Doomsday: Don't bother me with salted fish

Chapter 801 There shouldn't be much danger

It hit the ground, dust was flying, and several people covered their noses and hid aside.

Jian Yue chopped off the branches again and again, and asked Zhou Youan to put the tree into the space.

Some thicker branches were also taken into the space by Zhou Youan. Although I don't know what they are useful for, the space is still empty, so let's put them away first.

"With this tree here, there shouldn't be much danger around here." Jian Yue said.

Gu Xiaoming nodded, but the interior of the village was obviously not suitable for living, the houses and grounds were badly damaged, so he could only make do with the dozen or so houses outside.

Several people went out and joined the crowd outside.

The night was really as safe as Jian Yue predicted, except for two zombies who wandered in, there was no other danger.

At dawn in the morning, everyone set off to leave.

They took all the provincial roads along the way. In some areas, the provincial roads are spacious and flat, while in some areas, the provincial roads are narrow, winding, and even rugged.

There are also blockages in some areas. If it can be cleaned up, it will be cleaned up, and if it cannot be cleaned up, it will be detoured.

High speeds are definitely not acceptable, especially at high-speed intersections, where congestion and a large number of zombies are likely to gather, and high-speed roads are not as flexible as provincial roads.

Altitude or rail were not included in their selection at first.

For this operation, they also brought a lot of military equipment, which can accurately locate their position and have the most detailed map, but they cannot use satellites to observe the surrounding situation.

They did bring a drone, but the flying distance of the drone is limited, and it will be attacked by zombies or mutant animals. After this kind of thing is damaged, it cannot be produced under the current conditions, so save as much as you can.

They will not get lost, but they will have to divert, detour, and sometimes even go back to the original point due to various road conditions, wasting time and fuel.

After going through it a few times, Gu Xiaoming would let people explore the road ahead of time, and Jian Yue's motorcycle was requisitioned.

At noon that day, everyone had a meal and rest, and the vehicle also needed to cool down.

The high temperature continues. According to last year's experience, I am afraid it will be hot for a while.

Taking advantage of the rest, Gu Xiaoming sent someone out to explore the way.

Not long after, the Pathfinder returned with sad news.

The bridge ahead was broken, not sure how, but it was a long way off and they couldn't get across.

This news made Gu Xiaoming frown.

If there is a detour, there are only two options, one is to go around a long way, and it will pass through three more villages and towns, and the other needs to go through the suburbs of the county. Now the zombies are starting to spread, and the number of zombies in the suburbs cannot be underestimated.

No matter how you choose, the difficulty is not small.

The best choice in Gu Xiaoming's mind was not a detour, but Jian Yue. He didn't understand mechanics or architecture, but he wanted Jian Yue to give it a try. After all, when building a bridge, a steel structure is needed. If Jian Yue can repair this part and lay steel plates on it, maybe it can pass.

They don't need a huge load, they can pass by on foot, and the truck will ask Zhou You'an to use the space to transport them to the other side. The more Gu Xiaoming thinks about it, the more he feels that this idea is feasible, and immediately decides to find Jian Yue.

Gu Xiaoming went to the RV to find Jian Yue, and after briefly explaining the situation, he invited Jian Yue to go to the front to see the situation.

Jian Yue didn't refuse, and drove forward in their own truck.

The branches of the mutated tree that had been cut off were used reasonably. One of the four corners of the rear compartment of the truck was fixed with a branch with lush branches and leaves, which could play a certain sunshade effect.

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