After dawn, Jian Yue took a simple bath, had a casual breakfast with everyone, and then set off.

Knowing that everyone didn't have a good rest and their emotions were not high, Gu Xiaoming arranged a rest in advance at noon.

Jian Yue asked Zhou Youan to bring out some mutated fish and mutated snake meat to improve the food for everyone. Someone in the team was injured and needed some good nutrition supplements.

The mutated wolf meat was also edible, but Jian Yue didn't take it because she was afraid of affecting their emotions.

After eating a big meal at noon, I rested for a while in the afternoon before continuing on my way.

So far, their journey has been more than half, and they are not far from Haishi. According to the current speed, they will arrive in Haishi in about a month.

Before the end of the world, it would take less than a day to get there from Huishi to Haishi by taking the high speed, but now it takes a month, and it is still under smooth conditions.

This time, Gu Xiaoming deliberately chose a detour and chose a town with a relatively large population. He wanted the supplies in the town, but there was not much food and fuel and needed to be replenished.

Along the way, Jian Yue and Zhou You'an had already subsidized them a lot of supplies, which made him feel a little sorry. Without them, the journey would have been even harder.

In the evening, when everyone came near the town, they saw wandering zombies from a distance.

The convoy rushed all the way into the town before stopping. Jian Yue jumped out of the car and started chopping zombies. She hadn't hacked zombies to her heart's content for a while. Long-term inactivity would make people lazy, and she needed high-intensity exercise.

The town's population will not be too dense, and it stands to reason that there will be no powerful zombies, so Jian Yue didn't erect a fence to protect everyone's safety.

Facing danger at the right time can stimulate their potential instead, and blindly protecting them is what harms them.

Except for Jian Yue and Zhou You'an, the rest of the people were the same as usual, except for the metal and earth superpowers, the other supernatural powers used internal supernatural powers to attack.

Coupled with Gu Xiaoming's full output, it took less than two hours to basically clean up the zombies in the town, and there were some scattered ones.

At this time, it was already dark.

Same as last time, collect materials and hand them over to Jian Yue and Zhou You'an, while the others clean up the zombies in the town, take defensive measures for temporary rest, dig crystal cores, and cook.

They killed a lot of zombies on the way, a lot of crystal nuclei were wasted, and digging for crystal nuclei also took time.

When Jian Yue and Zhou Youan came back after collecting the supplies, dinner was already ready. Today's dinner is relatively simple, with noodles, rice, and a little pickle.

Zhou Youan took some unfinished mutated snake meat that was baked in advance from the space, and also shared some vacuum-packed marinated eggs and ham sausages collected just now, so that everyone could eat as much as possible.

That night, everyone had a good rest. Almost all the zombies in the town were cleaned up, and there were very few roars. The night watchmen only killed two zombies all night.

Early the next morning, the cooks started cooking. Today, they made meat porridge with some green vegetables that were spawned by wood-type supernatural beings.

Those who get up early continue to dig the crystal nucleus, killing so many zombies, it will take time to dig the crystal nucleus.

It was an ordinary morning, but the calm was broken by a slightly arrogant voice.

"Who are you? Dare to come here to grab supplies?"

It was a male voice who spoke. Hearing the voice, he was not too old.

The people who were busy only glanced at the noise, but no one answered. There were about 20 people who came, and there were 40 to [-] of them who were busy. How could these people have the confidence to directly challenge without saying a word? (end of this chapter)

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