen made a cheering gesture to Zhou Youan.

Tan Qian, Tan Sheng, and Xu Suya had something to say, but Shen Huijuan and Jian Yahong felt that it was inappropriate to be in the car, so they got off. They didn't hear the previous content, but they heard Zhou Youan say to leave the matter to him.

Shen Huijuan asked curiously: "What happened?"

Jian Yue concealed it subconsciously, she didn't want Shen Huijuan and Jian Yahong to worry.

The real culprit could be found when the scientific level was so backward in ancient times. There is no reason why it can't be done now.

It wasn't something she did, so don't rely on her.

If it doesn't work, she will leave the city base.

She knew that there was a small base outside the Huishi base, which was established by some people who didn't want to enter the base and be kicked out by the base.

Those people are full of power and fight endlessly, but they have a base.

She can deter them, survive the cold winter in the base, and return to the base in City Z after the winter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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