Chapter 37 Calculation
Mrs. Yang has been used to being arrogant all her life at home, and she can't do the work of being a slave at all, let alone being reprimanded by others for being a slave. How can she bear this kind of thing?
And they had just been driven back from the south of the Yangtze River like bereaved dogs, and she was absolutely not happy to let her old bones run around again.

The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved when I think that because of this girl's film, they have to go all the way to the south of the Yangtze River.

Mrs. Yang had never suffered such a disadvantage in her life, and the more she thought about it, the worse she became, when she suddenly remembered that this girl was already eighteen, and if there hadn't been the previous famine, she should have already been blamed.

It just so happens that she is back now and has settled down. This girl is pretty, and she might be able to sell for a good price. By then, she won't have to worry about the house and land.

Yang Yurong instantly felt as if she was being stared at by a poisonous snake, her back felt cold, and she looked up to see the old woman's eyes staring at her, which made her feel very terrified.

Yang Yurong suddenly remembered her own sister back then, and the old lady stared at her sister with such eyes back then. Not long after, her sister was sold to the stupid son of the village head of Shenjia Village, and she was exchanged for money for her elder brother to marry a wife. .

Yang Yurong broke out in cold sweat instantly, she can't stay at home anymore, otherwise she will be sold by this old woman for a good price, she really wants to marry Lord Hou.

Over there, Yang Jinwen took his family on the road to Prince Yu's Mansion. The group took three carriages, Yang Jinwen took Liu Jinqiao and Liu Dexin's son Liu Jianuo, and Yang Lei of the same clan took a car, and they opened the way at the front.

Yang Zhengsong took his wife and daughter in one, and Yang Xiuwen took the other three young men from the village in one.

These three mainly wanted to follow Yang Xiuwen to learn how to deal with trauma, so a few people took the same car, and Yang Xiuwen could teach them some basic medical knowledge from the moment they got in the car.

Prince Yu's Mansion is in the provincial capital of Ping Province. It takes three days of carriage to get there from the village. This is the provincial capital, and the situation is much better than their county. After half a year of recovery, many shops have opened. Although there are still relatively few items, it is already very good if there is something to sell.

The grain store doesn't have any grain to sell yet, but they already have two or three types of beans, some salt, and tobacco leaves that are more resistant to drought.

The street near Prince Yu's Mansion is the busiest street in the provincial capital, and now this street is also the place with the most shops.

Among them, there are seven with the Xu family's signboard. Among them, those that sell food, rouge and gouache, silk and satin, gold and silver jewelry, and even teahouses have opened up. The property of Prince Yu's Mansion is now taken over by Yang Jinwen.

Although he had a lot of things in his hand, he hadn't come here before and didn't know the situation here, so he didn't ask someone to set up the shop first.

The new emperor wants to give the Prince Yu Mansion and the entire property belonging to King Yu to the two brothers Yang Jinwen. Of course, he also remembers his own brother, but what he thinks is that this place has been ruined by King Yu. , It is not suitable for my younger brother.

But no matter what, Prince Yu's mansion is still a palace?It was built according to the configuration of the prince, and they dared not take it for Yang Jinwen and his brothers.

In the end, Prince Yu's Mansion, which no one wanted, was still given to Liu Jinqiao. After all, he is also a prince, and this configuration can be used as a palace for him.

The first thing the new emperor did when he ascended the throne was to publicly announce the various crimes committed by King Yu in the past few years.

King Yu's crime was much more serious than that of the seventh prince. He was given poisoned wine on the spot and all his property was confiscated.

The emperor's move shocked the remaining younger brothers who were a little ready to move.

Everyone knows well that even though they are imprisoned, they will definitely not live for long, either dying of illness or committing suicide, this has always been the rule.

The Jiang family was still sitting happily with their daughter, who dreamed of becoming a queen, but who knew that a decree came down and knocked their whole family into a daze.

Zhongyonghou Mansion first reported that Mrs. Hou had eloped with her cousin, and then it was reported that the two sons of the King of Chu were not from the King of Chu, but were born to the daughter of the Jiang family, Huo Langong. Originally there were two other officials in the imperial court, but they were all dismissed at once and sent to prison.

In an instant, the reputation of Jiang's daughter yindang spread throughout the capital. Those who talked about marriage with Jiang's family before all went to divorce. This family even dared to give a green hat to the emperor. Ordinary people like them can't afford it. .

The Taishanghuang who had already had a stroke heard that when his sweetheart eloped with her cousin, his whole body was numb and unable to move. When the imperial doctor came, he checked and found that the Taishanghuang was even more serious. He still had half of his body before. I was able to move a little bit, but now I was completely paralyzed, only blinking and drooling.

Empress Xu no, it should be Empress Dowager Xu now, she is quite surprised, this man is still excited because of that woman, it seems that his true love is undoubtedly, but I don't know if he knows that his true love is dead, he will even be killed. What kind of mood would it be to throw a corpse in a mass grave?
Empress Dowager Xu wanted to see him dying, so she came here. Since the new emperor ascended the throne, she has never set foot in the palace where the Supreme Emperor lives. Everything here is handled by the chief eunuch.

When the Supreme Emperor Duanmu Qiwei saw Empress Dowager Xu, fluctuations flashed in his eyes, but he couldn't do anything now, and Empress Dowager Xu did not notice this fluctuation.

Empress Dowager Xu sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Duanmu Qiwei who was drooling, and said slowly: "Do you really want to know where that woman surnamed Jiang has gone? In fact, I came here today with good news, and I want to tell you , I have known this good news for almost 20 years, and I suddenly feel very good today, so I want to share it with you. Would you like to hear it?"

Duanmu Qiwei seemed to want to say something, but the only thing he could say was um, and he was drooling as if he was drooling, but he couldn't say anything else.

"Actually, as early as a few years ago, I found out that Duanmu Ling is not my son. At that time, I felt stupid. I didn't know that my son was replaced, but because I have you for comparison. , so I think I'm still at the level of ordinary people? It's just that I'm in a really good mood today, so I just want to see your joke. I'm going to take this matter into the coffin, but now I don't want to, I want to You take it into the coffin.

Hahaha, you know what?As early as when you were fifteen, I gave you the medicine to kill children, so after you were fifteen, no child was born in the palace, but why did that woman have a child?At first I was quite puzzled, I thought that the time when you were bothered was before I was fifteen, but looking at the date of fifteen's birth, and then looking at that bastard, is it clear at a glance?Hahaha, do you think you are much more stupid than me? You have been cheated for 20 years. Empress Dowager Xu smiled and watched him struggle but couldn't control his actions, thumping like a dying fish, and felt extremely happy.

 The third update, more than 6000, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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