Chapter 687 Hurry Up
The manpower carrying supplies in the warehouse suspended their work and joined the team of killing zombies. Even Xie Zhang and the others also started fighting.

They really stabbed the zombie's lair this time, and the situation was very pessimistic, but Gu Xiaoming didn't want to give up these supplies easily, so he asked everyone to guard the warehouse door, leaving a few people to move the supplies quickly.

Jian Yue and Gu Xiaoming stood at the front, one on the left and the other on the right, resisting the greatest pressure, so as not to be disrupted by the zombies and hurt everyone.

Everyone was busy with the things in front of them and had no time to pay attention to others. A sudden scream made everyone jump.

"Help! Help me!"

Jian Yue looked for the sound, and saw a zombie grabbing someone's arm tightly. If the person next to him hadn't grabbed his leg quickly, he would have been dragged into the group of zombies by the zombie, and the nearby zombies had already started to bite The hurt man collapsed and screamed.

The zombie is very strong, and it is obviously not enough for only one person to hold it. Another person rushes over to help.

Some people released abilities on the zombies, but their attacks fell on the zombies and had no effect.

Obviously the level of zombies is higher than them, at least level four.

Under normal circumstances, when not attacking, there is not much difference between high-level zombies and ordinary zombies. The blue veins and fangs of ordinary zombies are hideous. High-level zombies will be slightly more human-like than ordinary zombies. For example, their skin is no longer obvious. Dead gray, the facial muscles don't seem so stiff.

In her previous life, Jian Yue had heard people say that the higher the level of zombies, the more human-like their appearance was, and zombies evolved in this direction.

Most of the time, high-level zombies hide in the crowd of ordinary zombies and attack, but for some reason, this high-level zombie did not give priority to Jian Yue or Gu Xiaoming, who had higher levels of abilities, but focused on other people with abilities.

For this supernatural person, he couldn't dodge the fast high-level zombies, so he was caught straight.

After regaining her senses, Jian Yue immediately controlled the metal needle and flew away rapidly.

The zombie's attention was all on the "food", and he didn't find the flying metal needle, which pierced his head from the eye socket.

"Remember to dig the crystal nucleus." Jian Yue reminded.

The captured supernatural beings were not in danger of their lives. They were just bitten by ordinary zombies and couldn't die, but even if the wounds healed, they would still leave ugly scars.

This little episode reminded everyone, no one dared to be careless.

Gu Xiaoming took the time to rush to the back and shouted: "How much is the supply short?"

Zhou Youan was not around, and Chen Yun was the only one to help, so the work efficiency was too low.

It is normal to encounter all kinds of emergencies when going out, but Gu Xiaoming still feels that this place is a bit unlucky, and anyone who comes here will be unlucky.

"There are many more." It was Chen Yun who answered.

They haven't finished moving a single warehouse, but there are two warehouses here.

"Hurry up!" Gu Xiaoming urged.

At the same time, observe the situation of everyone, if you can persist, you can continue, if you can't persist, you can only retreat.

Although the supplies are good, you have to take them with your life. I just finished preaching to others, so I can't slap myself in the face.

The injured man has retreated to rest, and his current condition is not suitable for fighting.

Suddenly, there was a bird song in the sky.

In the last days, hearing a bird cry is a novelty. Almost everyone looked up at the sky, only to see a black shadow hovering in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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