Doomsday: Don't bother me with salted fish

Chapter 728 Find a way to find a car

I walked with fear, not because I was afraid of zombies, but because I was afraid of meeting those two cars again.

They didn't even know where they were, so the two cars naturally couldn't find them. They drove all the way until dark, but couldn't find their way back, so they could only find a place to rest on the side of the road.

Not too bad luck, I found an abandoned house to live in, it was a bit broken, the roof was still leaking, but there was no better place around, so I had to make do with it.

A few people thought that the night might not be peaceful, but they didn't expect that it would rain cats and dogs at three o'clock in the middle of the night.

The sudden explosion of thunder was louder than the explosions during the day, instantly waking everyone up.

The place where they rested was a one-story house, and many tiles were broken. It was raining heavily outside and light rain inside.

The glass on all sides of their car was almost completely broken, and it was really precarious.

What a terrible word.

Worried that the car would be damaged by the rain, they had to remove the gate, and carefully expanded the area to drive the car in to avoid the rain.

Several backpacks were also torn to pieces, covering important places in the car.

In the end, the four people and a dog huddled together in a corner that didn't leak much rain, listening to the sound of thunder and rain outside, feeling extremely helpless.

"Isn't it raining in the last days? Why did it suddenly rain so heavily? The car couldn't drive, and we got lost again. How should we go back to the base?" Tan Qian was helpless.

"Who said it won't rain in the last days?" Tan Zhewen retorted.

Zheng Yue interrupted the two of them: "Let's rest first, wait until dawn, maybe the rain will stop after dawn. Go to sleep, I will continue to watch the night."

Watching the night is also a lonely one. He can't hear anything strange at all, so he can only go out to soak in the rain, and use the light from the lightning to observe the movement around him, but the rain curtain affects his eyesight too much, so he can't see far.

After a difficult night, several people finally waited until dawn, but unfortunately the heavy rain did not stop after dawn.

It fell with a clatter, like sea water buckling upside down.

Tan Qian stood by the window, watching the rain drip down the tiles.

Tan Zhewen, Tan Sheng and Zheng Yue are discussing ways.

They can't leave now, once the rain damages some of the electronic components in the car, they will be out of the car altogether.

The supplies they brought were not enough. With Tan Qian here, they could eat less and drink more water, so they could endure for a few more days, but they were not sure when the rain would stop, so they had to find a way to save themselves.

"I'll go out and find a way to get a car back." Zheng Yue suggested.

He always felt that it was his own fault, which caused everyone to suffer, and he had to do something.

Tan Zhewen retorted: "Suppose you are lucky enough to find the car and there is still gas in the car, are you sure you can open the door? Are you sure the car can still start?"

Zheng Yue thought for a while and said: "It shouldn't be difficult to open the door. Jian Yue can make a matching key out of metal to open the lock. I'll make a key out of wood. It shouldn't be difficult. It might be a bit troublesome to start it. I need someone to help push it." car."

It is difficult for him to do this alone. I don't know how Jian Yue can do it alone. I have to admire it.

Tan Zhewen thought it was impossible, but he didn't expect Zheng Yue to have a solution to the problem.

"Try first if you can use your wooden key to open the door of our car." Tan Sheng suggested.

If Zheng Yue can do it, he can try to find a car.

"Okay." Zheng Yue agreed.

He usually only uses vines or wooden thorns to make them the way he wants, usually very simple, making keys is not easy, but he has to try, he can't just be stuck here like this.

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