Chapter 14 Patriarch
But it's just a separation of the family. If their family has a network and makes money in the future, those people will definitely post it again. They have to find a way to get rid of that family.

In this era, being an official requires the support of the family, so Yang Zhengsong has no idea of ​​leaving the family.

When Yang Zhengsong brought his two sons to the patriarch's house, all the elders in the village were drinking tea at the ancestral hall.

"Boy Zhengsong, brought his sons Jinwen and Xiuwen to give New Year greetings to the elders." Yang Zhengsong, after bringing his two sons to put down their things, respectfully knelt down and paid New Year greetings to the elders sitting at the top.

"Okay, get up, get up, you just separated, and the family is not rich. We accept the gift, and you can take the things back!" The patriarch happily accepted their big gift, but he didn't plan to keep the things. Next, how was their family divided?Everyone has seen it, and they all want to help them when they are most difficult.

"Grandpa patriarch, aren't these good things? My mother fried some peanuts at home, just for the elders to eat and play with. The eggs here are the eggs laid by the pheasants I caught on the mountain. Si's health is already healed, my mother said, I usually rely on the help of the elders in the village, so I just take a few wild eggs, it's nothing." Yang Xiuwen took out the melon seeds and peanuts wrapped by his mother, Fill the plates on the table.

Because the melon seeds here are usually fried by themselves, Ms. Lu Qingshang dare not take those five-scented or creamy ones, and take all the original flavors, so that the taste will not be so strong.

"You kid, you have to be careful when you go up the mountain, you can save things and don't hurt yourself, you know?" The patriarch saw that he didn't stop his movements. These things are not valuable things, are they?In the autumn, there are on the mountain, so he didn't refuse.

Besides, all the elders in the clan are here, so they don't have to go to the homes of other clan relatives again.

The Yang family will have a reunion dinner every afternoon on the first day of the new year. Each family will take what they have, and then come to the cafeteria to cook and eat together.

The sons and grandsons of the patriarch's family are more promising, so every year the family raises a pig, which is slaughtered at the end of the year, and the whole village will eat the pig-killing rice in the afternoon. After that, the lonely old people in the village can get Half a catty of meat, the rest is for the reunion dinner in the afternoon of the first day of junior high school.

Usually, when children in the village go to the mountains to hunt pigweed, they will send some to the patriarch's house to feed the pig. This is a tradition that has not changed in Yangjia Village for 20 years.

"The patriarch grandpa I know, look, the pheasant eggs are not as big as our domestic eggs, each one is just a little bit, and let the grandma and aunts cook it for the children in the clan tonight, boy , If you don’t have other skills, you can go to the mountains to search for something, so grandpa patriarch can keep these things.” Yang Xiuwen knew what the old patriarch thought, but their family really had nothing else to take out, so we have to do it today The reunion dinner can't be done without something.

The clan has already taken good care of them. If they don't take things, some people will have other ideas. If they follow suit, it will be bad.

Of course, the patriarch also knew this truth, so he accepted it in front of the big guy, thinking that he would subsidize it in private at that time, and their family would order something else.

His heart is even more irritated, which is why he pays special attention to this family because there are so many difficult people in the family.

It's a close relative, and it's also because Yang Laosan is very good at life and never fixes anything that makes it difficult for him to do.

"Grandpa patriarch, the autumn harvest is not good this year. I go up the mountain a lot. There is a situation that I find strange. You have more knowledge than I do. I want to ask, is there any special meaning?" Since Yang Xiuwen knew After the drought, I kept thinking about how to help these villagers?

"Oh, boy Xiuwen, if you have something to say, let everyone listen to it." The patriarch knew that this kid had followed the old hunter up and down the mountains and rivers since he was a child, so he knew a lot. This was the first time he heard this kid was embarrassed.

"Isn't there a shortage of harvest last year? Many things in the mountain did not go out. When I entered the mountain, I found that the prey had gone in. There were not many left on the periphery and they were all skinny. There were many trees in the mountain. They are all gone, and the water in the pools is getting less and less, and some of them are relatively shallow, and all of them have dried up!" Yang Xiuwen told the patriarch and the others about the situation in the child's memory mountain.

The more the patriarch heard, the more solemn his face became. Generally, there must be a catastrophe in this situation. Every time there is a catastrophe, animals will predict it before humans.

"Is it still like this until you go in before the Chinese New Year?" the patriarch frowned and asked.

"Yes, it's even more serious. Does the patriarch grandpa know about the pool at Yezhupo?" Yang Xiuwen nodded, and turned to see that everyone was also dignified.

"I know, that pool is very deep. I used to play there when I was young, and it never dried up there." The patriarch was born and raised here, and Yezhu Slope was also the place where he played when he was a child.

"It's almost dry, and the rest of the water doesn't reach the feet. Before the Chinese New Year, my little girl had a fever. I thought about going there to see if there were any fish? There was a thin layer of ice on it. Cut through the ice and reach down, there is only a little bit of bottom left in the water, not to mention fish, not even a fry." Yang Xiuwen learned from his memory that the child has been worried since he went to the pool, But because he was so busy with family affairs, he almost forgot about it.

"What? Are you going to do it? Xiuwen boy, are you sure?" The patriarch stood up excitedly, grabbed Yang Xiuwen's shoulder, and looked at his face seriously.

"Yes, patriarch grandpa can find two uncles and uncles, and go to see it with me now. The snow has not been very heavy these two days, and there is only a thin layer of ice on it." Yang Xiuwen nodded solemnly, he must A reminder to those in the family.

"Sixth, Seventh, take Xiuwen boy with you now, you must look carefully, this is related to the fate of the family." The patriarch turned his head to look at the two young guys who were setting up the stove, and waved. let them come over.

"Understood, Uncle Patriarch." These two seem to be young, but they are senior, one twenty, one 23, Yang Xiuwen has to call these two uncles.

The two picked up the machetes in the ancestral hall and followed Yang Xiuwen out.

The people in the ancestral hall are already the majority of the clan, and everyone stretched their necks, waiting for the three of them to come back, and they lost all interest in chatting, just like that, waiting eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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