Chapter 182 System Fragmentation
Yang Yuqing quickly ran out of the space and found the cabinet Luo Siyu was talking about. After opening it, she found the fragment in the cabinet.

That piece was much bigger than the one they just sold.

After taking the fragments, he went back to the space, but no matter how much he researched, he couldn't find out what kind of material it was made of?

But when she got the fragments, the system gave her a reminder.

[Host, my God, why did you get another piece of system fragment, put it up and sell it quickly. 】The system is a little eager.

"Is there anything else about the system that you didn't tell me, why are you so eager to sell it every time you get the fragments?" Yang Yuqing always felt very strange, the manifestation of pain was really unbelievable.

Knowing that this thing is unstable, you can get it without using it and want to sell it immediately.

[Host, this thing will absorb our energy. As long as it is close to the system, it will absorb the useful energy in the system for its own use. The host has no effect. We are all desperately upgrading. If the energy is absorbed, we will not be able to upgrade. up.

I am a system, and a complete system, and I don’t need to deceive the host to achieve my own goals, so please rest assured, I will not do anything that harms your family or other people. 】The system is also a little helpless, he really doesn't want his energy to be absorbed.

"Okay, there's no danger, so let's do it like this. You don't need to use this thing, just put it up and sell it." Yang Yuqing also felt that she was too suspicious when she heard his explanation.

Then give it to him directly, and don't pay attention to it anymore. Her gold coins are those obtained from the fragment she just sold, and this one. Gold coins and points can also be used in this system. He A certain transfer experience is not required.

"Qingqing, is that fragment useful? What?" Luo Siyu didn't know what a daughter-in-law's stuff could do?What can such a piece of black paint that cannot be distinguished from the material be used for?
"Let the system be sold to me. It is the fragments that those who need to repair the system in Wanjie Mall need. Our system is complete and does not need to be repaired, so he and we don't need this fragment. The only person here can It’s just what Qin Yulan’s broken system needs, so in order not to be used, I just sell it, and it’s over.” Yang Yuqing explained the situation to him.

She secretly decided that if she sold the fragment, then she could pick some things that could be used by Luo Siyu on Wanjie Mall.

After all, these two fragments were obtained from him, so it is necessary to buy him something.

"Sell it if you don't need it, so as not to be snatched away by others." Luo Siyu felt that selling it was safer, after all, they didn't know any tricks they didn't know?
So it's safer to sell it.

This time Yang Yuqing wanted to witness with her own eyes how the price of this thing was raised.

For the next half an hour, Yang Yuqing doubted her life. The little thing had just been put on it, and someone became a monk immediately, as if waiting there.

Yang Yuqing's guess was right, these people were waiting here, and luckily they just arrived, they saw the small one, and when they arrived, there was a big one, which was a pleasant surprise.

Yang Yuqing was frightened by the frenzied bids that followed. A businessman who made a bid unexpectedly increased the price by 10 times at once, and continued to add more frantically afterwards.

Yang Yuqing felt that her heart couldn't take it anymore, so she quickly withdrew and left all the follow-up matters to the system.

Seeing that Luo Siyu had almost recovered, he took him out after feeding him.

He can't disappear for too long, these people outside will mess up.

At this time, Luo Siyu realized that his head would not be cold. After touching it with his hand, he found that his hair had grown back, and it was almost the same as before.

"My hair, why did my hair grow out, Qingqing, what did you use for me?" Luo Siyu looked at his daughter-in-law expectantly, sorry, and wanted to know the answer.

"Oh, I used [-] points to buy a recovery pill in the system, and it seems to work well, so it looks exactly the same as before."

Yang Yuqing took him out of the space, and it was almost dawn after all this tossing. Yang Yuqing simply stopped sleeping, changed her clothes and came out of the room.

It should be the coldest time when the sky is slightly bright, so she specially ordered an extra woolen cloak.

When Yang Yuqing came out, there were already people on the deck.

"Father, why are you kicked out by my mother so early?"

"You stinky girl, you can't expect me to order, and I didn't offend you, how could I be kicked out, how is Xiaoyu?" Yang Zhengsong gave the little girl a look, this little padded jacket is always leaking.

It's impossible to expect him to order it.

"It's very good. There are many good things in the system. I bought him a elixir in it, and now it looks the same as if he hadn't had surgery before." Yang Yuqing briefly told her father about Luo Siyu's situation.

"By the way, Dad, you go to the system to teach them. Have you seen those people? Or have any of them seen you?" Yang Yuqing, just remembered that Dad is still teaching them on the system. I just don't know if there really are aliens.

"Don't they look like us with one nose and two eyes? Why do you still think about them?" Yang Zhengsong, I really don't know how big this girl's brain is, why is she thinking about something every day? of it.

"Then I thought they were aliens? The aliens must look different from us." Yang Yuqing covered her mouth and laughed. He really wanted to follow his father to see what those people looked like. Kind of.

But the system said that it needed a special program, and he didn't have that permission, so she couldn't see it no matter what.

"Girl, you are already married, and you can no longer be as self-willed as you are at home. It is not so easy to be the mother of a country. No matter what you do in the future, you have to be careful, and you can't put yourself in a dangerous situation. middle.

Our family's kindness to Luo Siyu's life-saving, no matter what, you can sit firmly in this position. Although our family is not as good as their family background, we have to support you. Your father and I can still do it, and you two elder brother.

No matter how far away, the few of us will not let you be wronged. "Yang Zhengsong reached out and hugged the little girl earnestly teaching.

Yang Zhengsong is more doting and guilty about this little girl. After coming here for so many years, it was the girl who took care of them. Now that the girl is married so far away, he is 1 worried.

Now that he is able to let go of the shops in the Great Qin Kingdom, he wants to stay here with his daughter for a longer time, so as to avoid someone who is blind and wants to bully his daughter.

 I have been too busy these two days, so I can't update it, so I can only say sorry to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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