Chapter 100 Entering Beizhao Country

Several people rested in the space for two days before coming out of the space. The place where they came out again had already changed to a different country.

Although it looked the same as when they entered the Thorn Forest, they were indeed not in the same country.

In order to prevent the soldiers patrolling the border of Beizhao Kingdom from discovering them, after coming out of the space, several people bowed their waists cautiously, and we walked to the place with more greenery.

The climate here is humid in the south, with lush vegetation, there will be more snakes, insects, rats and ants. The thorn forest is poisonous, so there is no need to worry about these things. It is not necessarily the case outside the thorn forest.

The thorn forest on the side of Beizhao Kingdom is connected with a large miasma forest, because this point was not marked on the map, so after the three of them came out, they almost got caught within an hour after they set off.

Fortunately, Yang Xiuwen discovered it earlier, otherwise they would have to explain everything here.

That's why no one dared to rush into this thorny forest. Although the sun was relatively high and the fog in the miasma forest was not so thick, Yang Yuqing still saw the dense bones.

She was so frightened that she grabbed the second brother's sleeve and refused to move.

"Second brother, bones..."

"It's okay. These people died here because of the poison in the miasma forest. You can see that the bones are all black. This color appears only when the poison is particularly deep." Yang Xiuwen Holding my sister's hand, I squatted down to look at those bones. I don't know how many years I have been dead. It must have been very painful when it was true.

Yang Xiuwen walked in front holding a machete, Yang Yuqing held his hand tightly and walked beside him, Luo Siyu walked behind holding a machete, and looked around from time to time for fear of any accidents , catching them off guard.

Yang Yuqing suddenly felt something approaching them: "Second Brother, it seems that something is coming towards us."

Yang Yuqing also took a knife from the space for self-defense. They were doing it for a while, and several of them were wearing high leather boots, not afraid that snakes and insects would suddenly get into their trousers. Some are scary.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, my second brother and I will protect you." Luo Siyu also found something approaching them, and he almost picked him up to protect Yang Yuqing.

At this time, several people didn't have the energy to pay attention to this, and they just wanted to find that thing that was approaching them quickly.

Yang Xiuwen suddenly heard the sound of something dragging on the ground. When he heard the hiss of a snake spitting out a letter, Yang Yuqing had already spotted a big boa constrictor as thick as a bucket, not far away from them. Far away by the big tree.

"Second brother, the boa constrictor has black and yellow skin." Yang Yuqing's eyes were the best among them. Although it was foggy, she could still see the patterns on the boa constrictor clearly.

"Xiao Yu, be careful, it's poisonous." Yang Xiuwen was a little annoyed that the previous insect repellent drugs were useless to these large snakes.

I have been here for several years, and I have never encountered any particularly large animals, especially pythons, so the insect repellent kits he makes are usually used to get rid of those small insects and snakes, but I forgot that there are such large snakes kind.

"Second brother, why don't we go back? I think this thing is a bit dangerous." Ever since she was a child, Yang Yuqing has been most afraid of this kind of limp animal. Now she is trembling just looking at that snake leg.

Yang Xiuwen nodded when she heard that her sister wanted to go back, but she wanted her to go back by herself. It doesn't look like this thing is so easy to give up. If their smell stays here, I don't know if this thing will How long will you stay here.

Surrounded by miasma in this forest, they can't stay here for too long, even if they take the antidote, there is a time limit.

"No, I don't want to go back alone." Yang Yuqing doesn't want to let the two of them take risks outside here. With her, they can run away anytime and anywhere if there is danger. If he goes in, he will come out when there is danger. , Bringing them in, it will take a little longer than she would have been by her side. In times of danger, even a second can save lives.

In the few seconds they were talking, the snake was less than ten meters away from them. Yang Xiuwen and Luo Siyu looked at each other, and the two of them held the knife in their hands and directly attacked the big mang snake's seven inches.

No matter how big the snake is, its shortcoming is always the same, that is its seven inches.

However, the knives in their hands are all ordinary props, so there is no way to stab the seven inches of the boa constrictor all at once.

Luo Siyu is a smart girl, she can't cut those scales with a sword, she directly went up against the scales and scraped off a large piece of the seven-inch scales of the big mang snake.

The boa constrictor rolled on the ground in pain because the scales fell off the whole snake. Because of its huge size, the effect was comparable to a magnitude [-] earthquake.

Yang Yuqing was so shaken that she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she supported the tree trunk next to her, but she was so frightened by the bones next to the trunk that she almost screamed.

Just before she screamed, she came back rationally, quickly reached out to cover her mouth, and tremblingly took out a sleeve arrow from her own space and tied it to her hand. She wanted to help, but was afraid of accidental injury, just when she was a little When he was struggling, a huge figure suddenly appeared behind him.

The original earthquake effect was even stronger. Yang Xiuwen and the others didn't notice it at all. The huge figure that appeared in addition thought that the effect was created by the boa constrictor rolling.

Yang Yuqing turned around, her heart almost bursting, a big black brown bear was approaching her step by step.

Yang Yuqing quickly changed a few from the space, and brought poisoned arrows, which were used by the second brother for their self-defense.

As long as there is a small wound, the poison inside can poison the enemy or prey.

Yang Yuqing knew that she could not panic or be afraid now, the second brother and the others were too busy to take care of themselves, there was no way to help her, all he could do now was to save himself.

The softest part of the big brown bear is the belly button and the eyes. The belly button is too hard to find, and the eyes are too small. If you open your mouth, it is still a bit difficult for the bow and arrow to hit the mouth.

Yang Yuqing was a little overwhelmed by the current situation, looked at the big tree next to her, stretched out her hand to push away the bones leaning against the big tree, and climbed up the tree with great difficulty relying on the dagger.

At this time, the big brown bear was already very close to her. Yang Xiuwen and the others also discovered the existence of the big brown bear, but now both of them were entangled by the snake, and there was no way to come to help her sister. After finding out that her sister was not there By the side, he was relieved.

She thought her sister had gone back to the space, so she didn't have to worry about her sister's safety outside, but the two of them were hanging.

Before the snake was settled, a big guy appeared. If the two fight, they can still watch from the side, waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman. Now that they are like this, I am afraid that the two of them will have to deal with it. Two big guys.

(End of this chapter)

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