Chapter 542 Give Me Back
As Jian Yue said, be prepared.

He is the commander-in-chief of the team and cannot lose the chain at critical moments.

Ordinary medical masks can't completely block out the smell, they can only lighten the smell.

At this moment, Gu Xiaoming suddenly noticed that a few people left the team not far away without authorization, and walked straight to the depths of the woods, and immediately shouted: "You guys, where are you going?"

It's dangerous to be alone in the wild, especially with such weird surroundings.

Those plants are as beautiful as they are beautiful, but they are also dangerous, so they should not be underestimated.

However, those people seemed to have never heard of it, and continued to walk forward. For some reason, those people walked in a strange way, like sleepwalking, and like early zombies.

Thinking of Jian Yue's vigilance, Gu Xiaoming suddenly trembled and shouted again: "You guys, come back to me!"

Shouting and running over there.

Seeing this, Jian Yue immediately understood what happened, glanced at Zheng Yue beside her, and shouted, "Come with me."

Jian Yue ran in the direction of Gu Xiaoming.

Zheng Yue only hesitated for a moment, and then followed. He still couldn't figure out the situation, but it was obvious that something had happened.

Zheng Yue was taller and had longer legs, so he caught up with Jian Yue in a few steps.

"You are a wood-type power user, use your vines to pull them back, don't get too close, understand?" Jian Yue said.

Some mutated trees eat people, animals, and zombies. She is sure that this scent is to confuse people or animals, and zombies will unconsciously approach the mutated tree, and then the mutated tree will use it as fertilizer.

Those people were close to the source of the smell, and their breathing was aggravated by their work. They inhaled too much fragrance in their bodies, so they were controlled by the fragrance. It may also be related to the ability. The higher the level of the ability, the stronger the resistance.


Zheng Yue responded with a solemn tone, he knew that this was the time for him to perform.

So he sped up a few steps, overtook Jian Yue, and quickly chased after Gu Xiaoming.

The others didn't know what happened, they looked in surprise, and some were shot out by the branches because of distraction.

Those people were walking, Zheng Yue and Gu Xiaoming were running, and quickly caught up. Zheng Yue released four vines, wrapped around the waists of those people, and dragged them back forcefully.

The four were obviously delirious, and after being pulled back, they were still struggling to move forward.

Gu Xiaoming directly knocked out the four of them, held one in each hand, and signaled Zheng Yue to go back with him.

Through the mask, he can smell the strong fragrance here, and now he is basically sure that there is indeed a problem with the fragrance.

The two quickly returned with the four of them.

The scent will spread, Gu Xiaoming thinks that this place is no longer safe, and shouts at the people who are still watching: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Those who reacted quickly had already started to evacuate, while those who reacted slowly were dazed and groggy by the scent.

Two more people were controlled by the scent, and they couldn't help approaching the scent, just passing by Gu Xiaoming, the two of them didn't resist at all, and were knocked out by Gu Xiaoming.

Jian Yue just came over, picked up the two, and retreated together.

"I don't even know whether I should praise you for your carefulness, or complain about your crow's mouth." Gu Xiaoming said helplessly.

He found that what Jian Yue said would happen, it was weird and funny.

Jian Yue replied: "Of course it's careful."

Gu Xiaoming smiled and did not refute.

Everyone retreated all the way to the vicinity of the truck. Gu Xiaoming asked people to get into the car and drove back for a certain distance. After feeling that the fragrance could hardly be smelled, he stopped the convoy.

Gu Xiaoming lifted the knocked out people out of the car, hoping that the circulating air would wake them up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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