Chapter 397

The content of the severance book was very simple and easy to write. After four copies were written, Zhou Youan came out and handed each of Chu Ying and Zhou Ruisheng a copy.

As soon as the two saw the severance letter, their faces were very ugly, and they didn't say anything in the end.

No more nonsense, maybe there is really nothing.

Seeing that the two did not object, Zhou Youan took out the red ink pad and asked the two to press not only the ten finger prints, but also the palm prints.

The faces of the two became even uglier. It was obvious that the other party had prepared it long ago. Zhou Youan had already planned to break up with them. No matter how much they quarreled in the future, he might not give anything anymore.

For a moment, both of them hesitated.

Zhou You'an didn't urge him, and just spent time with the two of them.

Returning them some supplies, all the grace of nurturing, life or death will be irrelevant in the future.

The content of the severance book was very simple and easy to write. After four copies were written, Zhou Youan came out and handed each of Chu Ying and Zhou Ruisheng a copy.

The faces of the two became even uglier. It was obvious that the other party had prepared it long ago. Zhou Youan had already planned to break up with them. No matter how much trouble they made in the future, he might not give anything anymore.

For a moment, both of them hesitated.

No more nonsense, maybe there is really nothing.

The content of the severance book was very simple and easy to write. After four copies were written, Zhou Youan came out and handed each of Chu Ying and Zhou Ruisheng a copy.

Give them back some supplies, and give them the grace of upbringing. In the future, life or death will be irrelevant.

Returning them some supplies, all the grace of nurturing, life or death will be irrelevant in the future.

Seeing that the two did not object, Zhou Youan took out the red ink pad and asked the two to press not only the ten finger prints, but also the palm prints.

For a moment, both of them hesitated.

Zhou You'an didn't urge him, and just spent time with the two of them.

As soon as the two saw the severance letter, their faces were very ugly, and they didn't say anything in the end.

As soon as the two saw the severance letter, their faces were very ugly, and they didn't say anything in the end.

Zhou You'an didn't urge him, and just spent time with the two of them.

As soon as the two saw the severance letter, their faces were very ugly, and they didn't say anything in the end.

Seeing that the two did not object, Zhou Youan took out the red ink pad and asked the two to press not only the ten finger prints, but also the palm prints.

No more nonsense, maybe there is really nothing.

Seeing that the two did not object, Zhou Youan took out the red ink pad and asked the two to press not only the ten finger prints, but also the palm prints.

No more nonsense, maybe there is really nothing.

The faces of the two became even uglier. It was obvious that the other party had prepared it long ago. Zhou You'an had already planned to break up with them. No matter how much they quarreled in the future, he might not give anything anymore.

Zhou You'an didn't urge him, and just spent time with the two of them.

For a moment, both of them hesitated.

The content of the severance book was very simple and easy to write. After four copies were written, Zhou Youan came out and handed each of Chu Ying and Zhou Ruisheng a copy.

The faces of the two became even uglier. It was obvious that the other party had prepared it long ago. Zhou You'an had already planned to break up with them. No matter how much they quarreled in the future, he might not give anything anymore.

Returning them some supplies, all the grace of nurturing, life or death will be irrelevant in the future.

The content of the severance book was very simple and easy to write. After four copies were written, Zhou Youan came out and handed each of Chu Ying and Zhou Ruisheng a copy.

As soon as the two saw the severance letter, their faces were very ugly, and they didn't say anything in the end.

No more nonsense, maybe there is really nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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