Chapter 628
The giant net didn't last for three seconds under the mouth of the mutated ants, and was quickly devoured into pieces.

Zhou You'an suddenly remembered the corpse oil stored in the space for emergencies, took two barrels and threw them out. The two barrels of corpse oil spilled on the ground, and the smell was very unpleasant.

Tan Zhewen threw a fireball at the right time, and the corpse oil on the ground burned rapidly. The fire spread so fast that many mutated ants that hadn't had time to escape were burned.

Little life is in danger at any time, and no one cares whether the fire will burn the mountain.

Nowadays, there are lush and mutated plants everywhere, and it is estimated that there is no shortage of this kind of greenery.

The mutated ants dispersed, gathered again, and continued to chase Jian Yue and the others, unwilling to give up the meat that was about to reach their mouths.

"Zhou You'an, get ready first." Jian Yue yelled at Zhou You'an.

The vehicle is still in his space, and it will take time to start the vehicle. The mutated ants are too hard to chase, time is tight, and there is no delay.

Jian Yue did not expect to meet so many mutant ants here.

Zhou Youan didn't care about answering, so he quickened his pace and rushed down the mountain regardless.

"Tan Zhewen, you set fire, I will protect you." Jian Yue said, "Tan Qian and Zheng Yue go first."

The giant net didn't last for three seconds under the mouth of the mutated ants, and was quickly devoured into pieces.

Zhou You'an suddenly remembered the corpse oil stored in the space for emergencies, took two barrels and threw them out. The two barrels of corpse oil spilled on the ground, and the smell was very unpleasant.

Tan Zhewen threw a fireball at the right time, and the corpse oil on the ground burned rapidly. The fire spread so fast that many mutated ants that hadn't had time to escape were burned.

Little life is in danger at any time, and no one cares whether the fire will burn the mountain.

Nowadays, there are lush and mutated plants everywhere, and it is estimated that there is no shortage of this kind of greenery.

The mutated ants dispersed, gathered again, and continued to chase Jian Yue and the others, unwilling to give up the meat that was about to reach their mouths.

"Zhou You'an, get ready first." Jian Yue yelled at Zhou You'an.

The vehicle is still in his space, and it will take time to start the vehicle. The mutated ants are too hard to chase, time is tight, and there is no delay.

Jian Yue did not expect to meet so many mutant ants here.

Zhou Youan didn't care about answering, so he quickened his pace and rushed down the mountain regardless.

"Tan Zhewen, you set fire, I will protect you." Jian Yue said, "Tan Qian and Zheng Yue go first."

The giant net didn't last for three seconds under the mouth of the mutated ants, and was quickly devoured into pieces.

Zhou You'an suddenly remembered the corpse oil stored in the space for emergencies, took two barrels and threw them out. The two barrels of corpse oil spilled on the ground, and the smell was very unpleasant.

Tan Zhewen threw a fireball at the right time, and the corpse oil on the ground burned rapidly. The fire spread so fast that many mutated ants that hadn't had time to escape were burned.

Little life is in danger at any time, and no one cares whether the fire will burn the mountain.

Nowadays, there are lush and mutated plants everywhere, and it is estimated that there is no shortage of this kind of greenery.

The mutated ants dispersed, gathered again, and continued to chase Jian Yue and the others, unwilling to give up the meat that was about to reach their mouths.

"Zhou You'an, get ready first." Jian Yue yelled at Zhou You'an.

The vehicle is still in his space, and it will take time to start the vehicle. The mutated ants are too hard to chase, time is tight, and there is no delay.

Jian Yue did not expect to meet so many mutant ants here.

Zhou Youan didn't care about answering, so he quickened his pace and rushed down the mountain regardless.

"Tan Zhewen, you set fire, I will protect you." Jian Yue said, "Tan Qian and Zheng Yue go first."

(End of this chapter)

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