Chapter 39 Hot Pot
After Yang Yuqing sent her parents back home, she followed her sister to continue the work at hand. The two of them were already finishing the work, but their heads were still buzzing when they saw those account books.

The accountant of Prince Yu's Mansion should have come in through connections. The writing of this word is really ugly, there are many, if you don't read it carefully and write it yourself several times, you don't even know what it is?

Feeling her head was about to explode, Yang Yuqing raised her head to look at her sister: "I think I need quick-acting heart-rescuing pills."

"Go away, finish the rest quickly. Now when I think of my parents eating hot pot, my saliva is almost pouring into the book." Yang Yuling kicked the chair where her sister was sitting and urged her to hurry up. work.

Although she used to eat boiled meat in order to maintain her figure, she hasn't touched hot pot for several years since she came here. I'm going to start thinking about it.

Only in the past two years did I discover that his elder brother had this problem of random thoughts.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Yang Yuqing closed the account book, picked up the water glass next to her and took a big sip of happy water. There are plenty of these things in the warehouse next to their house, but she only takes them out occasionally to satisfy her cravings. That's all.

"Well, then you can get this one, I still have half of this one left in my hand." As soon as Yang Yuling heard that her sister's was ready, she quickly threw the remaining account book in front of her, and told her to hurry up. help.

She only now realizes that without the help of a computer, how tedious and tiring it is to clear the account book, and it can make people dizzy.

Yang Yuqing reluctantly took the account book and continued to work hard, and she also wanted to go back to eat hot pot soon.

"By the way, sister, what do you think of that Liu Jinqiao? You are all so old, are you going to get married according to this era?" Yang Yuqing suddenly remembered that there was another person in the family.

"I don't have that idea for the time being, I'm only sixteen, okay? If I was 27 before, my mental age now adds up to more than [-]. Let me go to a kid like Huo Huo, I really can't do it. "Yang Yuling is real, and she feels more and more unable to do anything, how can this child grow up and look better?
Even going to the barracks didn't make his image worse.

"But if the little cabbage that I have raised for several years is raped by other pigs, do you feel reconciled?" Yang Yuqing still doesn't know what her sister is thinking?
Sister-brother love was very common in their time. Although he had never seen it here, he had heard of it. The younger brother of Aunt Liu Ye and her mother's family from the patriarch's grandfather's family married a child bride, and that child bride was more expensive than her younger brother. Four or five years older.

"Of course I'm not reconciled, but looking so good-looking is also a trouble, and according to the current situation, this is a decent prince, powerful and rich and good-looking, do you think this can be relied on?" Yang Yuling actually It's also quite worrying, after getting along with her for several years, she still likes this little cabbage, and she won't be reconciled if it is raped by other pigs.

"So, since you are not reconciled, you have to do it yourself. In fact, I don't think you need such a big psychological burden. After all, according to the calculation here, you are only sixteen now, and he is almost nineteen, older than you Two and a half years old." Yang Yuqing felt that it was unnecessary for her sister to worry about this.

However, this book seems to have deviated to a corner now. First of all, the people in their village did not go out to escape famine, and all stayed around their village safely.

Afterwards, her brother didn't save that Lord Hou again, and it was said that Lord Hou was ill after that, and he began to get better after being ill for several months, and then the root cause of the disease fell. According to the news that came over, the hero of the original text has been abolished.

Uh, it feels a bit outrageous, isn't there a halo of a male lead?Why is it so easy to waste?Halo gone?Still doesn't work?

The male lead is gone, so what about the time-traveling female lead?What about the vicious female partner?I always feel that these people's roles are gone, so this a bit hard to say.

"Smelly girl, what are you thinking? You didn't respond even if you asked." Yang Yuling stretched out her foot and kicked her sister's chair again.

"It's nothing, I just think that the original male protagonist, Xiaohou Ye, is useless. Can this show continue to sing? What about the time-traveling heroine? No one wants to marry a useless person, right?" Yang Yuqing really couldn't help it. imagine.

"It's not just this Lord Hou in the whole capital city, isn't there other princes, little princes and so on? It should be possible to change the heroine of time travel, right! And the main choice of Shuangwen routines are those who are full of bastards. The male protagonist, let’s have a look at the capital and talk about it later!” Yang Yuling didn’t think this was a problem?
"Now the most domineering person in the entire capital should be the new emperor, right? He hasn't married a wife yet, uh, isn't he? He won't really choose the new emperor, right? If she finds out, our vest, Will she use her power to attack us?" Yang Yuqing suddenly became a little worried.

It has been a few years since I came here. Although I haven't seen power for a long time, I have a little timidity in my heart after I have a positive understanding of the saying that the first level of officials crushes people to death.

"That's for the future. If she really finds out that she is hostile to us, then destroy her climb up the ladder of power before she takes power. Isn't that all right?" Yang Yuling has acted for many years and also watched She wrote a lot of scripts, can she really say that she is not surprised by such a thing?

Moreover, she has always been an optimist. The so-called boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so there is no need to worry so much. Now that their brother has an official position, and her child husband who has been raising her for several years, her status is there. It can still be used when needed.

"It can only be like this, but I still think it's best not to meet her. I just want to live a normal life and don't want trouble. After all, anyone who gets involved with the hero and heroine may get into big trouble." Although Yang Yuqing I chatted with my sister there, but the movements and eyes in my hands never stopped. Soon, she finished the book that my sister brought over.

Yang Yuling was a little dumbfounded watching her collect the book and wash the pens in one go. The book she just threw to her sister was not sorted at all. Why hasn't she finished the remaining half of this book?My sister has already dealt with the whole book.

"Are science students really that sensitive to numbers?" Yang Yuling suddenly questioned her sister.

"Uh, in fact, practice makes perfect for me, believe it or not?" Yang Yuqing was still trying to struggle, and she blamed her elder brother for saying that she couldn't let the third sister be idle. Didn't he always know that the biggest headache for the third sister was these numbers? ?This is a good time, and was caught by the third sister.

(End of this chapter)

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