Chapter 32 Routines
Duanmu Xu is the eldest son of the first son, who occupies both the first son and the eldest son. Even the most staid speaker can't say no when he ascends the throne.

The enthronement ceremony was quickly prepared, and Empress Xu ordered the people in the palace garment room to make the dragon robe as early as a month ago.

Everyone knew what the emperor looked like before, and I'm afraid it won't get better in the future. Apart from the emperor, the empress has the most authority in the entire palace. The queen mother has ignored it for more than ten years. Come again.

She has been doing nothing for many years, and the queen is a virtuous person, and she doesn't need to worry about the affairs of the harem, so she simply spent time in the Buddhist hall.

But she only found out about the absurd things her son did recently. After all, there has been a commotion in the palace recently. Although she didn't go into too much detail, it's just that there are some rumors.

Seeing her son like this, she secretly summoned Zhongyonghou. Of course Zhongyonghou also heard the rumors. Although he was angry, he couldn't show it. After all, he was the emperor, and he didn't want his family to suffer with him.

The reason why the Empress Dowager summoned him was to let the Jiang family die of illness before the emperor. The old empress dowager was also a good person, and of course she knew that Zhongyong Hou was unhappy, so she directly spread the word that the Jiang family had eloped with her lover, and was directly thrown into a mass grave after death.

She did this only to appease the queen's anger, to maintain the Duanmu family's power, so that she could have the face to meet the late emperor after her death.

The old queen felt that she was a virtuous and virtuous person all her life, and the former emperor also worked hard to govern and keep himself clean. Why did she have such a son?

Duanmuxu went back to the capital, and the fifth prince directly handed over Liu Jinqiao and the others to be with them. In the past half a year, he had seen their strength and intelligence, which completely exceeded his experience over the years. .

In this way, Duanmuxu handed over the place of Changping to his own brother, and future sister-in-law and in-laws with great peace of mind.

Although Liu Jinqiao didn't admit that he was the fifteenth prince, it was true that he owned the unicorn jade pendant, and it was true that he had found the destined person. Therefore, even if he didn't want to admit it, Duanmu Xu couldn't just let him go. Just use official positions to lock them all up.

It only took Yang Jinwen and the others half a year to directly end the two-year stalemate with King Yu.

Yang Jinwen was a little annoyed, how could Duanmuxu set him up for this trip? After the battle here, he had to clean up the battlefield, and after cleaning up the battlefield, he had to clean up the remnants of the soldiers, and then he had to return to Beijing to return to his life. I don't know how long it will take to return to Yangjiacun even after being delayed back and forth.

The parents at home couldn't wait for them to go back, so they didn't know how worried they were.

Duan Muxu did not directly let his younger brother take charge of the military order, but let the older Yang Jinwen lead the army. Liu Jinqiao became the deputy general, Yang Xiuwen was the military doctor, and Yang Yuling became the assistant of her second brother. It's clear.

Yang Yuling still disguised herself as a man, and at night she shared a tent with her second brother, and nothing went wrong for the past six months.

After tidying up King Yu, they began to clean up the mess left by King Yu. From Pingxing to Changping, if they were just ordinary generals and lieutenants, they wouldn't have to work so hard. An imperial decree was given to them, asking them to clean up the mess along the way and report the situation in real time.

Duanmuxu knew that this road was definitely ravaged by King Yu, otherwise there would not be so many refugees in the capital, and it has been appeased a lot, and there are still a steady stream of refugees pouring into the capital.

Xu Guozhang took out some silver taels from his private treasury to give to the refugees, and sent them food and silver taels for them to go back to their hometowns. Someone is already rectifying the cities along the way, and I believe they will be able to go home after they go back.

The traces of the war can be cleaned up, but they can't clean up natural disasters. After all, there is a large area of ​​land in Binh Province that is dry, which is caused by the weather, not man-made, so they can't clean up.

However, relying on their knowledge and wisdom to help them find water sources is still possible, but in this weather, if it does not rain, no matter how many water sources are used up, what will be done then?
After they cleaned up King Yu, they found that King Yu's granary was empty. Even King Yu himself only drank porridge. There is nothing to be harvested, and there is still a lot of food that can last until now, which they snatched regardless of the safety of the people.

Liu Jinqiao and the others walked around only to find that King Yu's fief was almost empty, and the whole city was dead. The streets were depressed, and the shops were closed. The situation was much worse than they had imagined.

Countless people died of starvation before, and some were even beaten to death because of food being robbed.

King Yu's crimes are too numerous to list. Yang Jinwen thought of a more reliable method for Duan Muxu, so that those people would return to their original homes, and the next three years would be tax-free, and the county government would provide the seeds for free.

If more people in the village died, then the fields of those families without relatives would be allocated fairly by the village chiefs in the village.

Yang Jinwen distributed all the weapons collected from King Yu that could be used, and those that were broken and useless were all sent to the designated blacksmith shop to be turned into handfuls of farm tools.

The blueprints drawn by Yang Jinwen are all modern farm tools that are light and easy to use, which not only saves a lot of pig iron, but also improves efficiency.

Liu Jinqiao saw all this in her eyes and kept it in her heart, and she would have to ask Duan Muxu for credit.

Due to the drought, the land has hardened. Using the original wooden sledge plow to plow the land, the cows struggled, and sometimes they couldn’t plow it. Yang Jinwen drew a few iron rakes to plow it out, and asked people to put water on the plow before plowing. , Soak the ground for two days, and teach the villagers to split the larger bamboo in half, and remove the interlayers in the middle, so that only a few bamboos are needed to connect the big end to the small end, and the water on the mountain can be easily drained. Lead down the mountain.

Stopping and stopping along the way, it only took a month to go home, but they walked for almost a year. In some places, there were no people at all, the land was deserted, and the houses collapsed. When there is no one, they will erect a wall at the entrance of the village and put up a sign explaining the situation here.

If someone came back, or wanted to live in these deserted villages, the county magistrate had to ask someone to come over and tear off the seal before tearing down the wall.

The Yang Jinwen brothers and sisters experienced disasters for the first time. Whether it was drought or war, the people suffered the most. Where did they experience this in modern times?When passing through those villages at first, I felt a little panicked.

Yang Yuling even felt that some places were similar to the haunted houses filmed on TV.

(End of this chapter)

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